Article VII: Elections

From 501st Legion Databank

Article VII: Elections

1. The offices of LCO, Garrison and Outpost COs, Squad Leaders, and Detachment Leaders are all elected positions in the Legion. All other positions are appointed by their respective supervising official.

2. Active members in good standing are eligible to run for elected office and vote in elections within their currently assigned units.

3. All elected offices serve one-year terms.

4. The office of LCO is elected by majority popular vote of the active members of the Legion. The offices of Garrison and Outpost CO, Squad Leader, and Detachment Leader are elected by majority popular vote of the active members of each respective unit. The voting system is defined in the Operations Protocol.

5. Annual elections are mandatory for every unit, unless an incumbent official stands unchallenged, in which case an election may be waived.

6. In the event a unit commander or leader is unable to continue in their office, that unit must hold an immediate emergency election for a replacement. Units that maintain an executive officer will be under the authority of that executive officer until the completion of the emergency election. If both the commanding officer and the executive officer are unable to serve, the Legion COG will temporarily assume nominal leadership until the completion of the emergency election. If a Squad Leader is unable to continue in their office, the parent Garrison's CO will assume administrative responsibility until the Squad's emergency election is complete. Inability to serve may be determined by either voluntary resignation of the office, or a period of 30 days of unresponsiveness in office after all reasonable means of communication are exhausted.

7. Any unit of the Legion (including the Legion itself) may address egregious problems in leadership by requesting a recall election of the unit's leader. Requests for recall elections must be submitted to Legion Command for consultation, review, and approval before proceeding. Recall elections are not to be used to express dissatisfaction with the results of a properly conducted and legitimate election process (concerns with improperly conducted elections should be forwarded to the Legion COG, and are outside the scope of this provision).