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We understand that for a business to last, it must have a fundamental reason for being – which is found in the value it creates not only for shareholders, but for the world. That’s why, for more than 15 years, Walmart has been collaborating with others to drive positive impact across global supply chains. Our focus on climate, nature, waste and people in supply chains has strengthened our business and communities in measurable ways.

See Walmart’s ESG reporting site for more highlights.

Walmart's journey toward regeneration:

Placing nature and people at the heart of our business

Building on more than 15 years of sustainability leadership, we're on a path to becoming a regenerative company.

Regenerating means restoring, renewing and replenishing in addition to conserving. It means adopting regenerative practices in agriculture, forest, and fisheries management – while advancing prosperity and equity for customers, associates and people who participate in our product supply chains. And it means eliminating waste along the product chain and decarbonizing our operations.

The climate and our future

Emissions across global operations by 2040
We plan to hit this goal without carbon offsets by:

Harvesting enough wind, solar and other energy sources to power our facilities with 100% renewable energy by 2035.

We power around 36% of our operations with renewable energy.

Zeroing out emissions from all of our vehicles, including long-haul trucks, by 2040.

Transitioning to low-impact refrigerants for cooling and electrified equipment for heating in our stores, clubs, data centers and distribution centers by 2040.

We're also working with our suppliers to avoid
of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
That's the equivalent of taking over 200 million passenger vehicles off U.S. roads for a year.
Working with our suppliers to avoid a gigaton of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Since 2017, our suppliers report a total of more than 416 million metric tons of avoided emissions.

As temperatures continue rising, climate change is quickly becoming a global climate crisis.

SOURCE: NASA Earth Observatory

The path to zero emissions by 2040

We must all take urgent, sustained action to reverse nature loss and emissions before we reach a tipping point from which we will not recover. People have pushed past the earth's natural limits. Healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature.

Our vision at Walmart is to help transform food and product supply chains to be regenerative, working in harmony with nature - to protect, restore and sustainably use our natural resources.

Kathleen McLaughlin

Executive Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer for Walmart, Inc. and President of the Walmart Foundation.

A focus on nature

Protect, manage or restore at least


acres of land

Protect, manage or restore at least


SQ miles of ocean

by 2030

To help reverse nature loss, along with the Walmart Foundation, we aim to protect, manage or restore critical landscapes by:

Continuing support of efforts to preserve at least one acre of natural habitat for every acre of land we develop in the U.S.
Driving the adoption of regenerative agricultural practices, sustainable fisheries management and forest protection and restoration.
Investing in, and working with, our suppliers to source place-based efforts that help preserve natural ecosystems and improve livelihoods.
We're expanding our forest policy by aiming to source palm oil, beef, soy, pulp, paper and timber 100% deforestation-free by 2025.

Limiting what we waste


We're working toward


in our operations

in key markets

We're working toward 0 waste in our operations in key markets

We're breaking the link between consumption and waste, moving toward a circular economy where materials stay in use instead of being thrown out. We're making progress:
As of 2020, we've diverted 81% of waste from landfill and incineration globally donated 627 million pounds of food in the U.S. alone.
We've conserved nearly 1.6 million acres of land since 2005 in partnership with Acres for America.

We aim to reach


Recyclable reusable or industrially compostable

Private-brand packaging by 2025.

At the end of 2020, 59% of our global private brand packaging was recyclable, reusable or industrially compostable based on supplier reports.

Making people a priority

We're making
the standard by 2026

Underlining the ways our sustainability efforts prioritize people, we aim to source responsibly and promote human dignity.

In FY2021, we sourced more than $13 billion in goods and services from over 2,900 diverse suppliers.
Since 2015, the Walmart Foundation has invested over $40 million to help enhance worker and community voices, promoting fair and responsible labor and recruitment practices in global supply chains.
Since 2018, the Walmart Foundation has invested more than $20 million to strengthen smallholders in farmer producer organizations and farm yields in India.
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