Documentation changelog

This page contains information about any additions or updates to the Classroom API documentation.

24 June 2024: New documentation for managing grading periods

Added guides on how to access and use the grading periods endpoints in the Developer Preview Program. Added grading periods endpoints reference documentation.

20 June 2024: Updates for add-ons general availability for developers

Removed references to "closed" state across many add-ons guide pages. Updated the Cloud project configuration guide to incorporate use of the Google Workspace Marketplace SDK Draft state.

Update the guide for navigating third-party cookie deprecation in Classroom add-ons to reflect recent cookie deprecation timeline changes.

Created a guide for navigating third-party cookie deprecation in Classroom add-ons.

25 January 2024: Updated add-on attachment access to stream items

Added a new question in the FAQ about add-on attachment ability to see, modify, or turn in the Announcement, Assignment, or Material that it is attached to. Expanded coverage of stream items in the Classroom concepts guide.

13 November 2023: API preview usage

Added documentation on how to use Classroom API features in public preview and guidance for using the Rubrics CRUD API.

7 November 2023: Create custom administrator roles

Created a guide that highlights how administrators can set up custom roles for users in their domain by using Google APIs. These roles can give users access to features such as Classroom analytics and temporary class access.

22 September 2023: SIS gradebook sync partnership

Added documentation to enable Student Information Systems to set up gradebook sync.

20 September 2023: API preview roadmap

Created the Roadmap page highlighting upcoming API features and how developers can participate in public previews.

19 July 2023: The add-ons "Posts" resource has been deprecated

Documentation has been updated to reflect the deprecation of "posts" and the addition of add-on specific methods to the Announcements, CourseWork and CourseWorkMaterials resources.

Published a guide on how to configure your add-on to allow teachers to upgrade pasted links to add-on attachments in assignments. Added information on the Link Upgrade iframe in the iframe implementation details page.

13 March 2023: New Manage invitations guide with Java code snippets

Created the Manage invitations guide with Java code snippets that live in a GitHub repository accessible from the guide.

23 January 2023: New Java code snippets in the Manage guardians guide

Updated the Manage guardians guide to include code examples in Java. The code lives in a GitHub repository that is accessible from the guide.

13 January 2023: Additional scope information to retrieve UserProfile fields

Updated the UserProfile resource page to highlight the scopes required to return the photoUrl and emailAddress fields in a response body.

10 January 2023: @UserCannotOwnCourse error message

Documented the @UserCannotOwnCourse error message in the Request Errors page.

5 January 2023: Customization of Classroom Share Button

Added additional clarity around customization guidelines for the Classroom Share button.

3 January 2023: New Java code snippets in Manage coursework and grades guide

  • Updated the Manage coursework and grades guide to include code examples in Java. The code lives in a GitHub repository that is accessible from the guide.

  • Included a new section that shows how to list all grades for a particular coursework item in Java and Python.

21 December 2022: Comprehensive test plan

  • Published a new comprehensive add-ons test plan. These are a series of tests to evaluate your complete Classroom add-on experience and to evaluate your add-on against the Classroom add-on requirements. The plan describes edge cases, testing procedures, and suggestions to resolve outstanding issues with your add-ons implementation.
  • Published our new Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for Classroom add-ons issues. The linked document describes how Google handles issues with our Classroom add-ons EAP partners. We greatly appreciate your input in developing this policy.
  • Split the review process into several smaller pages. Each applies to a specific moment in the development cycle.

19 December 2022: New Java code snippets in Manage aliases and Manage topics guides

Updated the Manage aliases guide and Manage topics guide to include code examples in Java. The code lives in a GitHub repository that is accessible from the guides.

15 December 2022: @IneligibleOwner error message

Documented the @IneligibleOwner error message in the Request Errors page.

21 November 2022: Course ownership transfer steps

Updated the Manage courses guide to include the steps to transfer course ownership using Classroom API methods.

14 November 2022: Course copy guide

Added a new guide page regarding how to handle copied add-on attachments. Consult this guide to confirm that your add-on is compliant with recent requirements changes.

19 October 2022: Java walkthrough updates

The second and third steps of our add-ons walkthrough series now include sample code in Java.

8 August 2022: Grade category and gradebook settings

Documented the grade category and gradebook settings resources.

21 March 2022: @InactiveCourseOwner error message

Documented the @InactiveCourseOwner error message in the Request Errors page.