Report Type: negativeAdGroupKeyword

Configuration attributes for negative keywords that have been created at the ad group level.

This report can only be returned by an asynchronous request (that is, via the Reports.request() method).

Request excerpt

Send a regular Reports.request() request body, but specify "reportType": "negativeAdGroupKeyword".

  "reportType": "negativeAdGroupKeyword",
  "columns": [
      "columnName": string,
      "headerText": string,
      "startDate": string,
      "endDate": string
  "filters": [
      "column": {
        "columnName": string,

For each column that you want returned or filtered in the report, specify the columnName listed in the table below. You can also optionally specify headerText, startDate, and endDate. Note that some columns cannot be filtered; refer to "Filterable" in the table below.

status The status of the negative keyword: Active oder Removed. Note that campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads each have their own status. See status. attribute Status Yes
engineStatus Additional status of the negative ad group keyword in the external engine account. attribute String Yes
creationTimestamp Timestamp of the negative keyword's creation, formatted in ISO 8601. attribute Timestamp Yes
lastModifiedTimestamp Timestamp of the negative keyword's most recent modification, formatted in ISO 8601. attribute Timestamp Yes
agency Agency name. attribute String Yes
agencyId DS agency ID. attribute ID Yes
advertiser Advertiser name. attribute String Yes
advertiserId DS advertiser ID. attribute ID Yes
account Engine account name. attribute String Yes
accountId DS engine account ID. attribute ID Yes
accountEngineId ID of the account in the external engine account. attribute String Yes
accountType Engine account type: Google AdWords, Bing Ads, Yahoo Japan Listing Ads, Yahoo Search Marketing, Yahoo Gemini, Baidu, or Comparison Shopping. attribute Engine type Yes
campaign Campaign name. attribute String Yes
campaignId DS campaign ID. attribute ID Yes
campaignStatus The status of the campaign that contains this item. attribute Status Yes
adGroup Ad group name. attribute String Yes
adGroupId DS ad group ID. attribute ID Yes
adGroupStatus The status of the ad group that contains this item. attribute Status Yes
negativeAdGroupKeywordId DS negative ad group keyword ID. attribute ID Yes
negativeAdGroupKeywordText The keyword text. attribute String Yes
negativeAdGroupKeywordMatchType Match type of the negative keyword: Broad, Exact, Phrase, or Content. Currently only for Google Ads accounts. attribute Match type Yes