Comprehensive Health Coverage Commission

Exploring issues related to access and quality of healthcare for Georgia’s low-income and uninsured populations

CHCC Summary

Section 12 of HB1339, codified at OCGA Sec 49-4-156, created the Comprehensive Health Coverage Commission effective April 19, 2024. Its statutory purpose is to advise the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Department of Community Health, as the administrator of the state medical assistance program, on issues related to access and quality of healthcare for Georgia’s low-income and uninsured populations. The Commission shall be tasked with reviewing the following:

  • Opportunities related to reimbursement and funding for Georgia healthcare providers, including premium assistance programs
  • Opportunities related to quality improvement of healthcare for Georgia’s low-income and uninsured populations
  • Opportunities to enhance service delivery and coordination of healthcare among and across state agencies

For inquiries or comments, please contact the Commission at [email protected].

Check here for upcoming meetings and more information.

If you wish to be added to the distribution list to be notified of future CHCC meetings, email us at [email protected]. You will not receive a confirmation email.

2024 Meeting Schedule

Thursday, September 5, 2024

2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Meeting Video Link

AGENDA - Download this pdf file. Tentative Agenda - Posted 08/26/24

Download this pdf file. Presentation - Posted 09/06/24


Thursday, July 25, 2024

2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Meeting Video Link

Download this pdf file. AGENDA  - Posted 07/15/24

Download this pdf file. Presentation - Posted 07/25/24

Download this pdf file. Meeting Summary - Posted 08/26/24

Commission Reports