Costuming:DZ Madame Garsa Fwip

From 501st Legion Databank
Madame Garsa Fwip
DZ Madam Garsa Fwip.jpg
Model DZ-23107 , Photo by Beatrice Bocci
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Madame Garsa Fwip
Prefix: DZ
Detachment: Underworld Detachment
Context: The Book of Boba Fett
Lavishly dressed and impeccably charming, Madame Garsa Fwip is the proprietor of Garsa’s Sanctuary, a high-end cantina, under the authority of Daimyo Fett’s criminal empire. The establishment featured a bar, gambling tables, and live music. The stunning Twi’lek has the warmth and polish of a seasoned host, often using her charm to break up bar fights.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

DZ MGF face.png Face & Skin and Make-Up
  • Face, neck, lekku, and all skin exposed must match the costumer’s natural skin tone.
  • Costumer may use products to give flesh a dewy (moisturized) appearance.
  • Eye make-up is graphic cat eye shape, made with black eye-liner, blended orange inside of the shape and dark brown eye shadows.
  • The eyebrows have normal thickness and black or dark brown in color,
  • Lipstick is matte, soft nude with a little of dark pink.

DZ MGF Lekku.jpg Lekku
  • The lekku are made to resemble skin.
  • The coloring of the lekku match the costumer’s complexion.
  • The lekku reach the costumer’s elbows in length.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • There is a small ridge on the back of them, running vertically from the end up to almost the first band.
  • The shape of the lekku is slightly curved towards the back.

DZ MGF Headband.jpg Headband
  • The headband is made of metallic leather or leather-like material. All the edges are matte black fabric.
  • The headband is composed by different shapes and wraps around the head covering the costumer’s ears:
    • One large strap runs all the way round the head and has a closure on the back of the nape.
    • Two straps run from the top-side of the headband in between the Lekku.
    • Two rings of leather-like material wrap around each Lekku on the upper zone under the two Lekku’s rings.
  • Two other straps connect the ear zone to the ring straps, passing under those pieces.
  • The nape area is covered by the same black fabric used for the bodice

DZ MGF srings.png Lekku Rings
  • The Lekkus’ Rings are placed over the leather rings of the upper zone of the Headband.
  • They are opened on the lower part of the Lekku for around 5 – 6 cm, the rings’ ends are pointed leaf shaped.
  • The outline of the ring’s main body is waved, thinned on the center where is located an oval decoration, placed in a recessed area. All around the edge of the lekku’s ring there is a small crease.
  • Each ring has a decoration, consisting in two S like-shapes, symmetrically located on each side of the oval central piece.
    • Each S like-shape decoration is placed between two little protruding dots: the bigger ones on the front and the little ones on the back.
  • The color of the main shape is platinum gold/pale gold, matching the Tiara’s gold.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • All the decorations: the S-like shapes, the dots and the ovals are silver.
  • The lekku’s rings are rotated on the lekku, in such a way that the oval decoration points a bit outwards.

DZ MGF tiara.png Tiara
  • The Tiara wraps around the head, leaving the back opened, covering the forehead part of the headband lower edge.
  • The Tiara is platinum gold/pale gold in color.
  • Each side piece has one boomerang-like hole near another rounded triangle hole on the forehead area.
  • There are three horizontal S-shaped ridges on the temples side; the ridges’ edges are smooth.
  • Between the upper and the second ridges there are nine little squares each interspersed with two little beads.
  • The side parts end at the nape under each lekku with a spiral organic shape.
  • The Tiara has different thickness matching the screen references.
    • All the external edges are rounded off.
  • The central piece is composed of two layers: the lower one is flat, the upper one is textured and presents two little holes upward. There is a central spine, dividing vertically the piece.
  • There is a circular silver colored flat piece above the textured area, with a central hole and eight radial tiny slots and twelve dimples following the edge.
  • The forehead central piece is slightly curved around the costumes forehead.

DZ MGF Earrings.jpg Earrings
  • Each Earring is composed of two circles, one bigger and one smaller.
  • The bigger one is Gold in color and approximately 58 mm in diameter, proportional with the tiara dimensions.
  • There are 6 silver colored petals on the bigger circle, alternating one little petal with two bigger ones.
  • The second smaller ring is composed of two silver colored half moons, connected by gold wire.
  • Two flat squares with a cross design in silver color are present in the middle of the ring.
  • Gold wire all around connect each part.
  • Two pieces of gold chain, matching with the screen references, connect the tiara with the bigger ring.
  • One piece of gold chain, matching with the screen references, connect the bigger ring to the smaller one.

DZ MGF shoulder.jpg Shoulder Capes
  • The capes are made of a translucent fabric, brown in color.
  • The pattern is made between a quarter and an eight round, proportioned to the wearer, opened on the shoulders.
  • The capes are secured under the collar.
  • The length of the cape reaches around the upper half of the costumer’s shins.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The fabric is chiffon.

DZ MGF hands.png Hands & Rings
  • The hands and fingernails are clean and well kept.
    • The fingernails are long almond style, gold in color.
  • Four rings are present, two for each hand.
  • On the middle finger of the right hand there is a cross design silver ring.
  • On the ring finger of the right hand there is a silver flat ring.
  • On the index of the left hand there is an ornate silver ring.
  • On the middle finger of the left hand there is a gold embossed ring.

DZ MGF Corset Lame.png Bodice
  • The bodice is made of a lightly woven black fabric.
  • The breast cups of the bodice feature a thin panel of beading near the center.
  • The bodice is composed of 3 panels from the front view; the center panel is the widest and proportional to the costumer.
  • The closure of the bodice is not visible.
  • Two dark silver fabric panels drape from under the collar at the gold ring height, covering the breast area, ending on the back and connecting around hip height. Please view the Gallery for additional images.
  • The connection on the back is composed of just one panel that ends under the other one.
  • The length of the panels end at the floor with a small train.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The bodice is made from lurex knitted interlock black fabric.
  • The thin panel of beading is made from glass bugle beads with standard beads, in a repeating pattern of three single beads and a bugle bead.
  • The wwo dark silver pens are made from lamè silk fabric.

DZ MGF Collar Chains.png Collar & Chains
  • The collar is composed of two flat rings, made of the same fabric as the bodice or top.
  • On the inner ring two gold curved pieces follow the shape of the ring narrowing to the back.
    • There is one silver embossed dot at the end of each part and an S-shaped silver detail that runs on both of the curved gold pieces.
  • There is a narrow stripe of fabric that connect the collar to the bodice or top at the center, made of the same fabric as the bodice.
  • The necklace features a round gold circle at the center, near the costumer’s clavicle. It’s not a flat ring but instead it's composed of a gold squared section torque.
  • The gold circle is intersected by two silver metal rods, that curve above the collar reaching the shoulders. The rods feature the same squared section torque of the gold ring. There are two gold details at the end of the silver rods.
  • The chains used are gold in color and fishbone shaped.
  • The chain extends down the gold ring of the collar and connects to a broach.
  • The broach is composed by a silver prism with recessed stripes on a romboidal base, placed on top of an almond shape flat piece.
  • The silver broach has two gold chains, connected by two gold rings, one bigger than the other, that connect to a silver and gold pendant.
  • The pendant is similar to an ‘infinity loop’ silver in color with a gold bar fitted within the loop. The pendant almost reaches the end of the bodice or top .
  • On the back the chain extends from the inner fabric collar up to another broach composed by a floral gold shape piece with the same silver prism. The floral broach reaches the end of the bodice or top and the connection of the silver lamè fabric panels.
  • The infinity loop pendant and the back floral broach are connected by two different length chains on each side, matching the screen reference height.
  • All the chains’ connections matches the screen used ones using: 4 different dimensions golden rings and flat golden wire.

DZ MGF skirt.JPG Skirt
  • The style of the skirt is a half round skirt, with a slit on the right leg.
  • At the beginning of the slit there is a jewelry pin, that is silver and gold in color with a blueish gem pendant.
  • The length of the skirt reaches the floor.
  • The skirt consists of two layers;
    • The bottom / base layer of the skirt is made from a black matte with medium weave fabric.
  • The upper layer of the skirt is made from a see-through fabric that has a sheer, transparent quality.
  • The upper layer of the skirt is embroidered in a floral pattern.
    • For the screen accurate floral pattern see the Gallery.
  • The skirt has golden trimmings on the lower edge and either side of the split at the front of the skirt.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The upper layer of the skirt is a handwoven embroidered organza, over a see-through fabric that has a sheer, transparent quality and a fine, light weave.
  • The embroidery is made from metallic gold and black floral luxury burnout brocade, featuring gold and steel grey flowers that arc across the black wrinkled organza base. The skirt has a crisp hand and voluminous drape.
  • The Embroidery technique used is ramage handwoven with vegetal and floral patterns, the embroidery is made by dark bronze lurex fabric and dark gold/bronze jacquard with every weave showing an embossed and shiny appearance.

DZ MGF Leggings.png Leggings
  • Only the right legging is visible through the skirt slit.
    • The left legging style is up to the costumer; as it is not visible on screen.
  • The legging is made from a tulle-like fabric, embroidered with floral patterns and beading.
    • All the embroidering and bead work are shades of gold in color.
  • The fabric is only seen from approximately the mid-thigh of the right leg, so the remainder of the legging may be made of a comfortable, elastic, fabric above this point.

DZ MGF Shoes.png Shoes
  • The style of shoe is up to the costumer; as they are not visible on screen.
  • The shoes worn should be metallic gold or black in color and feature a platform and a heel.
  • However, they should be suitably matched to the stye and color of the black sanctuary gown.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

GarsaFwipEyes.jpg Eye Color
    • Eyes color are dark brown.
  • This can be replicated with the use of contact lens, if desired.
    • While encouraged to complete the look of this character, the contact lens requirement will be waived for 501st acceptance, if the applicant cannot wear contact lenses for health related reasons.
    • All persons utilizing contact lenses are encouraged to first see their optometrist for a fitting.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.