AndroidX releases

Jetpack libraries ship separately from the Android OS, so updates to the libraries can happen independently and more frequently.

The libraries follow strict semantic versioning for binary compatibility with an added inter-version sequence of pre-release revisions. A version string (like 1.0.1-beta02) contains three numbers representing major, minor, and bugfix levels. Pre-release versions also have a suffix that specifies the pre-release stage (alpha, beta, release candidate) and revision number (01, 02, and so on).

Please note that androidx libraries are encouraged, but not required, to preserve source compatibility across minor versions. The reason being a major version update would force all artifacts that depend on the previous major version to be explicitly migrated, which would disrupt the workflow of developers.

Every version of a library moves through three pre-release stages on its way to becoming a stable release. The criteria for each pre-release stage is:


  • Alpha releases are functionally stable, but may not be feature-complete.
  • While a release is in alpha, APIs may be added, removed, or changed.


  • Beta releases are functionally stable and have a feature-complete API surface.
  • They are ready for production use but may contain bugs.
  • A beta release cannot use experimental compiler features (such as @UseExperimental).
  • Dependencies on other libraries must be beta, rc, or stable versions. No alpha dependencies are allowed.

Release Candidate (RC)

  • A release candidate is a prospective stable release.
  • It may contain critical last-minute fixes.
  • Its API surface is final.
  • Dependencies on other libraries must be rc or stable versions only.

A library can have multiple versions at the same time. Each version has a different release stage. For example, while the stable release of androidx.activity could be 1.0.0, there might also be a 1.1.0-beta02 release as well as a 2.0.0-alpha01 release.

Use this page to learn of the latest updates to the libraries.

The AndroidX recent release notes page lists the libraries that have recently changed. Google's Maven repository shows the complete version history.

Use the table below to view the most recent stable and preview versions of every AndroidX library. The links on each row take you to the library's release notes. In the release notes you'll find:

  • The chronological history of all the releases.
  • A code snippet with the default Gradle dependency declarations to use the artifacts.
  • Links to the Kotlin and Java reference pages for the packages in each artifact.

Jetpack libraries

Some AndroidX libraries, like camera, have multiple artifacts that are maintained separately. These libraries are marked with an asterisk (*). See the release notes to view the version updates for all of the artifacts.

Maven Group ID Latest Update Stable Release Release Candidate Beta Release Alpha Release
activity June 26, 2024 1.9.0 - - 1.10.0-alpha01
ads March 8, 2023 - - - 1.0.0-alpha05
annotation (*) June 26, 2024 1.8.0 - - 1.9.0-alpha01
appcompat May 29, 2024 1.7.0 - - -
appsearch May 24, 2023 - - - 1.1.0-alpha03
arch.core February 22, 2023 2.2.0 - - -
asynclayoutinflater October 5, 2022 1.0.0 - - 1.1.0-alpha01
autofill May 24, 2023 1.1.0 - 1.2.0-beta01 1.3.0-alpha01
benchmark July 10, 2024 1.2.4 - 1.3.0-beta02 -
biometric May 29, 2024 1.1.0 - - 1.4.0-alpha01
bluetooth November 29, 2023 - - - 1.0.0-alpha02
browser March 6, 2024 1.8.0 - - -
car-app June 26, 2024 1.4.0 - 1.7.0-beta01 -
camera (*) June 12, 2024 1.3.4 - 1.4.0-beta02 -
cardview September 21, 2018 1.0.0 - - -
collection July 10, 2024 1.4.1 - - -
compose May 14, 2024 1.4.1 - - -
compose.animation July 10, 2024 1.6.8 - 1.7.0-beta05 -
compose.compiler May 14, 2024 1.5.14 - - - July 10, 2024 1.6.8 - 1.7.0-beta05 -
compose.material July 10, 2024 1.6.8 - 1.7.0-beta05 -
compose.material3 June 26, 2024 1.2.1 - 1.3.0-beta04 -
compose.runtime July 10, 2024 1.6.8 - 1.7.0-beta05 -
compose.ui July 10, 2024 1.6.8 - 1.7.0-beta05 -
concurrent June 12, 2024 1.2.0 - - -
constraintlayout (*) October 4, 2023 2.1.4 - - 2.2.0-alpha13
contentpager September 21, 2018 1.0.0 - - -
coordinatorlayout October 4, 2023 1.2.0 - - 1.3.0-alpha02
core (*) June 12, 2024 1.13.1 - - 1.15.0-alpha01
core.uwb January 24, 2024 - - - 1.0.0-alpha08
credentials July 10, 2024 1.2.2 1.3.0-rc01 - 1.5.0-alpha02
cursoradapter September 21, 2018 1.0.0 - - -
customview (*) September 21, 2022 1.1.0 - - 1.2.0-alpha02
databinding September 5, 2019 3.5.0 - - 3.6.0-alpha10
datastore May 1, 2024 1.1.1 - - -
documentfile August 18, 2021 1.0.1 - - 1.1.0-alpha01
draganddrop May 11, 2022 1.0.0 - - -
drawerlayout March 22, 2023 1.2.0 - - -
dynamicanimation December 4, 2019 1.0.0 - - 1.1.0-alpha03
emoji January 27, 2021 1.1.0 - - 1.2.0-alpha03
emoji2 July 10, 2024 1.4.0 - 1.5.0-beta01 -
enterprise January 13, 2021 1.1.0 - - -
exifinterface December 13, 2023 1.3.7 - - -
fragment June 26, 2024 1.8.1 - - -
games (*) July 10, 2024 3.0.4 - - -
glance June 12, 2024 1.1.0 - - -
graphics (*) May 29, 2024 1.0.0 - - -
gridlayout May 24, 2023 1.0.0 - 1.1.0-beta01 -
health May 14, 2024 - 1.0.0-rc02 - 1.1.0-alpha03
health.connect January 10, 2024 - - - 1.1.0-alpha07
heifwriter July 26, 2023 - - - 1.1.0-alpha02
hilt (*) February 21, 2024 1.2.0 - - -
input May 1, 2024 - - 1.0.0-beta04 -
interpolator September 21, 2018 1.0.0 - - -
javascriptengine November 1, 2023 - - 1.0.0-beta01 -
jetifier September 2, 2020 - - 1.0.0-beta10 -
leanback November 15, 2023 1.0.0 1.1.0-rc02 - 1.2.0-alpha04
legacy September 21, 2018 1.0.0 - - -
lifecycle (*) July 1, 2024 2.8.3 - - -
lint February 21, 2024 - - - 1.0.0-alpha01
loader October 9, 2019 1.1.0 - - -
localbroadcastmanager January 12, 2022 1.1.0 - - -
media November 29, 2023 1.7.0 - - -
media2 January 10, 2024 1.3.0 - - -
media3 July 10, 2024 1.3.1 1.4.0-rc01 1.4.0-beta01 1.4.0-alpha02
mediarouter March 20, 2024 1.7.0 - - -
multidex December 17, 2018 2.0.1 - - -
metrics January 10, 2024 - - 1.0.0-beta01 -
paging (*) May 14, 2024 3.3.0 - - -
palette September 21, 2018 1.0.0 - - -
percentlayout September 21, 2018 1.0.0 - - -
preference July 26, 2023 1.2.1 - - -
print October 28, 2020 - - 1.1.0-beta01 -
privacysandbox.activity November 15, 2023 - - - 1.0.0-alpha01 July 10, 2024 - - 1.1.0-beta09 -
privacysandbox.plugins August 9, 2023 - - - 1.0.0-alpha02
privacysandbox.sdkruntime March 6, 2024 - - - 1.0.0-alpha13 June 26, 2024 - - - 1.0.0-alpha09
privacysandbox.ui June 26, 2024 - - - 1.0.0-alpha09
profileinstaller February 7, 2024 1.3.1 - - 1.4.0-alpha01
recommendation September 21, 2018 1.0.0 - - -
recyclerview (*) October 18, 2023 1.3.2 - - 1.4.0-alpha01
remotecallback May 7, 2019 1.0.0 - - -
resourceinspection January 26, 2022 1.0.1 - - -
room July 10, 2024 2.6.1 - - 2.7.0-alpha05
savedstate March 22, 2023 1.2.1 - - -
security (*) July 10, 2024 1.0.0 - - 1.1.0-alpha06
sharetarget October 5, 2022 1.2.0 - - -
slice January 13, 2021 - - - 1.1.0-alpha02
slidingpanelayout January 26, 2022 1.2.0 - - -
startup January 11, 2023 1.1.1 - - 1.2.0-alpha02
sqlite July 10, 2024 2.4.0 - - 2.5.0-alpha05
swiperefreshlayout July 22, 2020 1.1.0 - - 1.2.0-alpha01
test (*) June 26, 2024 1.0.1 - - 1.1.0-alpha04
test.uiautomator June 26, 2024 2.3.0 - - 2.4.0-alpha01
textclassifier March 23, 2022 - - - 1.0.0-alpha04
tracing November 29, 2023 1.2.0 - - 1.3.0-alpha02
transition May 1, 2024 1.5.0 - - -
tv July 10, 2024 - 1.0.0-rc01 - -
tvprovider August 19, 2020 - - - 1.1.0-alpha01
vectordrawable May 1, 2024 1.2.0 - - -
versionedparcelable January 10, 2024 1.2.0 - - -
viewpager September 15, 2021 1.0.0 - - 1.1.0-alpha01
viewpager2 May 14, 2024 1.1.0 - - -
wear (*) May 29, 2024 1.3.0 - - 1.4.0-alpha01
wear.compose June 12, 2024 1.3.1 - 1.4.0-beta03 -
wear.protolayout July 10, 2024 1.1.0 - 1.2.0-beta01 -
wear.tiles July 10, 2024 1.3.0 - 1.4.0-beta01 -
wear.watchface April 17, 2024 1.2.1 - - 1.3.0-alpha03
webkit June 12, 2024 1.9.0 - - 1.12.0-alpha02
window May 29, 2024 1.3.0 - - -
window.extensions.core June 7, 2023 1.0.0 - - -
work April 17, 2024 2.9.0 - - 2.10.0-alpha02

(*) This library has multiple artifacts. See its release notes for more information.
Last updated: July 10, 2024