Costuming:TA AT-AT driver

From 501st Legion Databank
AT-AT Driver
TA ATATDriverGrey Full.gif
AT-AT full.jpg
Model TA-9418, Photo by Unknown
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: AT-AT Driver
Prefix: TA
Detachment: Armored Cavalry Detachment
Context: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

These specially trained Imperial troopers are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Galactic Empire's AT-AT walkers. Their armor and equipment is designed to ensure their safety in the event of a hull breach or survival in a hostile environment.

NOTE: AT-AT Driver Versions: Please note that there are two acceptable versions of the AT-AT Driver costume. Versions One is seen in ESB, Version Two is seen in the EU. You must specify which version of the character you're doing for approval purposes. Versions cannot be mix-matched. If one variant has already been approved, another variant will still need to be approved by the GML before use.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

ATAT HelmetV1V2-1.jpg Helmet
  • For more details, please see the AT-AT Driver helmet detail page
  • Version One is painted light grey and Version Two is painted white.
  • Helmet is constructed from ABS or fiberglass.
  • The Don Post helmet is no longer permitted for new approvals.
  • The front of the Mohawk is capped with a Trident shaped Plinth, that extends down the top of the Mohawk ending a point approx half way down.
  • A red diamond is painted on the tip of the trident
  • Two red Imperial cog decals on either side of the mohawk.
  • Two small trapezoid shaped caps squares on either side of the mohawk.
    • Left hand side is red.
    • Right hand side grey or silver.
    • There is a small red dot above the RH square.
  • A small Silver knob just below the center of the mohawk.
  • Two forehead 'Clock Greeblies' in the recessed area in front of mohawk.
    • The recessed areas of Version One are light grey.
    • The recessed areas of Version Two are white.
  • Painted red dot on the center bump of left ear only.
  • Flat or bubble eye lenses.
    • Lenses are either green or black.
  • Two black 'Soda Siphon' greeblies on the sides of the face, to the sides of each lens.
    • Tape Button greebles are inserted in each of the hangers, and are highlighted with red painted outlines
  • Ribbed grey tube, extends up from the Hanger greebles, into the top section of the helmet, above the lenses.
  • Tape button greeblie with a small white vertical stripe, on the inside of each grey tube, tucked partially under the top section of the helmet.
  • The mouth/ frown is painted black and the bottom half of the center tooth is painted red.
  • There are aluminum tusks in the recessed areas of the chin where the hoses on a Tie Pilot would go.
  • Tusks are conical at the tip.
    • The Tip of the LH Tusk is painted Red
    • The Tip of the RH Tusk is painted Grey
  • Half moon plastic disks behind the tusks, supported by a white attachment
  • The center 3 Vocoder chin bumps are painted black.
    • The center bump has a small area at the top that is not painted.
  • Three black stripes travel from front to back along the cheek tubes
    • The top stripe the thickest, Middle stripe 2/3 as wide as the top, Bottom Stripe 1/3 of the thickness of the top
    • The forward edges of the stripes are cut at angle, the top side being longer.
  • A rectangular “pill box”, on the back of the mohawk, is painted black or made of black plastic.
  • A small red square on the left side, above the pill box.
  • The back of the helmet has (2) grey cylinders/ canisters to each side of the mohawk that the hoses attach to.

Canister Option 1:

    • The RH canister has a thin Red stripe.
    • The LH canister has a Black square sticker on it, covering 2/3 the way to the top.
    • Both Canisters are topped with an aluminum washer greeblie.

Canister Option 2:

    • The RH Canister has a Black square sticker on one side of it, all the way to the top.
    • The LH Canister has a Black square sticker on it, covering 2/3 the way to the top. A Red band going completely around the top.
    • Both Canisters are topped with an aluminum washer greeblie.

Generic Balaclava White.jpg Balaclava
  • White balaclava worn under the helmet.
    • The balaclava is a White head sock/hood that is worn under the helmet and is used primarily to hide any view of the wearer's skin and/or facial hair.
    • Option: Although a white balaclava is considered most cannon, a black balaclava is also acceptable.

Imperial flightsuit grey.jpg Flightsuit
  • One piece light grey coverall/jumpsuit/flight suit with a front invisible zipper.
  • Approximately 1.5" (38.1mm) tall mandarin collar with a chevron shaped, left-over-right velcro closure.
  • There is a horizontal seam or double-topstitched line that runs across the upper chest, but does not extend around the back.
  • A silver or white "imperial cog" emblem on a black background must be present on both shoulders. The cog is 3" or 3.5" in diameter, and 1" from the shoulder seam.
    • If the costume includes armor that covers the cog emblems entirely, they may be omitted.
  • On the left forearm there is a com-pad pocket approximately 5" (127mm) wide by 5.75" (146.05mm) tall with no flap and a 2.25" (57.15mm) window in it. (Size might vary to match your com-pad)
  • On the left bicep, approximately 2" (50.8mm) below the cog emblem, there is a code cylinder pocket with no flap, and vertical stitching dividing it into pen sleeves.
  • The bottom front corner of the pocket is cut off at a bevel on the side pointing in view direction with the broader upside forming the border of the pen sleeves.
  • The right sleeve has a cargo pocket approximateyl 6" (152mm) wide and 5.75" (146mm) on the bicep approx 2"(50.8mm) below the cog emblem. The pocket has a 2"(50.8mm) flap.
  • 2 large chest pockets and 2 large front pockets below the belt without any zipper or flaps
  • 2 leg pockets with flaps similar in proportion as the one on the right arm sleeve. Size may differ. (Usually the width of the front pockets equals the width of the leg pockets)
  • Rank bars of any kind are not permitted.
  • There are no leg pockets below the knees.

ATAT ShouldersV1V2-1.jpg Shoulder Armor
  • Version One Shoulder Armor is light grey.
  • Version Two Shoulder Armor is white.
  • Snow Trooper style Shoulder Armor.
    • Armor is rotated 180 degrees, so the ridges of the shoulder bell are along the top.
    • Color of Shoulder Armor matches the rest of the Armor.

ATAT GlovesV1V2-1.jpg Gloves
  • Version One gloves are light grey split leather gloves, rough texture, with a 4-6 inch cuff that is all one color.
    • "Tig/Mig" gloves appear to be the closest to screen used for Version One.
  • Version Two gloves are white leather gloves, smooth or rough texture, with a 4-6 inch cuff that is all one color.
    • The brand name "WELDAS" or "Tig/Mig" gloves appear to be the most accurate for Version Two.
  • No visible logos or brand names.
  • The left glove cuff has a small compad attached.
    • Compad approx 1.5" x 1.5" with the outer section slightly curved, and the inner section straight.
    • The compad has a circular center section, about 3/4" high, and topped with a small silver disk, slightly smaller than the center section in diameter.
    • Compad has (5) clear/silver raised buttons aligned in a row along the flat side.
    • Compad buttons to face towards the thumb of the left glove.

ATATChestplateV1V2-1.jpg Chest Armor
  • Version One Chest Armor is light grey and matches the rest of the armor and helmet.
  • Version Two Chest Armor is white and matches the rest of the armor and helmet.
  • Chest Armor has a large flat surface for the chest box to attach.
  • Version One has light grey, "Stormtrooper Style" ribbed shoulder bridges connect the Chest and Back armor.
  • Version Two has white, "Stormtrooper Style" ribbed shoulder bridges connect the Chest and Back armor.
  • There is one shaped knurled thumbscrew on the front of each shoulder strap.

ATATChestboxV1V2-1.jpg Chest Box
  • Version One Chestbox is light grey and matches the rest of the armor and helmet.
  • Version Two Chestbox is white and matches the rest of the armor and helmet.
  • The size of the box is approx H7" x W7.25" x D2.5"
  • The top of the Chest Box is angled at approx 45 degrees at the front, sides and rear, forming an apex.
  • A small aluminium pulley greeble, and Thumb nut Greeble are positioned on the left side of the angled face
  • Small angled extension on top of Chest Box is approx H0.75" x W2.00"
    • A small Black box Greeble, and transparent Amber tile are located on the angled extension
  • Brushed metal (or similar look) face plate is positioned on the top face of the chest box
    • Custom circuit decals are located on the face plate
    • A small Black box Greeble is positioned to the top center of the face plate
    • 2 x white “cap” Greebles are located below the black box greeble
    • A “pencil” Greeble, held with a metal or plastic clip, is located on the lower right side of the face plate
    • A transparent black screen/lens is positioned centre left of the face plate
  • A randomly alternating red light display may be located behind the black screen/lens
    • Alternating operation should be a slow sequence
    • A subtle glow from the lights is preferred, rather than excessive brightness
  • The lower half of the Chest Box is slightly shallower than the upper half.
    • A Rectangular flat face section is located on the Left of the lower half of the Chest box
    • A perforated Aluminium (or similar look) plate covers the flat section
    • 4 x vertical strips of white double sided tape or similar is used to secure the perforated Aluminium plate to the chest box
    • 2 x “Domino” Greebles are positioned on the left side of the perforated plate
    • A (Vintage) 9 pin connector Greeble is positioned on the Right side of the perforated plate (a Modern 11 Pin connector is also accepted)
    • 2 x white strips are positioned horizontally on the chest box, to the right of the perforated plate
  • There are two cylindrical 'donut' extensions on each side of the box, one above the other, approx 2.35" (6 cm) in diameter.
  • The upper 'donut' is slightly wider than the lower one and has a hole for the hose that runs from helmet to Chest Box.
    • A silver or aluminium gear type Greeble is positioned on the lower right hand side ‘donut’
    • An aluminium pulley Greeble is positioned on the lower left hand side ‘donut’.

AT-AT hoses.jpg Hoses
  • Grey ribbed hose, running from rear helmet canisters, over the shoulders and to the upper 'donut' extensions on the Chest Box.
  • The hoses must be shaped to contour to the body, and not be left straight
  • Hose is approx 33mm (approx 1.25") in diameter.

ATAT BackplateV1V2-1.jpg Back Armor
  • Version One Back Armor is light grey and matches the rest of the armor and helmet.
  • Version Two Back Armor is white and matches the rest of the armor and helmet.
  • Circuit board detail plate on rear of Back Armor.
    • Circuit Board detail is black, white and tan/gold/grey in color.
    • Grey angled greeblie in center of the circuit board plate.
  • Version One has light grey, "Stormtrooper Style" ribbed shoulder bridges connect the Chest and Back armor.
  • Version Two has white, "Stormtrooper Style" ribbed shoulder bridges connect the Chest and Back armor.
  • There is one shaped knurled thumbscrew on the rear of each shoulder strap.

AT-AT ejection harness.jpg Ejection Harness
  • Silver/Grey colored webbing travels between the legs, from below front armor to the back armor.
  • Two loops wrap around each leg at the knees and are attached to the rest of the webbing.
  • Webbing is 2" wide, and a ribbed type
  • Car Seat-Belt material is not accepted.

ATATBootsV1V2-1.jpg Boots
  • Version One boots are light grey and match the rest of the armor and helmet.
  • Version Two boots are white and match the rest of the armor and helmet.
  • Boots must have no exterior markings or fasteners.

TA ATACT Spearhead.jpg Spearhead Initiative

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

TA ATATDriverGrey RedStripe.gif Optional Helmet Customization
  • Red stripe on rear of mohawk, approx 1.5" wide with the lower end coming to a point like an arrow.
    • Stripe is painted or red electrical tape.

TR ROTJ DH-17Blaster.jpg DH-17 Blaster

Manufactured by BlasTech Industries, the DH-17 is a standard-issue Imperial sidearm for shipboard combat. The energy and power of the weapon is tuned to penetrate necessary targets, yet it will not puncture a starship’s hull.

  • Scratch built or high-end prop replica.

TK esb blaster1.jpeg E-11 Blaster (ESB)
  • Based on a real or replica Sterling sub-machine gun, scratch-built, or a modified commercial toy Stormtrooper blaster.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.