Service-Learning and Community Service in K-12 Public Schools, 1999 (FRSS 71), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at FRSS 71 is a cross-sectional study that was designed to assess the prevalence and support for service-learning programs in K-12 schools across the nation. This study was conducted using surveys of elementary, middle, and secondary/combined school principals. Public elementary schools (200), middle schools (500), and secondary/combined schools (1,300) were sampled. The study's unweighted response rate was 92 percent and the weighted response rate was 93 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 71 were on the prevalence of service-learning activities in K-12 schools.


Service-Learning and Community Service in K-12 Public Schools, 1999 (FRSS 71), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at Show more

Metadata Description
Level of Data
SpatialUnited States  
Data Steward Name John Ralph
Data Steward Email [email protected]
Helpdesk Contact Name
Helpdesk Email Contact [email protected]
Data Representation Period - Start Date
Data Representation Period - End Date
Created May 5, 2003
Metadata Last Updated June 27, 2023
Organization National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Program Code 018:000
LicenseCreative Commons CCZero
Record Schedule  
Bureau Code 018:50
Data Quality True
Access Level Public
System of Records
Unique Identifier0667d3a8-f4c1-4171-86ca-253f41a7fe57