Costuming:Rintel Aren

From 501st Legion Databank
Rintel Aren — Skiff Master
DZ SkiffMaster Weequay.jpg
Model DZ-11671, Photo by S. Bailey


Description: Rintel Aren — Skiff Master
Prefix: DZ
Detachment: Underworld Detachment
Context: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Rintel Aren is a Weequay employed by Jabba the Hutt. He was a guard on the first skiff during the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon in 4 ABY, where he was killed by Luke Skywalker when the Jedi jumped back on the skiff. He was slashed by the lightsaber and fell off of the skiff and into the Sarlacc, where he was eaten alive.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

DZ SkiffMaster Weequay Face.jpg Face
  • The mask is brown in color and must be a high quality representation made out of silicone or latex. The costumer’s head, neck, and all skin exposed by the neckline are covered by the mask.
  • Six (6) gathers of hair consisting of dark brown, light brown, and grey are located on the back of the mask. They begin at the top left of the costumer’s head and end at the bottom right and are bound by brown string near the roots.
  • The mask is covered in deep wrinkles.
  • The lower cheeks have small cascading bumps that end just below the chin.
  • There is a small ear on either side of the costumer’s head.
  • The nose is large and flat.
  • The wearers eyes are rimmed in black or brown depending on eye hole size; any visible skin should match the color of the mask.
  • The eyes appear deep set from the large brow line.

DZ SkiffMaster Weequay Tunic.jpeg Tunic
  • The tunic is a light tan cotton jerkin quilted with horizontal lines, with vertical lines running the length of the tunic approx. one (1) inch in diameter.
  • Tunic extends with wide flared sleeves, covering from shoulder to lower bicep.
  • The tunic is weathered in natural brown and tan hues.
  • The tunic has an invisible closure.
  • The tunic has a loose fit that is tightened at the waist with a belt forming multiple gathers below the waist.
  • A loose fitting shirt made from a coarse sand colored fabric of natural fibre such as raw silk or burlap.
  • The shirt may also be attached to the Tunic, giving the appearance of an Under Shirt.
  • The shirt has sleeves that fall to the costumer’s wrist.
  • The neck line is not visible under the Outer Tunic.
  • Shirt is weathered in natural brown and tan hues.

DZ SkiffMaster Weequay Hands.jpg Hands
  • The hands are made from the same material and color as the mask.
  • Hands are large and have deep creases and lines that match the mask.
  • The hands have large claw-like fingernails attached to each finger they are slightly darker than the base color of the hand.

DZ SkiffMaster Weequay Armbands.jpg Armbands
  • A strap made from leather or leather like material is worn slightly above the elbow on both arms.
  • The straps are wrapped around the arm three (3) times forming an armband.

DZ SkiffMaster Weequay Belt.jpg Belt
  • Dark brown leather approximately two (2") inch / five (5) cm wide.
  • The main waist belt is made up of two (2) pieces, the main belt around the waist and then has a second belt that hangs underneath the waist belt and the thinner right hip strap. Leather straps knot to close the two belts towards the left side of the belts.
  • Then there is right side thinner hip strap ¾" to one (1") inch wide. The strap starts just before the right hip and ends just before the middle of the lower back.
  • There is also a rectangle shaped pouch on the right hip with a flap and strap that wraps around it twice. The pouch hangs from two (2) straps off the upper waist belt.

DZ SkiffMaster Weequay Pants.jpg Pants
  • The pants are brown in color.
  • The pants are loose fitting and made from a natural fabric such as cotton or linen.
  • Pants are weathered in a similar fashion to the shirt.

DZ SkiffMaster Weequay Boots.jpg Shoes and Spats
  • Shoes are black in color and have a used and weathered look.
  • The shoes have a low heel and are free of laces or other details.
  • Socks plain white or cream and heavily weathered.
  • Spats are reddish brown in color and made of leather or leather like material.
  • Spats cover the instep of the shoe.
  • The spats have two thinner loops at the instep that attach the spat to two (2) broader loops under the shoe.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

DZ Weequay Vibroaxe.jpg SoroSuub BD1 Cutter Vibro-Ax
  • Grey metal tones with pointed axe at top.
  • Hand wrap is bound string or leather.
  • Small metal details adorn the handle.
  • Axe is between four and five feet tall.
  • A small counter weight balance circle adorns the bottom of the axe.

DZ SkiffMaster Weequay Blaster.jpg DL-18 Blaster
  • An exact replica of the DL-18 Blaster is acceptable.
  • When worn the DL-18 Blaster is in a holster on the left hip with the pistol grip facing forward.