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Data Collection Framework - DCF



Contact information of the DCF National Correspondents and the current/past DCF legislation

All about data calls issued by DG MARE and managed by JRC

Public access to data after STECF Plenary approval and related report publication

Data Transmission and Monitoring tool: online platform to monitor data issues among end data users, Member States and Commission.

Various guidance useful for drafting and assessing work plans, annual reports and preparing data for DCF data collections

RCG, PGECON, Liaison meetings, Regional Grants, Workshops reports and planned meetings

Contains all the documents and reports concerning National Programmes, Work Plans, Annual Reports and Pilot studies

Über uns

The EU Member States collect fisheries data to support the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) through a scientific advice. The data collection framework (DCF) exists since 2000, set out in Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 and a multiannual programme (EU MAP).

The Member States collect the data following the national work plans and report annually on the implementation. They coordinate their activities in regional coordination groups (RCGs) which may also prepare regional work plans.

The Member States upload some of the collected data to JRC databases, in response to data calls issued by DG MARE. The data is analysed by the experts of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). It underpins STECF scientific opinions and recommendations that are used in the CFP decision-making process.

Other end users also partly base their scientific advice on the DCF data: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs), sustainable fisheries partnership agreements (SFPAs), and more.

JRC (D.2. Water and Marine resources) extracts and analyses the data stored in its databases, assesses its quality, and prepares it for the STECF working groups. Once the STECF reports are finalised, the aggregated data is published for further use in scientific analyses and policy-making.


On this website, you will find: