The Private School Universe Survey (PSS) is conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education in order to collect basic information on American private elementary and secondary schools. PSS grew out of a proposal in 1988 to develop a private school data collection that would improve on the sporadic collection of private school data dating back to 1890 and improve on commercially available private school sampling frames. PSS was first collected in the 1989–90 school year, with data collections every 2 years since.


The Private School Universe Survey (PSS) is conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education in order to collect basic information on American private elementary and secondary schools. PSS grew out of a proposal in 1988 to develop a private school data... Show more

Metadata Description
Level of Data
Data Steward Name Stephen Broughman
Data Steward Email [email protected]
Helpdesk Contact Name
Helpdesk Email Contact [email protected]
Data Representation Period - Start Date
Data Representation Period - End Date
Created September 23, 2022
Metadata Last Updated August 2, 2023
Organization National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Program Code 018:000
Record Schedule  
Bureau Code  
Data Quality False
Access Level Restricted-Public
Rights IES uses Restricted-data Licenses as a mechanism for making more detailed data available to qualified researchers. Please request license to access data by submitting an application via the link in "Resources".
Unique Identifiercf8d7fb1-bf25-454d-8248-878b0059db7a