This Excel file contains early childhood and prekindergarten student enrollment data for all states. The file contains three spreadsheets: total children, male children, and female children.

Metadata Description
Level of Datanational, state
SpatialUnited States  
Data Steward Name Civil Rights Data Collection Team
Data Steward Email [email protected]
Helpdesk Contact Name
Helpdesk Email Contact [email protected]
Data Representation Period - Start Date2011-01-01
Data Representation Period - End Date2012-12-31
Data DictionaryCRDC-Definitions-2011-12.docx
Created June 25, 2020
Metadata Last Updated October 24, 2022
Organization Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Program Code 018:000
LicenseCreative Commons CCZero
Update FrequencyAnnual
Record Schedule  
Bureau Code 018:00
Data Dictionary Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
Data Dictionary FormatDOCX
Data Quality False
Access Level Public
System of Records,information%20and%20documents%2C%20and%20supplementary%20paper%20document%20files.
Unique Identifier54f87e0f-8112-421a-b403-6bf2f39e1105
URL of page containing all Resources