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Consumer Alert

Spot scammers looking to profit from Midwest tornadoes

Gema de las Heras
Just as people in Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma, and other Midwestern states are reeling from the catastrophic damage caused by tornadoes and other severe weather, scammers are rolling in. They use all kinds of stories to try to trick not just those doing their best to recover, but also anyone who tries to help. The best way to steer clear of these disaster-chasing scammers? Know what their tactics have in common.
Consumer Alert

Sham charity turns the Big C into a Big Con. Here’s what to know to avoid a cancer charity scam

Larissa Bungo
The pleas pulled at heartstrings — donate now to help women struggling with breast cancer pay their rent or their utilities — and generous people responded. In truth, barely a penny of every dollar donated went to cancer patients. Today the FTC and ten state partners sued the so-called “charity” that lied to donors about helping cancer patients.
Consumer Alert

Giving money to help after the earthquake in Japan? Spot charity scams

Gema de las Heras
Donating is a great way to help people affected by natural disasters like the earthquake that hit Japan on New Years Day. But you know scammers try to take advantage of people recovering, and those who try to help. So, how can you be sure your money goes where it’s needed?

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