Luft- & Raumfahrt

Garching, Bavaria 3.013 Follower:innen

reaching for the stars since 1962.


WARR is short for "Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt", which translates to "Scientific Workgroup for Rocketry and Spaceflight". We are a student organization at TU Munich, Germany and are specializing in everything space. In particular, we are working on rockets, satellites, rovers, space elevators, and microgravity experiments. We are a non-profit student group based at the Technical University Munich, working on ambitious projects around the theme of space. With over 400 actively working student members, WARR is the biggest group of its kind in all of Germany. We're currently working within five subgroups: WARR rocketry (hybrid and solid rockets), WARR move (satellites), WARR space robotics (rover concepts, drones and space elevators) and WARR space labs (biological microgravity experiments). Originally, WARR was established in 1962 to compensate for the university's lack of space-focused institutes. Our primary goal is to provide opportunities for hands-on project experience in the aerospace sector, complimentary to the more theoretical education a university can offer.

Luft- & Raumfahrt
201–500 Beschäftigte
Garching, Bavaria
WARR move, WARR rocketry, WARR space labs, WARR exploration, WARR space elevator, Space Elevator, Satellite Technology, Rocketry, Microgravity Experiments, Lunar Rovers und WARR space robotics


Beschäftigte von WARR


  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    WARR in Berlin Last week at the Pico- and Nano-Satellite Workshop at Technische Universität Berlin, our WARR MOVE member, Christian S. Schindler, gave an excellent presentation on our latest space hardware, STONCS, made possible by OroraTech. Check out his post about the day!

    Yesterday, I presented at the 17th Pico- and Nano-Satellite Workshop at Technische Universität Berlin the next space hardware of WARR move: The STONCS Projekt with was a Cooperation with OroraTech. Furthermore, I pointed out the big potential of commercial CubeSat also for Educational projects. In general it was a really grate day with lots of interesting presentations, poster and people. Big thanks to my co-authors: Danila Dudkin, Friedrich Kempen and Zeyu Zhu as well as the complete WARR move team for there incredible work over the last year and to OroraTech for making this project possible. #TUM #BVSR

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  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are excited to announce that TÜV SÜD Stiftung has become our new WARR Rocketry gold sponsor! TÜV Süd just posted about our projects and we'd like to take a moment to thank them for their great support. Their contribution is helping make it possible for us to participate in major events like the "Spaceport America Cup" and the "European Rocketry Challenge". Keep an eye out for more updates as we continue to prepare for these exciting competitions!

    Unternehmensseite von TÜV SÜD Stiftung anzeigen, Grafik

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    🆕 Neues Förderprojekt: Raumfahrttechnologie für angehende Ingenieur*innen Wie können wir junge Menschen für Technik begeistern und die Fachkräfte von morgen fördern? Eine mögliche Antwort liefert der studentische Verein WARR , der angehenden Ingenieur*innen die Gelegenheit gibt, praktische Erfahrungen im Bereich der Raumfahrttechnologie zu sammeln. 💪 Hands-on-Learning für die Fachkräfte von morgen Neben ihrem aktiven Studium entwickeln die Studierenden eigenständig technische Raumfahrt-Systeme. Das schult nicht nur ihr technisches Verständnis, sondern bereitet sie auch optimal auf die Anforderungen der Industrie vor. Dabei hat sich der „Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt e.V.“ an der Technical University of Munich auf vier Bereiche spezialisiert: Raketenbau, Satellitentechnik, wissenschaftliche Experimente und Weltraum-Robotik. 🚀 Das WARR Rocketry Team hebt ab – mit Unterstützung der TÜV SÜD Stiftung Die Mitglieder des Raketen-Teams machen den kompletten Lebenszyklus eines Raketenprojekts mit – von der Idee über den Bau und den Lift-off bis zur Landung. Damit sie noch viele Raketenstarts erleben und v.a. an internationalen Wettbewerben teilnehmen können, fördern wir zwei ihrer Projekte: „Nixus“ und „WESP“. #Raumfahrt #Bildung #TÜVSÜDStiftung

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  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    After the successful testing of our engine in stand-alone test rig tests configuration, WARR Rocketry successfully wrapped up the integrated test for project "Nixus". In this test, we assemble the entire rocket and test it in flight configuration. This was also the first time our primary flight computer was in charge of controlling the vehicle. We are happy to announce that all systems worked together flawlessly. All the hard work during the last year in designing, manufacturing and testing the individual systems paid off, leading to a straightforward integrated campaign. During this campaign, we fired the engine for 10 seconds at a nominal thrust of 3.5kN. With this test, we further paved the way for EuRoC 2024 and can now proceed with the final launch rehearsals.

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  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    Exciting news: we shipped the next WARR hardware to go to space!   Thanks to an opportunity provided by OroraTech GmbH, we have designed and developed STONCS: our testing platform for the next generation MOVE hardware and software.   STONCS, which stands for Student Technology on CubeSat, enables us to test critical components for our CubeSat MOVE-III, including CDH, OPS, and power distribution. The main purpose of the project is to test the following components: 1. Sun sensors:     The board includes 3 in-house developed sun sensors, two of which are developed by WARR MOVE members. They are low-cost, medium accuracy, open-source alternatives to what is available commercially. This mission allows us to iterate and learn how to improve their performance in a space environment for the MOVE-III satellite. 2. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU):     The IMU is a COTS part, which was used on previous MOVE-III Balloon test missions. With the flights proving to be successful, we are now taking the next step towards getting space heritage for the part. 3. Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM):     The MRAM on board is also a COTS part. The main test consists of writing a known data sequence into memory, and monitoring the data, as it degrades over time. 4. Software for the STM32L4R5 microcontroller:     We will test our self-developed Operating System DOSIS (Distributed Operating System Initiative for Satellites) for operating sensors, managing data and communication. The moveloader, our brand-new bootloader written in Rust, enables us to do reliable in-orbit software updates. After a year of full-time development and testing, the team has learned a lot about integrating and testing space hardware, working together, managing and distributing workload, as well as the limits of human caffeine intake. A huge thank you to OroraTech for their incredible support, and to all WARR MOVE members for their dedication and hard work that makes this mission possible!

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  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    Following successful coldflow tests to ensure the integrity and accuracy of our propellant flow systems, WARR Rocketry is pleased to announce the completion of the hotfire test for "Brunhilde" as part of project "Nixus". This engine, powered by bi-liquid propellants—liquid oxygen (LOx) and ethanol—produced a thrust of 3.5 kN during the test. The entire operation was thoroughly controlled and monitored from our control room using our newly developed test rig control hardware and software. The next critical step in our engine development program will be integrating Brunhilde into a vertically assembled rocket for further testing on our test rig. This will allow us to validate the engine’s performance in a fully integrated system, bringing us closer to our launch objectives.

  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    One major part that contributed to the success of our WARR Rocketry project WESP's two-stage launch at SAC, was our self-developed staging mechanism consisting of two fitted components. The great specialty of this mechanism lies in its upper element. This part does not just ensure the alignment of both rocket stages before stage separation, it is also designed in such a way that it is able to take the loads occurring during staging and transfer the thrust to the remaining structure of the rocket. This time, all good things come in fours, as this component also acts as an aerodynamic boattail. The combination of these four functions – while being as lightweight as possible – was only possible with SLM 3D printing and the outstanding support of Craftcloud (www.craftcloud3d.com), who took care of not only the printing of the part, but also its post-processing.

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  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    Take a look at this great blog post by one of our members at MOVE.

    Profil von Philipp Erhardt anzeigen, Grafik

    Informatics Student @ TUM, building satellite software @ WARR

    Embedded Devs: How do you test your ECC error detection handling code? At WARR MOVE, we want to ensure the bootloader for our next satellite missions is reliable in the space environment. In my latest blog post, I explain how we trick the STM32L4R5 microcontroller into triggering real ECC detection interrupts, which allows us to verify that our bootloader continues to work when data corruption occurs

    Don’t snipe me in space - intentional flash corruption for STM32 microcontrollers

    Don’t snipe me in space - intentional flash corruption for STM32 microcontrollers


  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    On 21.06.2024 WARR Rocketry successfully launched the rocket EX-1E of project WESP at the competition "Spaceport America Cup". The rocket is the first two stage rocket launched by rocketry and since the flight was fully nominal, it also is the first successful launch and recovery of a German student built two stage rocket. Flying a payload from our sister project D.I.N.O. labs, the sustainer (2nd stage) of the rocket reached 7.8km AGL in altitude after which it performed a successful recovery. The booster (1st stage) of the rocket was similarly recovered successfully, while utilizing an unorthodox sideways recovery system. The launch itself was a culmination of countless hours of work put in by the wider team around project WESP and the Launchcrew, with the sustainer being manufactured in the span of less than two months being preceded by countless hours of development and a test launch on 21.04. in Straubing, Germany. The launch included many firsts for WARR Rocketry, as this was our first ever Two-Stage Launch, it included our first ever staging system, it marked the first time we developed an utilized a topology optimized metal 3D printed structural parts and last, but not least, it included the aforementioned sideways recovery system, which underwent it's first successful deployment during this flight. The team will now strive to improve the system, with the official commencement of the development EX-1Evo we hope to improve the current rocket and see how high and how fast it can truly go. EX-1E, however, was not the only competition launch planned for this year as in October the project Nixus will attempt to launch at the European Rocketry Challenge with the EX-4B, the improved version of the EX-4. #rocketry #soundingrockets #SpaceportAmericaCup2024 #WESP

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  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    Louis Wiench, our project manager from Nixus WARR Rocketry, recently took the stage as a guest at TUM Entrepreneurship Day organized by UnternehmerTUM. He participated in the panel discussion titled “TUM @ New Space - The Sky is No Limit” alongside esteemed guests like Chiara Manfletti (Prof. at Space Propulsion Chair), Daniel Metzler (CEO of IsarAerospace) and Luisa Buinhas (Co-Founder & Chief Program Officer at Vyoma). This event delved into the exciting frontiers of space exploration and innovation, as well as the spirit of entrepreneurship in space technology. During the discussion, Louis shared insights from WARR Rocketry's projects: a bi-liquid rocket (Nixus) and a solid sounding rocket (WESP), highlighting how they are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in student rocketry. We are grateful that we were able to be a part of this great discussion. Underscoring the rapid advancements in space technology and how entrepreneurial ventures are fueling this progress. Let’s keep up the good work!

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  • Unternehmensseite von WARR anzeigen, Grafik

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    For commissioning our new flight engine, Team WARR Rocketry has taken the first testing steps to flush the cooling channels, to get rid of any remaining debris that could be left from the manufacturing process. Afterwards the fully assembled engine’s flow paths are characterized to validate our calculations and to calibrate our load point calculation tools. All of these tests were successfully performed with our new in-house developed test rig control hardware and software.

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