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2023 Sustainability Report
published 2024/08/01

The best energy is the energy not consumed

Energy – nothing runs without it, not in sports and not in business. Saving energy, energy efficiency and renewable energy are what it’s all about.

Why conserving energy is so important

The production, distribution and consumption of energy in its various forms have dire ecological effects. The depletion of limited, non-renewable natural resources like oil, gas or coal has a hugely negative impact on our ecosystems.

As a company, we are responsible for conserving energy and switching to alternative sources such as wind power.


Conflicts and energy waste

The war in Ukraine has made it clear in a way that was unimaginable to all of us until recently, how important the energy revolution and thus independence from fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal and oil is, not only for fighting climate change, but also for peace and democracy.

The more independent we as a company are of these contentious energy sources, the lower our economic risk, but of course also our moral "complicity" in such conflicts.

In addition to its environmental impact, energy consumption also has a significant influence on the company’s profitability: the lower the energy consumption, the lower the costs.


An easy way to save costs

In addition to its environmental impact, energy consumption also has a high impact on the profitability of the company: the lower the energy consumption, the lower the running costs.

It is hard to believe how much power is constantly wasted - for example, for the stand-by operation of electrical devices which is completely unnecessary. Saving electricity means saving money and protecting the climate at the same time. So, pull the plug and switch it off! Read more here.


"Climate neutral" despite energy consumption

All energy consumption results in climate-damaging emissions. These are largely responsible for climate change, which threatens the very existence of mankind. This is why we urgently need to implement the energy system transformation in Germany and globally: higher energy efficiency and the conversion to renewable energy sources!

In order to offset the negative effects of our energy consumption, we have been paying a carbon offset to the myclimate organization for all emissions generated at our company headquarters in Tettnang-Obereisenbach since 2012. This means that the entire VAUDE site in Tettnang-Obereisenbach, including manufacturing, is climate neutral. More information here.


Electricity and heat at VAUDE: 100 % renewable

The efficient use of energy is just as much of a given for VAUDE as the use of renewable energy sources for electricity and heat.

Since 2010 VAUDE has exclusively used electricity from renewable sources. We have also been heating with biogas since 2013. Read more here.

This is why renewable energy accounts for about 75 % of the total energy consumption for VAUDE in Tettnang.

The rest of our total energy consumption is not yet generated from renewable sources. The reason: it constitutes fuel for our company vehicles. More about the transition of our company fleet to electric vehicles here.

Percentage of renewable energy at the VAUE Tettnang location

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The "dip" in the proportion of renewable energy in 2015 and 2016 is due to the fact that lightning struck our production building and our Made in Germany production was temporarily move to a rented facility. The landlord used fossil fuels for electricity and heat. Ever since our VAUDE production is back in our own premises, all machines are working again with 100 % renewable electricity and gas.

The downward "spike" in 2021 should be seen in the context of the Corona pandemic, which led to a sharp drop in fuel consumption in the previous year (2020) - and thus to an increased share of renewables in total energy consumption. This effect has returned to normal since 2021.


Certified energy management

In 2008, VAUDE introduced a business Environmental Management System and has been certified according to EMAS and ISO14001 ever since. Energy management plays a central role in this system: All energy consumption is recorded and evaluated annually.

    From these results, we derive goals and measures. EMAS commits us to a continuous energy improvement process.

    Since 2008, in Obereisenbach, we have been working steadily towards:

    • The steady reduction of energy consumption
    • Conversion of energy to renewable sources

High energy efficiency in our office building

The majority of the buildings at the VAUDE Campus in Tettnang are certified according to the DGNB standard (German Sustainable Building Council).

The building has attained a very high energy efficiency rating due to better insulation, a living roof, floor heating, wooden construction and clever lighting solutions. More about our work environment here.

Voluntary commitment for energy-saving consumables

VAUDE has made internal commitments to keeping upstream energy consumption as low as possible for goods and services that we procure at our headquarters in Tettnang-Obereisenbach.

Here are a few examples:

  • All office equipment such as computers, printers, coffee makers and so on, meet a high energy efficiency standard (minimum: Energy Star; preferred: Blauer Engel).
  • The VAUDE company fleet is in the process of conversion to low-fuel consumption and electric vehicles. More on our company fleet here.
  • The VAUDE canteen is certified organic and offers almost exclusively organic, locally-sourced products. These generally require less energy consumption for cultivation, production and transport.

As a participant of the IHK Energieimpuls-Netzwerk Bodensee-Oberschwaben, we are obliged to increase our energy efficiency. We have set concrete goals to accomplish this – read more at: Our Goals in Detail.

In the past few years, we introduced new energy management software. This enables us to record and evaluate energy consumption according to organizational units, e.g. administration, manufacturing, canteen etc.

Voluntary commitment for energy-saving consumables

Energy consumption within the organization at the VAUE Tettnang location

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The data relates to the VAUDE Administration, Manufaktur and Outlet Store. Due to a correction of the formulas, the data from the last year was also updated here.

Decoupling energy consumption from company growth at the VAUE Tettnang location

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VAUDE's total energy consumption at the company site in Tettnang-Obereisenbach decreased by 9 percent in the reporting year 2022 compared to the previous year (per employee by 14 percent, per ton of production output by 16 percent), despite increased sales and employee numbers! Shocked and motivated by the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, VAUDE has fully focused on energy saving, especially in heating. Read more here. here.

Information about decoupling resource consumption from business growth can be found here. And here you can read more about VAUDE growth.


Energy consumption in the supply chain

Far more energy is consumed in the upstream supply chain in the manufacture of VAUDE products than at the company's headquarters in Tettnang-Obereisenbach. Where our products are manufactured is explained here.

At the same time, we have much less influence over how the issue of energy is dealt with there. They are not our own companies, but independent contractors. Nevertheless, we are working very closely with them - both in terms of human rights and working conditions as well as in terms of environmental protection. We report on how we are trying to meet our responsibilities here.

Next Page

GRI:   3-3
Management of material topics
GRI:   302-1
Energy consumption within the organization
GRI:   302-2
Energy consumption outside of the organization
GRI:   302-3
Energy intensity
GRI:   302-4
Reduction of energy consumption
Initiative Energieeffizienz Netzwerke
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