
From 501st Legion Databank
Major Vonreg: Resistance Animated Series
Tx vonreg FrontandBack.jpg
Model TI-6276, Photo by Jason Poulin
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Major Vonreg
Prefix: TI
Detachment: Jolly Roger Squadron
Context: Resistance Animated Series

Elrik Vonreg was a First Order TIE Fighter Pilot. Vonreg held the military rank of Major Baron in the armed forces of the First Order. A skilled starfighter pilot, he fought a New Republic squadron of T-85 X-wing starfighters led by Kazuda Xiono.

For 501st membership only the requirements in black need to be met.

While the Jolly Roger Squadron does not have any detachment specific costume certification programs, some parts of the costume below may be shared with other detachments that do. Features listed in blue or red are not required for 501st approval, but are noted here for those interested in these additional details.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

Tx vonreg hemet.jpg Helmet
  • Helmet is painted and detailed as shown in the reference photos.
  • Helmet is painted gloss red.
  • Helmet has a large, one piece lens, dark gray in color. Lens must be sufficiently dark enough to obscure the costumer's eyes.
  • Gloss black visor/HUD is affixed into slots on top of the ears. The tabs that affix into the ear slots are painted the same gloss red as the helmet.
  • Gloss black vocoder.
  • Two hose port connectors painted gloss black and silver.
  • Three small, oval vent holes on the cheek tubes on each side of the helmet.
  • Silver, angular area centered on the brow above the lens.
  • Three elongated, rectangular detail pieces with beveled corners and six circular bumps are present on the bottom portion on the ear caps on both sides of the helmet.
  • Ear recesses are circular and have a circular shaped plug in each ear. The ear recesses and plugs are painted silver.
  • Centered on the back of the helmet, in a recessed area, is a square box greeblie with molded details and is painted gloss black.

Tx vonreg balclava.jpg Balaclava
  • A balaclava is a head sock/hood that is worn over the head and is primarily used to obscure any view of the wearer’s skin or facial hair
  • Balaclava is red.

Tx vonreg neckseal.jpg Neckseal
  • Black, horizontal ribs, fitted to the wearer and extending from the base of the neck to conceal the entire neck. No hair or skin should be visible around the neck area.
  • Skirt of neck seal is red in color.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
*Neck seal is made of leather.

Tx vonreg suit.jpg Flight suit
  • One piece red jumpsuit with front invisible zipper.
  • Flight suit may be made from any shiny to semi-shiny material (nylon, parachute or similar material).
  • Two vertical detail stitches that run from the shoulder seams to below the knee pockets.
  • Two large thigh pockets with flap closure.
  • Two small knee pockets with flap closure.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • All detail stitching must be present.

Tx vonreg chest.jpg Yoke
  • The yoke is painted the same gloss red color as the helmet
  • There are two, slightly curved shoulder straps that follow the contour of the wearer’s shoulders attached to the top portion of the yoke. On the top of each shoulder strap there are molded greeblies at each end. Shoulder straps are painted dark red gloss.
  • Forked greeblie is oriented to the wearer’s front.
  • A 1 inch (2,54 cm) wide piece of dark red nylon strapping material runs in between the two greeblies.
  • Yoke attaches at the shoulders and at the sides to the back armor.

Tx vonreg plate.jpg Chest Armor
  • Chest armor is painted dark red gloss.
  • There is a recessed area at the top center of the chest plate.
  • There is a raised portion in the center for the chest box with molded bottom edge details.
  • Chest overlaps the yoke in the center and at the wearer’s sides and overlaps the side flaps of the back armor.

Tx vonreg idunno.jpg Back Armor
  • Back armor is painted dark red gloss.
  • The back armor has a crest with two elongated triangle details and is raised slightly above the shoulder connectors.
  • Back box with details as shown in the reference photo.
  • Recessed area of the box is painted flat black or flat charcoal gray.
  • One small rectangular detail is centered at the top of the box and is painted flat gray.
  • One large rectangular detail is centered in the middle of the box and is painted flat gray.
  • One circular detail inside the larger rectangular area is painted flat gray.
  • Two red, rectangular details below the large rectangle.
  • Back armor side connectors go under the chest armor at the wearer’s sides.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Red rectangles may be electronically lit.

Tx vonreg shulders.jpg Shoulder Bells
  • Bells are painted dark red gloss.
  • One on each shoulder.
  • Bells have five inverted triangles in a half circle pattern at the top of each bell.
  • Bells extend to just above the elbow.
  • The bells are symmetrical and may be worn interchangeably on either arm.
  • Bells may be held in place by 1 inch (2,54 cm) wide red elastic or strapping material that encircles the bicep.
  • Bells may also be held in place at the shoulders by red elastic or red strapping material.
  • There is a 4 inch (10,16 cm), black First Order decal on each shoulder bell below the inverted triangles.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Shoulder bells are Velcroed to the flight suit with no visible strapping.

Tx vonreg vambrces.jpg Vambrace Armor (Forearms)
  • Raised triangles on the outfacing sides closest to the wrists.
  • Two, roughly triangular shaped dimple details closest to the elbow.
  • Forearms have a recessed area on the inside of the forearm.
  • Inside this recess is a detail piece with vertical rectangles, evenly spaced.
  • There are also three round, white detail pieces spaced intermittently between the rectangles.
  • There are recessed grooves running vertically alongside the detail piece
  • There is a horizontal “coin slot” above the recessed detail piece at the wrist end and even with the vertical recessed lines
  • Forearms shall have a box on the bottom of each wrist end. There is a square in each wrist box on the lower inside corner.
  • On the bottom edge of each wrist box is a rectangle on the small edge perpendicular and closest to the wrist.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The squares and rectangles on the wrist boxes have black detail lines.
  • Forearms may be electronically lit.

Tx vonreg gloves.jpg Flightgloves
  • Gloves are black leather or leather-like material.
  • Gloves close with a Velcro flap at the wrist.
  • Gloves extend slightly past the wrist with the excess tucked into the forearms to hide the wearer’s skin.
  • Gloves have oval, red detailing on all fingers as shown in the reference photo.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Gloves are made of leather.

Tx vonreg thing.jpg Hand plates and wrist guards
  • Hand plates are roughly pentagonal in shape and are painted dark red gloss.
  • In the center of each hand plate is a raised area. The raised area is painted flat black and contains two white square detail pieces.
  • Wrist guards are painted dark red gloss and sit just below the hand plates at the wrist area.
  • On one end of the wrist guards is a diagonal cut. This diagonal cut shall be on the thumb side of the glove.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

Hand plates may be electronically lit.

Tx vonreg chestbox.jpg Life Support Gear (Chest Box)
  • Chest box is painted dark red gloss.
  • Chest box attaches to the center of the chest armor.
  • Chest box contains all details and colors as shown in the reference photo.
  • Crested indicator at top most portion of chest box with white and black oval details. Ovals are in order of (left to right): white, white, black, black, white, black.
  • Recessed area in the center of the chest box is painted flat charcoal gray.
  • Three, 1 inch (2,54 cm) squares in the colors of gray, white, blue.
  • Two small, round indicator lights, white and red respectively.
  • To the right of the round indicators is a smaller, recessed rectangular area painted flat black.
  • There is a recessed gap below the main portion of the chest box. Below this gap is a horizontal cylinder.
  • There are two rocker switches on the horizontal cylinder.
    • One is painted flat, light gray with a circular, flat black indicator. The second switch is solid with no indicator and is painted flat black.
  • On both sides of the chest box are circular detail pieces that are painted flat gray or silver.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Chest box may be electronically lit.

Tx vonreg belt.jpg Belt, Belt Buckle and Belt Boxes
  • Buckle and all boxes are painted dark red gloss
  • 2 inch (5,08 cm) wide leather or leather-like belt comprises the main length of the belt.
  • Detailed buckle as shown in reference photo is centered at the front of the belt.
  • Two square belt boxes with sloping tops and small rectangular recesses on the front corner are worn on the right and left hip of the wearer.
  • Between the distance of the belt boxes and behind the buckle is another belt approximately 2.5 inches (6,35 cm) wide.
  • Centered on the back of the belt is a longer, rectangular box divided by a recessed gap. The longer portion of this box faces to the wearer’s right.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Belts are made of leather
  • Black detail lines are added to all belt components.

Tx vonreg shin.jpg Knee Armor
  • Knee armor is painted dark red gloss
  • One on each knee
  • Roughly pentagonal in shape and comprised of five, wide, rounded ridges.
  • Knees may be held on with Velcro or with red elastic or red strapping material.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Knees are attached to the flight suit with Velcro and have no visible strapping.

Tx vonreg boot.jpg Boots
  • Made of leather or leather-like material
  • Boots resemble jack boots or motorcycle riding boots.
  • Soles of boots may be flat with a heel or have moderate tread.
  • Boots may have zipper closure but zippers must be hidden by the same material as the boot.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Boots are made of leather.

Tx vonreg Shins.jpg Shin Armor
  • Shin armor is painted dark red gloss.
  • One on each leg
  • Shins are worn over the boots with straps (ABS, leather, rubber or a combination)
  • The top shin strap has a rectangular buckle with snap detail on both sides of the strap closest to the shin armor.
  • The top strap is approximately 1.5 inches (3,81 cm) wide.
  • The bottom strap is approximately one inch wide.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

MajorVonreg Blaster.jpg RK-3 Blaster Pistol
  • Scratch built or high end prop replica
  • Must match specifications and colors in reference photo.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.