Costuming:SL rots prearmor vader

From 501st Legion Databank
Darth Vader, Pre-armor
SL anakin full.jpeg
Model SL-2780 (front) / SL-7061 (back), Photo by Stephanie Bouzard (front) / unknown (back)
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Darth Vader, Pre-armor
Prefix: SL
Detachment: Sith Lord Detachment
Context: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Blinded by passion and seduced by power, this once nobel Jedi Knight tumbles ever downward into Dark Side of the Force. However far, however long, even this fall can blaze a path to redemption.

Please note that this costume is also eligible for membership in The Rebel Legion, although adjustments may need to be made for RL approval.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

SL anakin hair.jpeg Hair style
  • The hair is brown in color.
  • It is of a shag style (tangled).
  • It is comprised of varying lengths: shorter in the front and progressively longer towards the back.
  • May be achieved with the individual's own hair or high quality wig appliance.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • An Alexander the Great styled haircut, which has three varying lengths:
    • Just above the eyes in front.
    • Below the ears on the sides (taper and have varying lengths).
    • Down to the shoulders in back.
  • These varying lengths are not abrupt; they blend and transition well into one another.
  • The hair has some minor curling and look unkempt/dirty.

SL anakin scar.jpeg Scar and complexion
  • A lightsaber scar runs vertically across the outer corner of the right eye, which can be achieved through prosthetics/make up or gelatin applied in coats.
    • It starts in the middle of the right temple skips over the inset of the eye before terminating just below the eye.
  • The areas under both eyes are lightly darkened by blending brown and red facial paints (or similar product).

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The scar is slightly wider as it approaches the eye (from both directions).

SL anakin eye.jpeg Sith Eyes
  • The contact lenses are described as a fiery yellow transitioning into a brilliant red.
  • While considered an essential part of this character, the contact lens requirement will be waived for 501st acceptance if the applicant cannot wear contact lenses for health related reasons. All persons utilizing contact lenses are encouraged to first see their optometrist for a fitting.

SL anakin inner.jpeg Inner Tunic
  • Silk/bubble gauze type textured fabric (or similar), Karate Gi or Kimono style cut for the upper portion, dark brown in color (must be slightly lighter than the color of the Outer Tunic), hip length, but is only visible at the neckline and left wrist. There is no visible zipper.
  • There is a collar formed by a hem along the opening of the tunic.
  • The sleeves extend to the wrist bone (at least the left sleeve) but are not visible below the hemline of the Outer Tunic.
  • The cuff/wrist area of the left sleeve is snug to the arm.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The tunic (as a result of the style of cut) folds left over right for closure.
  • The collar is approximately one and a half inches in width.
  • For ease of wearing the glove, the right sleeve can be short and not long like the left sleeve.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The original material was a dark brown silk with an irregular weave to give it a wave-like texture.
  • The color is closest to DMC floss 3371, with the raised portions of the weave being slightly washed / bleached out.

SL anakin outer.jpeg Outer Tunic
  • Open waffle/crinkle weave (gauze-like texture) heavy cotton (or equivalent material), Karate Gi or Kimono style cut for the upper portion, dark brown in color (must be darker than the color of the Inner Tunic, but NOT black), and is mid-thigh length. There is no visible zipper. It is of very similar construction to that of the Inner Tunic.
  • There is a collar formed by a hem along the opening of the tunic that runs to the waistline and ends underneath the obi.
  • The sleeves are inset and gathered at the shoulders (shoulder tucked) and do not excessively hang off the shoulders.
  • The sleeves are bell styled (get larger as they progress down the arm) and are approximately knuckle length.
  • The right sleeve is tucked into (but does not appear excessively baggy at) the top of the glove.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The tunic folds left over right for closure; it closes around mid-chest level to allow the Inner Tunic closure to be noticeable under the neck.
  • The collar is approximately two inches in width.
  • The crinkled texture is in linear folds that run as follows:
    • On the collar, the folds run parallel with the edge of the opening.
    • On the sleeves, the folds run vertically from shoulder to wrist.
    • On the front and back of the tunic, the folds run vertically (head to toe).
  • The shoulder tuck of the sleeves are approximately one and a half to two inches in depth.
  • To make it easier to tuck into the glove, the right sleeve can shortened to remove most of the unneeded material that would be tucked into the glove.
  • The tunic is made from two different pieces; and includes a waist seam (underneath the obi) that joins the upper portion and the skirt (section of the tunic below the obi).

SL anakin cloth tabbards.jpeg Cloth Tabards
  • Are of the same material and color as the Outer Tunic.
  • Same length as the Outer Tunic in front, but end underneath the obi in the back.
  • Form a "Y" shape in the front in which the lower portion of the "Y" hangs below the obi (where they run parallel to one another), and the top portions do not overlap one another.
  • Form a "V" shape in the back since they end underneath the obi, and do not overlap one another.
  • In terms of width, the tabards extend from the folded edging/hem on the Outer Tunic to approximately two inches off the shoulders; each tabard in its entirety is of that same width.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The crinkled texture is in linear folds that run parallel to the length of the tabard.
  • The cloth tabards may extend out slightly farther than the leather tabards at the shoulder.
  • Thereis a waist seam on the tabards that is hidden by the obi in full costume which allow it to have this "Y" and "V" shape in the front and back, respectively.

SL anakin tabbards.jpeg Leather Tabards
  • Fine grain leather (or leather-like material), dark brown, and is a simple cut, with a shoulder and waist seam.
  • The tabards are lined/backed with the same material.
  • Form a "Y" shape in the front and in the back. The lower portions of both "Y"s hang below the obi (where they run parallel to one another), and the top portions do not overlap one another.
  • The tabards extend below the Outer Tunic by approximately three to five inches (the front may slightly extend far down than the back).
  • In terms of width, the tabards extend from the folded edging/hem on the Outer Tunic to approximately two inches off the shoulders; each tabard in its entirety is of that same width.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The tabards are fine grained sheepskin leather.
  • There is a waist seam on the tabards that is hidden by the obi in full costume which allow it to have this "Y" shape.

SL anakin glove.jpeg Glove
  • Is of the same material and color as the Leather Tabards, and is approximately three quarters forearm length.
  • Three silver buckles (as shown) are located on the top of the arm each with a corresponding ribbed rubber strap on the underside of the arm; they are nonfunctional buckles.
  • Raised ribbing runs across the back of the hand perpendicularly to the arm while smaller ribbing runs between the straps and buckles in the same direction.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The glove is made from dark brown fine grained sheep skin leather.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The stitching on the fingers is external.
  • There is 9 ribbed sections on the back of the hand.
  • There is 3 sections with smaller ribbing that contain three ribbed sections each; there is one directly adjacent to the last large ribbed section on the back of the hand in front of the first buckle in addition to the two between the buckles.
  • The opening of the glove has a single closing stitch.

SL anakin obi.jpeg Obi
  • Is of the same material and color as the Outer Tunic and Cloth Tabards.
  • In terms of width, it extends approximately one and a half to two inches above and below the belt.
  • Is closed in the back via Velcro.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The crinkled texture is linear folds that run diagonally.

SL anakin belt.jpeg Belt
  • Leather (or leather-like material), deep brown (lighter than the tabards, glove, and boots in color), and is made up of two layers.
    • The large belt is approximately two and a quarter inches wide.
    • The narrower top belt is approximately three quarters of an inch wide and positioned in the horizontal center of the large belt.
  • The buckle is silver and of the rectangular snap closure type.
  • The top belt is held in place with a series of raised silver studs/posts that have spherical endings. There are four sets in total (two at each location with one above and one below the top belt) and each set is positioned an equal distance from the other.
  • It fastens in the back with Velcro hidden under a square belt keeper of the same material.
  • See end of the CRL for a summarized list for the placement of components on the belt.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Both belts are leather with a smooth grain.
  • There is a belt keeper on top belt on both sides of the buckle; both keepers of the same material as the belts.
  • There is incised lines at the top and bottom of the top belt.
  • There is four incised lines on the large belt: two above the top belt, and two below as shown.
  • The silver studs/posts are screw type Sam Browne buttons.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Everything but the leather pouch has a vertically centered on the belt.
  • When wearing the belt, the silver studs/posts are placed as follows: the two sets in the front is positioned forty-five degrees along the belt to the left and right of the buckle; similarly, the two sets in the back is positioned forty-five degrees to the left and right of the keeper. Therefore from the center of your body, they are ninety degrees away from each other along the belt.

SL anakin pouches.jpeg Pouch and Boxes
  • There is on pouch and two boxes on the belt.
  • The pouch is leather (or leather-like material) and is a snap closure style.
    • It is approximately twice as tall as the large belt and half as thick as the boxes.
    • It is placed just forward of the right hip (with two food capsules in front of and behind it), and the top almost lines up with the top of the large belt.
  • The two boxes are both resin and one is red brown in color, and the other is larger and a medium brown in color.
    • The red brown box resembles a "treasure chest" type shape, and contains a single elliptical brass/gold colored button in its center. The box is positioned on the wearer's back right side of the belt and is smaller than the height of the large belt.
    • The larger resin box has a design similar to that of the one pictured and has two small single brass/gold colored buttons. The box is positioned on the wearer's back left side of the belt, and is approximately the height of the large belt.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The pouch is leather and have a pattern of scored vertical lines on the flap.
  • The red brown box is non-ribbed and have a smooth texture.
  • The larger box is ribbed.

SL anakin capsules.jpeg Food Capsules
  • Eight in total: two gold, two silver, two copper, and two gunmetal, and are cylindrical in shape.
  • Each is approximately as tall as the large belt and approximately one half of an inch in width.
  • One of each color is placed on the belt at the left hip (4 total). Two are placed in front of the leather pouch on the right side of the belt, while the remaining two are placed behind the pouch. All capsules placed at each of the three locations are touching each other (no spacing between them).

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • On both sides, the capsules are placed in the following order from front to back: silver, copper, gold, and gunmetal.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The original capsules were Staedtler Liquid Roller Point Pens with a 7/16" diameter hemisphere glued to the opening.

SL anakin saber.jpeg Lightsaber
  • The lightsaber is a Master Replicas, Hasbro, or a custom built (modified Graflex flash handle) designed to match the lightsaber in ROTS.
  • The metal has a chrome appearance.
  • The grips extend all the way to the middle section.
  • Other details resemble that shown in the picture (gold section on emitter box, gold lever on emitter box, center band detail, 2 knobs towards emitter, emitter detail, etc.)
  • The lightsaber is only required as long as it's in compliance with the applicant’s local laws.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

The lightsaber is capable of being belt worn with the emitter facing downwards (detachable blade or no blade). The lightsaber is a 1:1 scale of the lightsaber used in the film.

Lightsaberclip.jpg Lightsaber Clip
  • A rectangular Covertec clip as seen in the picture is present to secure the lightsaber.
  • It is attached to the belt on the wearer's left hip.
  • The Hasbro or circular/oval Covertec clips will not be approved.

SL anakin trousers.jpeg Pants
  • Lightweight cotton twill (or equivalent material), medium brown (lighter in color than the Outer Tunic), appear somewhat baggy, and tucked into the boots.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The color of brown is close to that of the tunic or lighter.
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • The color of the original is close to Anchor floss 0382.
  • The original pants were Dickies - Model 874 work pants (mahogany in color).

SL anakin boots.jpeg Boots
  • Leather (or leather-like material), dark brown (very similar in color to the leather tabards and glove), have a medium gloss shine with no visible laces or zipper.
  • They have a rounded toe, smooth textured appearance, and vertical ribbing from above the instep to the knee (the ribbing does extend past the top of the boot).
  • The zipper is located on the front of the boot underneath the vertical ribbing.
  • Two horizontal one inch bands (of the same material as the boot) are below the top of the boot and spaced approximately one inch apart from each other; there is a third band at ankle height as well.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The boots, vertical ribbing, and horizontal bands are leather.
  • There is six vertical ribs of equal width.

PreArmorBeltPlacement.jpg Summary of belt component positioning and material colors
  • Belt component placement (buckle to keeper along wearer's right):
    • Buckle - silver stud/post set - two food capsules - large leather pouch - two food capsules - silver stud/post set - red brown resin box - keeper.
  • Belt component placement (buckle to keeper along wearer's left):
    • Buckle - silver stud/post set - lightsaber clip - four food capsules - silver stud/post set - medium brown larger resin box - keeper.
  • View Placement Photo
  • All of the colors of the materials in the various components of this costume are in the medium to dark brown range, which only a few components actually being medium brown.
  • The outer tunic, cloth tabards, and obi are the same material and color; the inner tunic is lighter in color, while the pants are even lighter than the inner tunic - comparatively.
  • The leather tabards, glove, leather pouch, and boots are approximately the same color; the belt is lighter in color.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

SL anakin robe.jpeg Robe
  • Lightweight fabric, brown, and sleeved.
  • Floor-length, has large, long (mid-finger length), bell-like sleeves with deep hems, and a large hood.
  • The material of the hood is gathered at the neckline, with two small pleats at the front.
  • There is no front facing - the front edge of the robe and hood are short hemmed at approximately one inch.
  • The robe is not lined.
  • The sleeves are inset and gathered at the shoulders; they are shoulder tucked just like the Outer Tunic.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.