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Competition Policy

Cartels cases and statistics


Searches for published decisions can be carried out under policy area, case number, title and date.

Cartels cases statistics

Cartels cases statistics


Cartels cases documents

View publicly available documents on cartels cases, grouped by year. Documents published prior to the adoption of a Commission Decision appear under the year they are published. Once a Decision is adopted, all documents for that case appear under the year of adoption. Documents include:

1. Non-confidential versions of Decisions adopted by the Commission (including provisional versions)

2. Documents published in the Official Journal of the European Union, including:

  • Summaries of Decisions adopted by the Commission
  • Final Reports of the Hearing Officer
  • Opinions of the Advisory Committee on restrictive agreements and dominant positions

3. Press Releases / Memos / Statements (where available) on:

  • Adoptions of Decisions
  • Adoptions of Statements of Objections
  • Inspections
  • Court judgments

4. Other case-related documentation