
From 501st Legion Databank

Restored so that we could discuss it.

User Facing Component

  • Replaces / enhances current application page and/or membership db.
  • Used by both members adding new costumes and recruits joining the legion for the first time.
  • Allows users to fill out application including supplying full body front/back/side pictures.
  • Images upload to the server. Max #images / file size at the discretion of web team.
  • Should have a way for the applicant to view his/her status. Maybe a unique URL? Some sort of MD5 hash of some string that gets sent to them via email?
  • Should have a way for the applicant and GML to interact over the course of the approval
  • Should have a way for the applicant to update / replace photos as needed.

GML facing component

  • Application would have the pictures embedded in it, rather than needing to be handled separately.
  • Provide an "escalate" button to flag the costume for advisory team review
  • Restrict GML approval from certain costume types (auto escalate)
    • Requires a flag in the costume category to say whether it's GML or LMO approved
      • Should have an interface for the LMO to set/remove that flag
  • If GML approved, goes to LMO for TKID assignment.
    • Should validate choices before allowing the GML to mark ready for duty. If no valid TKIDs are available, it should be bounced back to the GML immediately.
  • Has a comments section for GMLs to record notes that is not visible to the applicant
  • GML should have access to upload / replace photos.

Advisory Team view

  • Advisory team would see costumes that had been escalated to them.
  • Needs to be able to set which people see which queue items (Based on costume category?)
  • Advisors only see their own costumes. So, FISD DL doesn't see Pathfinder costumes.
  • Advisory team doesn't approve/deny specifically, but makes recommendations. GML still does final approval.
  • Advisors can comment in the same area as GMLS.
  • Advisors should not be able to update / remove photos or interact with the applicant.

LMO Team View

  • LMO can see everything.
  • Separate view for LMO queue (things LMO MUST approve)
  • LMO can defer, which will bump something back to the GML queue for further work.
  • LMO cannot interact with applicant.
  • LMO can add/update images.

GWL view

  • Once a costume is approved, it shows up in the garrison GWL queue for roster photos needed
  • GWL can view uploaded pictures but cannot comment/edit/change anything (essentially they can get the uploaded photos for roster editing)