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The Union of Equality

Equality is a core value of the European Union, enshrined in the Treaties (articles 8 and 10). President von der Leyen made “equality for all and equality in all of its senses” one of the major priorities of her Commission in her political guidelines. Under this Commission, the first ever Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, was appointed.

This Commission has put equality at the heart of its agenda, striving to build a Union of Equality where all people can live free from discrimination. It adopted five Union of Equality strategies in 2020 and 2021 to create the conditions for everyone to live, thrive and lead regardless of differences based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.

In order to build a Union of Equality, the Commission adopted five key strategies:

Union of equality strategies

All Union of Equality strategies include a combination of targeted measures (such as equality legislation or dedicated awareness-raising activities) and mainstreaming equality in other policy areas. They all underline the role of the Task Force on Equality in equality mainstreaming.

In addition to targeted measures and equality mainstreaming, the Union of Equality strategies aim to:

  • collect reliable and comparable data to support evidence-based policy making
  • engage with stakeholders at all levels (at both EU and local level)
  • pay due attention to intersectionality
  • ensure consistency between EU internal policies and external action in third countries
  • invite the Member States to develop national strategies or action plans as well as relay EU equality objectives at national, regional and local levels
  • mobilise EU funds to support measures that promote equality and fight discrimination
  • combat stereotypes
  • commit the Commission to leading by example

As part of the Union of Equality agenda, there have been several key developments as regards EU equality legislative initiatives:

In connection with President von der Leyen’s State of the EU 2023 speech, the Commission published an overview of achievements, including on the Union of Equality, in the period September 2022 – September 2023.