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For each visitor to the Web site, DMC's servers automatically collect information about which pages are visited and the domain name of visitors. This information is used for internal review, to tailor information to individual visitors and for Web site traffic audits. We also provide this information (as well as information from third-party market researchers) about our users on an aggregated, anonymous basis to our advertisers.

DMC may place a "cookie" on the browser of your computer. The cookie itself does not contain any personally identifying information. A cookie may be used to tell when your computer has contacted the Web site. DMC uses the information for editorial purposes and for other purposes such as delivery of features and advertisements, so DMC can customize delivery of information to you without compromising privacy. For example, cookies may be used to ensure that you will not see the same banner advertisement too often in a single session.

DMC may, in the course of providing services through its Web sites, ask you to disclose voluntarily certain information about yourself. This could include information that identifies you or your household. Any information in DMC's possession solely as a result of your use of the Web site and that is associated with you or your household is considered "Personal Information." It consists of both information supplied by you (e.g. name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) and information collected about how you use the Web site (e.g. the fact that you have bought merchandise through the Web site). 'Personal Information' does not include statistical data about large numbers of users, none of whom are identifiable, nor does it include information that you have posted for public view on the Web site or otherwise publicly disclosed.

Like many other commercial sites, our site may utilize an electronic file called a Web beacon to count users who have visited a page or recognize users by accessing certain cookies. Our site and/or the Web sites of advertisers and merchants with which we have a relationship may use Web beacons (a) for auditing purposes and to collect information from the Web sites of certain advertisers or merchants; (b) to report anonymous individual and/or aggregate information about our users from such advertisers or merchants. Aggregate information may include demographic and usage information. No personally identifiable information about you is shared with such advertisers or merchants. You may choose to opt-out by contacting us in accordance with the information set forth at the bottom of this policy.

In addition, DMC service providers and third-party advertising service providers may use their own cookies, web beacons and other technologies to collect the information listed above. The data collected in connection with ad serving and ad targeting does not include your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, birthdate or gender unless you affirmatively provide information within the ad. However, it may include device identifying information such as the IP address, MAC address, cookie or other device-specific unique ID. These service providers also may assign an anonymous identifier to the tracking pixel or session cookie.

The collection of information by our service providers and third-party advertising service providers is governed by their relevant privacy notices, for which we have no responsibility or liability, and are not covered by our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions regarding the privacy notice of one of our service providers, you should contact the service provider directly for more information.

If you would like more information about the information collection practices of a particular third-party advertising service provider, or if you would like more information on how to opt out of a third-party advertising service providers information collection practices, go to www.aboutads.info, or for apps, at www.aboutads.info/appchoices.

Additionally, some of our third-party advertising service providers are members of the Network Advertising Initiative ("NAI"). You can obtain more information about these third-party advertising service providers' information collection practices, and opt out of such practices (and at the same time opt out of the collection practices of other, or all, NAI members) by following the opt out instructions on the NAI's website at http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp.

Please note that one of our third-party advertising service providers is DoubleClick. You can opt out of the use of cookies by DoubleClick by visiting http://www.google.com/settings/ads.

How does the Web site use the information it gathers?

Information collected on the Web site, including traffic patterns and user behavior, is used primarily for the following purposes:

• Internal research. The Web site is continuously assessing how visitors use the site. This data assists us in making decisions about how to improve the site and to better serve our users. Research data are aggregated and do not include data about specific individuals. We may share aggregated research (but not individual user information) with our advertisers or business partners. Additionally, the Web site may use your information to contact you to ask for your participation in a focus group, survey, or some other type of research effort.

• To customize your experience on the Web site. As the Web site improves its service, it may offer users more opportunities to customize content and other aspects of the site. Information provided by you may be used to assist in the customization process, if you elect to participate in these features.

• To tailor advertising efforts. Most of the information and services available to you at the Web site are free. In order to continue providing services free of charge, the Web site sells advertising. Advertisers prefer to target their communication toward audiences who are most likely to be interested in their products. The information gathered on the Web site helps us advise advertisers in general terms about certain aspects of site visitors (e.g. how visitors use the site, general demographic attributes of visitors, usage patterns on various parts of our site, etc.). This information helps both advertisers and the Web site make better decisions about where to place advertising. This information may also be used to send targeted marketing, such as emails, to users that we think would be interested in such marketing. Visitors who choose to conduct financial transactions with advertisers on the Web site may also provide specific data to those advertisers during the process of their transactions. Additionally, any information provided during the purchase on the Web site of products or services will result in the collection of certain information required to complete the transaction.

• To use third party service providers. We provide some services and products through third parties. These third party service providers may perform functions on our behalf, like sending out and distributing promotional emails. We may share your personally identifiable information with such service providers as necessary to allow those service providers to fulfill orders, send mail or email, administer contests or sweepstakes, remove repetitive information on customer lists, analyze data, provide marketing assistance, provide search results and links, process credit card payments, operate the Web site, troubleshoot, or provide customer service. We may also collect personal information from individuals and companies with whom we have business relationships ("Affiliates") and may share your information with service providers to accomplish our administrative tasks. For example, when you order a service, the third party payment processor we use releases your credit card information to the card-issuing bank to confirm payment for the service. The use of your personally identifiable information by these third parties is governed by the privacy policies of these third parties and is not subject to our control.

More specifically, here is how the Web site may use information you provide:

• E-mail addresses. If you supply the Web site with your e-mail address, either by registering on the site, by communicating with us via e-mail, or signing up for promotional offers or emails we may, from time to time, send you information that we believe would be of interest to you via e-mail. This information may be from the Web site or sent by us on behalf of one of our quality advertisers. Note: If we send you e-mail on behalf of another company, your personally identifiable information is not disclosed to that company unless you purchase a product or service from that company in which case it may need your information to fulfill your purchase. Rather, the company provides us with the information it wants to send, and we prepare and send the e-mail directly to you. We may use a third party service provider to manage or send emails on our behalf, but that third party is only authorized to use your information as necessary to send our email to you and it is not authorized to sell or transfer your information.

• Postal addresses. If you supply the Web site with your postal address, we may send you periodic mailings with information on new products, coming events, surveys or other research materials, or other information we think might be of interest to you.

• Telephone numbers. If you provide your telephone number or cell phone number, the Web site may call or text you regarding orders you have placed online, to tell you about new products, services, or coming events, or to offer other information that may interest you. Additionally, the Web site or one of its agents may call you for research purposes.

• Sale transaction information. From time to time, we provide offers from our advertisers who, as part of their offer, request information on customers who purchased their offer in order to allow the advertiser to fulfill the purchase. In those cases, we share some of your personally identifiable information with that advertiser. Sharing this Information may allow that advertiser to market directly to you should it choose to do so. However, we will only share personally identifiable information with an advertiser if you provide us that information and enter into a transaction with that advertiser on or through our Web site. We are not responsible or liable for the actions of such advertiser.

• Business transfer. We may also share your information in the case our business is sold or transferred. If this occurs, the successor company would acquire the information we maintain, including personally identifiable information.

Except as necessary to process your requests or orders placed with advertisers or merchants featured on the Web site, or as otherwise described above, DMC does not rent, sell, barter or give away any lists containing Personal Information for use by any outside company. DMC also respects the privacy of data on your personal computer and does not access, read, upload or store data contained in or derived from your private files without your authorization.

Facebook Connect

Our Web site may allow users to access Facebook Connect to interact with friends and to share on Facebook through Wall and friends' News Feeds. If you are logged into our Web site and Facebook, when you click on "Connect with Facebook" your profiles will merge if the email addresses match. If the email addresses don't match, we ask you if you want to merge them and you must enter your Web site password to validate that they control that account. If you are already logged into our Web site but not logged into Facebook, when you click on "Connect with Facebook" you will be prompted to enter your Facebook credentials or to "Sign up for Facebook." By proceeding you are allowing the Web site to access your information and you are agreeing to the Facebook Terms of Use in your use of our Web site. Similar access to your information may occur if the Web site allows users to access other social applications similar to Facebook.

Conversely, if you are not currently registered as an the Web site user and you click on "Sign in Using Facebook," you will first be asked to enter your Facebook credentials and then be given the option to register and join the Web site. Once you register on our Web site and Connect with Facebook, you will be able to automatically post recent activity back to Facebook. You have the option to disable Facebook Connect at any time by logging into "My Profile" and clicking on "My Facebook Profile." Further, you can edit privacy settings for the reviews that appear on Facebook or disconnect this service by visiting the Facebook Application Settings page.


The DMC site contains links to other sites. DMC is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites, including any sites that may indicate a special relationship or partnership with DMC (such as co-branded pages or "powered by" or "in cooperation with" relationships). DMC does not disclose personally identifiable information or unique identifiers to those responsible for the linked sites. The linked sites, however, may collect personal information from you that is not subject to DMC's control. To ensure protection of your privacy, always review the privacy policy of the sites you may visit by linking from the DMC site.

Opt Out Procedures

You always may opt out of receiving future mailings or other information from DMC. If the mailing does not have an e-mail cancellation form, send us an e-mail the type of information that you no longer desire to receive.

You may opt out of any or all contacts from the Web site at any time. All e-mails sent to you from the Web site will allow you to opt out of any further e-mail from us. You may e-mail us to opt out of our email programs. You may also write or call us at the following address and phone number to notify us regarding use of your information: 2413 Ft Worth Drive, Denton TX 76205, 940.387.3811.

When you register on the Web site, you will be given the opportunity to opt out of further communication from us.

You may accept certain kinds of contact and decline others. For example, you may choose to accept e-mails, but not postal mail or telephone calls.

If, at any time in the future, the Web site decides to use information provided by you in a way not described here, we will contact you beforehand to explain the use of the information and give you the opportunity to decline that use.

Children's Privacy

The following additional terms, conditions and notices apply to use of the Web site by children under the age of 13 years whenever DMC becomes aware that a user is in that age range:

• Users under 13 years of age may not submit or post information on the Web site without the consent of the user's parent or legal guardian. Prior to collecting any personal information about a child under 13, DMC makes reasonable efforts to obtain consent from the child's parent after informing the parent about the types of information DMC will collect, how it will be used, and under what circumstances it will be disclosed.

• Although DMC will apply these children's terms and conditions whenever it becomes aware that a user who submits Personal Information is less than 13 years old, no method is foolproof. DMC strongly encourages parents and guardians to supervise their children's online activities and consider using parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers to help provide a child-friendly online environment. These tools also can prevent children from disclosing online their name, address, and other personal information without parental permission.

• "Personal information" collected from children may include any of the information defined above as "Personal Information" with respect to general users of the Web site and may be used by DMC for the same purposes. Except as necessary to process a child's requests or orders placed with advertisers or merchants featured on the Web site, DMC does not rent, sell, barter or give away any lists containing a child's Personal Information for use by any outside company.

• If a child enters a game, contest or other activity sponsored by DMC on the Web site, the child may be required by DMC to provide the minimum Personal Information reasonably necessary for the child to participate in such activity.

• A child's parent or legal guardian may request DMC to provide a description of the Personal Information that DMC has collected from the child, as well as instruct DMC to cease further use, maintenance and collection of Personal Information from the child.

• If a child voluntarily discloses his or her name, e-mail address or other personally-identifying information on chat areas, bulletin boards or other forums or public posting areas, such disclosures may result in unsolicited messages from other parties.

Cancellation & Refund Policies

A subscription to any of our products can be cancelled at any time.

The promotional or introductory rate is effective for the term of the subscription. Following the term the Denton Record-Chronicle will continue to provide product and services at the then current rate until you notify us to cancel your subscription. Prices are subject to change without notice.

There are no refunds on digital accounts.

Subscription Refunds over $10.00 will be sent via check on the 15th of the month following the cancellation. Or credited via the original method of payment. Any refund amount under $10.00 will be donated to the Newspaper in Education program unless a refund is specifically requested.

The Denton Media Company will charge a $5 processing fee for refunds remitted to the customer.

Advertiser refunds will be granted upon cancellation of an entire run schedule or agreement if notice of cancellation is received from the advertiser prior to the beginning of the run schedule or agreement. Refunds will be issued per the original method of payment and will be processed within 10 business days of the request.


These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement and understanding between you and DMC with respect to use of the Web site, superseding all prior or contemporaneous communications and/or proposals. DMC reserves the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions immediately by posting the changed Terms and Conditions in this location. By continuing to use the Web site, you are agreeing to all changes made by DMC. A printed version of these Terms and Conditions shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to use of the Web site to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.

The Web site is controlled and operated by DMC from its principal office in the State of Texas, USA. DMC makes no representation that materials on the Web site are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Those who choose to access the Web site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable. The Web site is not intended to subject DMC to the laws or jurisdiction of any state, country or territory other than the State of Texas and the United States of America.

Vacation No Credit

We no longer offer vacation credit. All daily subscribers are eligible for All Digital Access, which will allow access to all on-line content, including the digital replica of the newspaper. To sign up for All Access, call customer service at (940) 566-6888.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of the DMC site, or your dealings with DMC, you may contact us at:


Contact us via email