Costuming:MW kal skirata

From 501st Legion Databank
Kal Skirata
Kal Skirata Composite.png
Model MW-19001, Photo by Maki Fo
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Kal Skirata
Prefix: MW
Detachment: Bounty Hunters Guild
Context: Star Wars Expanded Universe
Kal Skirata was a Mandalorian instructor recruited by Jango Fett to train clone commandos in the Grand Army of the Republic. He has appeared in a number of Star Wars novels, the Galaxy trading card series (card #5), Star Wars Insider #87 and the Star Wars miniatures game (Legacy of the Force series, labeled "Republic Commando Training Sergeant.)

For approved reference materials, please check the Kal Skirata CRL on the Bounty Hunters Guild Forum.

For 501st membership, only the requirements in black need to be met.

The Bounty Hunters’ Guild defines an additional optional level of costuming excellence. In the page below, requirements for Level 2, referred to as “Infamous”, are listed in blue. These optional requirements are meant for those who strive to meet the highest level of screen accuracy. Please visit the BHG web site for a full description of these standards.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

Kal Skirata Helmet.png Helmet
  • Helmet has a full one piece "T" lens.
  • Main color of the helmet is a sand gold.
  • The outer mandibles and head band are a Rust color.
  • The inner mandibles, just above the sand gold cheeks, are a dark brown to match all the soft parts.
  • The Ear Caps on both sides, as well as the top of the range finder, is a flat black. The stalk of the range finder is a dull aluminum color.
  • The keyhole slots in the rear of helmet are cut out clean and backed with mesh underneath.
    • Keyhole slots are painted in the same rust color as the outer mandibles and headband.
  • The helmet is weathered to match visual references as closely as possible.
  • (3) claw marks start just above the headband, on the right side, and end just a bit into the top of the brown on the upper cheek.
    • See visual reference for claw mark position.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Two Red LEDs may be added to the range finder- no requirement for these to be functional
  • Black balaclava must be worn under the helmet to prevent the neck or other skin being visible

Kal Skirata Flightsuit.png Jump Suit
  • Jump Suit is dark grey in color.
  • Jump Suit is double sleeved.
    • Long inner sleeves extend under the forearm gauntlets.
    • Shorter outer sleeves stop just above the elbow.
    • The seams of both sleeves run in a frontal line from the shoulder, down the bicep and forearm.
  • The pants are tighter at the shins/ ankles, to allow a snug fit of the shin armor, without drooping over the boot.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Buttonholes on either side of knees and shins to insert elastic bands for a tighter fit.

Kal Skirata Vest.png Vest
  • Vest is made of a medium to dark brown leather or leather-like material.
  • Neck, shoulder and arm openings have piping on the seams.
  • Shoulders do not flare outwards and look like wings.
  • Vest should be tailored to wearer and closes down the back.

Kal Skirata Armor.jpg Chest and Shoulder Armor
  • Armor is a sand gold in color and weathered where indicated in visual references to give the illusion of battle wear and damage.
  • Armor has a return edge, giving the feeling of thickness and depth.
  • Shoulder Armor has eight points.
  • Left Chest Armor has two indented horizontal bars.
    • Lower bar is wider and positioned as shown in visual references.
    • (As seen in the SW Insider #87 Reference Image)
  • Center diamond piece, between the chest pieces, has an indented vertical rectangle as shown in visual references.

Kal Skirata Backplate.png Back Armor
  • Armor is a sand gold in color and weathered where indicated in visual references to give the illusion of battle wear and damage.
  • Back Armor has two shoulder slots to allow optional Backpack harness to fasten to torso underneath.
  • Armor has a return edge, giving the feeling of thickness and depth.

Kal Skirata Belt.png Belt
  • Medium to dark brown with leather or leather-like material with contrasting white/tan stitching.
  • Belt is approximatly 2.5 inches wide and stitched along the top and bottom edges.
  • The back of the belt overlaps itself and is held together with hook and loop fastener.
  • Belt includes (7) Pouches.
    • Pouches are arranged as (5) on the right and (2) on the left, with a space between the right and left sides, for the placement of the Westar Holster.
    • Each ammo pouch is approximately 3 inches tall in the back, 2-3/8 inches tall in the front, 3/4" deep on top and has a slanted edge, from top to front.
    • Each ammo pouch closes in the front and has stitching around the edge of the pouch and down the front flap.

Kal Skirata Side Pouch.png Side Pouches
  • Two medium to dark brown cargo-style pouches are worn on the hips.
  • Pouches shall have a slanted flap over the front of the pouch.
  • Pouch slides onto, or is secured between, the Ammo Belt and the Codpiece.

Kal Skirata Holster.png Holster
  • Single Jango Fett style Westar holster shall be worn on the left thigh.
  • The holster connects to the belt in the space between the right and left groups of ammo pouches.
  • Holster is constructed of brown leather or leather-like material.
  • Straps are approximately 1 inch wide Straps are adjustable with 1/4 inch brass ball studs.
  • The shape of the holsters match the general shape of the blasters
  • The opening at the top is angled and slightly flared.
  • The bottoms are tapered so that the blasters fit snugly.
  • An optional, second Jango style can be worn on the right thigh. (This is not required)

Kal Skirata Gauntlets.png Gauntlets
  • The gauntlets are hinged on the inside of the forearm and close on the outside with hook and loop fastener or similar attachment.
  • The right gauntlet includes the following components:
    • Two toggle switches on upper inside section
    • Four forward facing darts in front of middle section
    • Side housing (but no grappling dart).
    • Two hose connectors at rear of housing and an upper tapering section with a third hose connector.
    • A low profile knife housing on the inside forearm beginning at the wrist to hold the 3 sided knife with blade facing towards the hand.
  • The left gauntlet contains the following components:
    • Two black buttons sitting on top of the flamethrower assembly on the outside of the gauntlet
    • Two ports that protrude from the front of the flamethrower assembly, one over the other.
    • Three square pattern indentations on the lower gauntlet section. Two connectors are at the rear of the flamethrower assembly.
    • The left gauntlet has a rocket securely attached.
    • The main finned body and rear part of the missle is black.
    • The middle cylinder is sand gold in color and the front tapered section is gold with a black point as shown in visual references. The tip of the black point is gold in color.
    • A small silver and black switch on the inside of the section holding the rocket.
    • A red LED light behind the switch (not required to be functional)
    • Hoses for both left and right gauntlets match visual reference (The Essential Readers Companion) and attach inside the outer jumpsuit sleeve at the shoulder. Hoses should be of a length to allow movement but not have too much slack so they bow outwards or disfigure the lines of the jumpsuit. (Similar to Boba Fett)

Kal Skirata Gloves.png Gloves
  • The gloves are medium to dark brown in color and constructed of a thin, soft leather or similar material.
  • Gloves are worn tucked underneath the gauntlets.

Kal Skirata Cod.png Codpiece
  • Codpiece is constructed to give the feeling of thickness and must be shaped appropriately, curving under at the bottom.
  • Armor is a sand gold in color. Weathering should not be too severe and should reflect age and heavy usage rather than environmental conditions such as dust, sand, dirt, etc.

Kal Skirata Thighs.png Thigh Armor
  • Armor is a sand gold in color. Weathering should not be too severe and should reflect age and heavy usage rather than environmental conditions such as dust, sand, dirt, etc.
  • Armor is curved to fit snugly over thighs.
  • Armor has dimension and gives the feeling of thickness and depth.
  • There must be no visible signs of attachment.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Attach the armor to legs via elastic bands inserted through small button holes in the suit to wrap around legs underneath for a secured fit.

Kal Skirata Knees.png Knee Armor
  • Armor is a sand gold in color. Weathering should not be too severe and should reflect age and heavy usage rather than environmental conditions such as dust, sand, dirt, etc.
  • Inner section of the knee armor has the upside down "F" pattern.
  • Outside section of the knee armor has the rocket dart assembly with two rocket darts.
  • Armor has a return edge, giving the feeling of thickness and depth.
  • There must be no visible signs of attachment.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Attach the armor via elastic bands inserted through small button holes in the suit to wrap around legs underneath for a secured fit.

Kal Skirata Shins.png Shin Armor
  • Armor is a sand gold in color. Weathering should not be too severe and should reflect age and heavy usage rather than environmental conditions such as dust, sand, dirt, etc.
  • Shin armor fits snugly over shin and sits just above the boot. Armor does not fall loosely over the boot.
  • Armor has a return edge, giving the feeling of thickness and depth.
  • There must be no visible signs of attachment.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Attach the armor via elastic bands inserted through small button holes in the suit to wrap around legs underneath for a secured fit.

Kal Skirata Boots.png Boot Armor
  • Armor is a sand gold in color. Weathering should not be too severe and should reflect age and heavy usage rather than environmental conditions such as dust, sand, dirt, etc.
  • Boot armor conforms to the curve of the boots and squares off at ankles.
  • Armor has a return edge giving the feeling of thickness and depth.
  • A strap is used to attach to boot heels on both sides.

Kal Skirata Boots 1.png Boots
  • Boots are brown and do not have any zippers or laces.
  • Snaps on both sides of heel upper, to accept the boot armor, is recommended.
    • Men's "Chelsea" style brown boots are an example of an acceptable boot.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

Kal Skirata Backpack.png Backpack
  • The Backpack is made to resemble available visual reference. (Republic Commando Training Sergeant)
  • Primary color of the Backpack is Sand Gold with any coloured accents/details matching those of the helmet (black, rust, dark brown).
  • Backpack is weathered in line with rest of costume. Weathering should not be too severe and should reflect age and heavy usage rather than environmental conditions such as dust, sand, dirt etc.
  • The top of the backpack should not be worn higher than the base of the neck
  • Backpack straps should be adjusted so as to minimise any space between the top of backpack and the back plate.

Kal Skirata Westar.png Westar 34 Blaster
  • Based on a scratch-built or a modified commercial toy Westar 34 pistol.
  • Blaster is silver or chrome in color with a matt finish on the handle.

Kal Skirata Knife.png Three Sided Knife
  • A three sided knife similar to commercially available 'throwing spikes' (resin or plastic replicas are acceptable)
  • Total length of knife should not exceed 15cm
  • Knife should be steel/aluminium in color.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.