The Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2010 (CSSS 2010), is a data collection that is part of the Campus Safety and Security Survey (CSSS) program; program data is available since 2005 at CSSS 2010 ( was a cross-sectional survey that collected information required for benefits about crime, criminal activity, and fire safety at postsecondary institutions in the United States. The collection was conducted through a web-based data entry system utilized by postsecondary institutions. All postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV funding were sampled. The collection's response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from CSSS 2010 were on the number and types of crimes committed at responding postsecondary institutions and the number of fires on institution property.


The Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2010 (CSSS 2010), is a data collection that is part of the Campus Safety and Security Survey (CSSS) program; program data is available since 2005 at CSSS 2010 (Show more

Metadata Description
Level of Data
SpatialUnited States  
Data Steward Name Ashley Higgins
Data Steward Email [email protected]
Helpdesk Contact Name
Helpdesk Email Contact [email protected]
Data Representation Period - Start Date
Data Representation Period - End Date
Created June 26, 2016
Metadata Last Updated July 19, 2023
Organization Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE)
Program Code 018:000
LicenseCreative Commons CCZero
Record Schedule  
Bureau Code 018:40
Data Quality True
Access Level Public
Unique Identifierd0aebbe2-0ee5-45a6-b7f0-0ee903489eeb