Costuming:DZ hondo ohnaka FS

From 501st Legion Databank
Hondo Ohnaka — Imperial Era
Hondo Rebels.jpg
Model DZ-12638 Jim Sobota, Photo by Luke Sobota
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Hondo Ohnaka
Prefix: DZ
Detachment: Underworld Detachment
Context: Star Wars: Rebels
Hondo Ohnaka is a Weequay pirate and leader of the Ohnaka Gang. Hondo is greedy, selfish, sneaky, deceptive, devious, cunning, smart, and somewhat honorable and tries to do the best by his gang whilst making a tidy profit.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

Hondo Rebels Head.jpg Head
  • The mask is light brown and made of high quality silicon or latex. Face, neck and all skin exposed by the neckline are covered by the mask.
  • There are five (5) tusks that come out from the lower jaw of the mask on left and right, measuring approximate lengths of .5 to 2.5 inches in an incremental manner from top to bottom, with two (2) small tusks on the outside edges of the chin.
  • The left earlobe has a gold hoop earring.

Hondo Rebels Helmet.jpg Helmet
  • The helmet is grey/slate gray in color and is divided into three main sections.
    • The center section is mottled with patches of light grey, and speckled darker grey. The outside sections are darker grey mottled with medium and light grey.
  • The helmet appears weathered on the edges.
  • The helmet sections are defined by inset lines, with additional inset lines in arcs defining the front and back.
  • The helmet has a beak portion that faces the front.
    • The back portion has two (2) tiers of triangular plates that cover the back of head/neck.

Hondo Rebels Cap.jpg Goggles and Flight Cap
  • The goggles are round ‘aviation style’ and have green tinted lenses.
  • The goggles are secured to the head covering by two (2) straps connected to two (2) grey circular earpieces.
  • The flight cap is off-white or light grey in colour, similar to a bomber cap that covers the head with two (2) flaps that hang on the sides over the ears.
    • There is a grey circular earpiece on each flap, positioned over the ears.
  • Both the goggles and grey circular earpieces are attached to the head covering.
  • The grey circular earpieces consist of a section of cone; with a base of three (3) inches and top of two (2) inches in diameter with a slice removed to accept goggle straps.
  • The grey circular earpieces have two (2) red curved tube/bent oval markings, an inset grey slate oval, and a raised grey button on top surface
  • Goggle strap fits in hole at front side of grey circular earpieces.
    • View gallery for alternative views.

Hondo Rebels Hands.jpg Forearms
  • The hands and forearms are made of the same material as the mask and are colored to match.
    • The hands and forearm coverings should be one piece if possible.
  • The forearms need to reach up to the elbow.
  • The hands are wrinkled, and have squared fingernails.
  • Left hand has one (1) ring on middle finger, gold in colour.
  • Right hand has one (1) ring on pointer finger, gold in colour.
  • The left arm has a bracelet, worn around the wrist, that is gold in colour featuring a rectangular pattern.
    • See the gallery for image placement of rings and pattern on bracelet.

Hondo Rebels Flightsuit.jpg Flightsuit
  • The jumpsuit is made from a medium weight fabric such as twill.
  • The jumpsuit has an invisible front zipper and tab closure at neck.
    • There is a Mandarin style collar with a silver rectangle ornament/clasp on tab closure.
  • The jumpsuit outer panels are grey, inner panels (torso and inner leg) are maroon.
  • There is a thin piping of grey or black material between the outer and inner panels.
  • There are no pockets or visible openings on jumpsuit.
  • Shoulders are finished with no sleeves.
  • There is an angular charcoal/black panel on back that ends mid back length with an oval above.
    • The Ohnaka Gang crest is in middle of large panel on upper shoulders of back and weathered grey in color.

Hondo Rebels Shirt.jpg Shirt
  • The shirt is off-white or light grey coloured and made of lightweight woven shirting fabric such as linen or cotton.
  • There are two (2) grey or black rows of piping that run down each sleeve forming two (2) stripes.
  • The sleeves are ¾ in length and end just below the elbow.

Hondo Rebels Belt.jpg Belt and Holster
  • The belt is brown leather or leather like material with holster attached with two (2) metallic clasps, two (2) pouches, three (3) belt loops and one (1) gold colored buckle.
  • The belt is approximately two (2) inches in width.
  • Two (2) closed pouches of the same material are worn at the back of the belt.
  • Three (3) belt loops are worn one in middle back, two (2) in front.
  • There is a com link clip (made from metal or a metal like material) is attached to left side of belt.
  • The buckle is wider then the belt and oval in shape with a protruding knob with ornamental rivet on either side.
  • The buckle has the Ohnaka Gang symbol inset in gold and brown/chestnut.
  • The holster is made of the same material as the belt, and is attached to the costumer’s right hip by one (1) rivet.
    • The holster leg strap closes on the inside of the leg with no visible closure.
    • Holster is squared at bottom.
    • See the gallery for additional information.

Hondo Rebels Boots.jpg Boots
  • The boots are brown leather or leather like material that match the color of the belt.
  • The boots are mid-calf in height, and free of laces or buckles.
  • The boot soles are flat with no defined raised heel.
  • Boots have a strap near top with no buckle.
  • Zippers on the inside of the boot are acceptable, so long as they are concealed by the same material as the boot.
    • A shoe and spat covering may be acceptable provided there is an exact color match.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

Hondo Rebels Blaster.jpg Hondo’s Blaster
  • Hondo’s blaster with scope.
  • The pistol is not identified by name or number, but should bear the appearance of blaster shown in reference material.

ID Cadet communicator.jpg Commlink
  • Comlink is silver/black and fits into holder on belt.

E11 Animated.jpg E-11 Blaster (Animated Style)
  • Based on a real or replica Sterling sub-machine gun, scratch-built, or a modified commercial toy Stormtrooper blaster.
    • Note: From Season 4 of Rebels: Family Reunion-and Farewell.

Hondo Rebels Droidcaller.jpg Droid Caller
  • Cylindrical tube with a silver upper section and black textured lower section, silver rectangle detail piece is attached to center, with several knobs on side.

Hondo Rebels SBlaster.jpg Sabine Wren’s Wester-35 Blaster
  • As seen in Rebels, customized Westar-35 pistol with black/ blue trim
    • Note: From Season 3 of Rebels: Steps into Shadow: Part One.