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EU annual budget lifecycle 2021-2027

Explore in detail the different phases of an annual budget or compare them by heading, sub-heading, programme, and sub-programme.

An annual budget is one part of the Union's long-term budget, which provides the limits for spending for at least five years. This interactive chart tracks voted appropriations for the expenditure side of the budget.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for detailed instructions on how to use the chart and download the data. You can also access the documents about the annual budget (adoption, implementation, and accounting and reporting) here. Furthermore, you can download a report summarising the whole budgetary procedure for a given year, which includes descriptions of what happened during that year.

The amounts are for presentation purposes only. Any formal reference to budgetary information should be to official budget documents and reports.

For data related to the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework, see EU annual budget lifecycle 2014-2020.

How to use

The financial data we store is large and has many levels of aggregation, so we have provided three ways (tabs) to look at it:

  • information by political categories (‘OFF MAIN’),
  • information by budget line (‘OFF LBL’) and
  • information by budget line only looking at lines with amounts in reserve (‘OFF RES’).

For each of them, you can use the filters (e.g. year) to select one or multiple values to display. Your current selection is displayed in the blue bar: click on it to modify it, or on the "x" to remove it. Depending on your current selection, not all options in the filter may be available: if it is not possible to select a value, it will appear in a dark grey background.

Under each tab, you can select one of the following views: combined (commitment and payment appropriations), commitment appropriations only, or payment appropriations only.

You can download the data from your current selection using the ‘Download the selected data’ button. You can also download the entire dataset (OFF MAIN, OFF LBL, OFF RES).


You can download the data from your current selection using the ‘Download the selected data’ button. You can also download the entire dataset (OFF MAIN, OFF LBL, OFF RES) below.

General publications14 December 2023

Entire dataset of the Annual Budget Lifecycle of the MFF 2021 - 2027 (OFF MAIN, OFF LBL, OFF RES).


Furthermore, you can download a report summarising the whole budgetary procedure for a given year, like for example Teletab 2021.

Information about the annual budget lifecycle

The lifecycle of the annual EU budget is approximately three years. The budgetary institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, and Council) prepare, discuss, and adopt the annual budget (annual budget procedure) in the financial year n-1. Then, the budget will be implemented in year n. It could also be amendeded during the financial year (n). During year n+1, it is assessed.

The amounts refer to voted commitment and payment appropriations by financial year. They are expressed in million euros in OFF MAIN, and at euro level in OFF LBL and OFF RES.

For the previous programming period, please visit this website.