Costuming:TR rots

From 501st Legion Databank
Imperial Royal Guard, Revenge of the Sith
Model TR-2398, Photo by Andrew Marzka
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Imperial Royal Guard, Revenge of the Sith
Prefix: TR
Detachment: Sovereign Protectors
Context: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Formed at Palpatine's discretion without a formal act, several senators considered them to be illegal. Palpatine justified their creation due to rumors of corruption amongst the Senate Guard. In a galaxy dominated by the blaster, the choice of the force pike as their primary weapon is a declaration of the prowess of the Red Guard.

For 501st membership only the requirements in black need to be met.

The Sovereign Protectors Detachment has defined additional optional levels of costuming excellence.

Please note: While the helmet is acceptable with some minor modifications, all soft parts of the Rubies Supreme Edition costume are not approvable for 501st membership

Due to Cosplaysky not cooperating in making their costumes meet the minimum requirements for approval, the royal guard costumes of Cosplaysky are not approvable for 501st membership

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

TR ROTJ Helmet.jpg Helmet
  • Finished in a crimson gloss to match the outer robes.
  • The visor is fitted with a red or smoke tinted visor that allows for maximum visibility while obscuring the wearers features.

TR ROTS OUTROBES.jpg Outer Robes
  • The outer robe is constructed of crimson red velvet or velveteen. Velour, crushed or panne velvet are not acceptable.
  • The robe is lined with the same cloth and color like the Inner Robe.
  • When closed, the outer robe covers the entire front and back of the wearer.
  • There are four openings for the wearer's arms. These are done in the style of a windmill pattern with the arm “sleeves” being attached at the shoulder with a seam to the length of the wearer’s underarm before opening into the slits.
  • The outer cloak must hemmed to a length that is no more than 1 inch (2.54 cm) off the *ground. This hem will be the same length at all points around the cloak.
  • Shoulder pads may be used to simulate for the armored-look.

  • Burgundy or wine coloured cloth thawb, hemmed slightly shorter than the outer cloak.

TR ROTJ Sash.jpg Sash
  • An Obi-style waist sash, approximately 3–4 inches (7.62–10.16cm) made of the same color/material as the wearer's inner robe, Worn over the inner robe.
  • With a 1 inch stripe in the middle made of the same material and color like the sash.

TR ROTS Gloves.jpg Gloves
  • Dark red leather gloves with no extraneous straps/buckles or ornamental stitching.
  • The gloves should be long enough to cover the wearer's wrists. Gloves that are long enough to reach to the middle of the forearm are preferable. Gloves are worn overtop of the inner robe sleeves.

TR ROTJ Boots.jpg Boots
  • Crimson red suede boots, pointed toe, with a relatively conservative heel.
  • There are no visible straps, buckles, or ornamental stitching.
  • Boots cover the wearer's ankles.
  • **OPTIONAL** Black boots, pointed toe, with a relatively conservative heel. There are no visible straps, buckles, or ornamental stitching. The boots cover the wearer's ankles.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

TR AOTC Forcepike.jpg Forcepike
  • Four foot (122cm) minimum length, composed of either wood or metal.
  • The aluminum bodied force pike consists of a black pommel, two black hand grips at the base, the shaft, and emitter tip.
  • 'Rasp' emitter end of stacked ring design silver in color.

TR ROTJ DH-17Blaster.jpg DH-17 Blaster

Manufactured by BlasTech Industries, the DH-17 is a standard-issue Imperial sidearm for shipboard combat. The energy and power of the weapon is tuned to penetrate necessary targets, yet it will not puncture a starship’s hull.

  • Scratch built or high-end prop replica.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.