📅Native Date Picker

A native date picker in your mobile app provide a user-friendly and efficient interface, ensuring consistency across devices, supporting localization, integrating with the operating system.

🧋 Bubble.io Plugin

[Element] Natively - Date Picker


  • Date selected

  • Date Picker closed


  • Selected Date


  • Show Date Picker

    • Titel

    • Description [iOS]

    • Type - DATE, DATE_AND_TIME, or TIME

    • Style [iOS] - DARK or LIGHT

🛠 JavaScript SDK


const picker = new NativelyDatePicker()
const datepicker_callback = function (resp) {
    const milliseconds = Number(resp.date);
    console.log(new Date(milliseconds));
const title = "Select Date";
const description = "";
const type = "DATE_AND_TIME" // "DATE"/"TIME"/"DATE_AND_TIME"
const style = "LIGHT" // "LIGHT"/"DARK"
picker.showDatePicker(title, description, type, style, datepicker_callback);

Last updated