Senate Journal
One-Hundred and First Regular Session
TUESDAY, February 5, 2013
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated Monday, February 4, 2013.
Petitions and Communications
hist1276Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senator Lehman added as a co-author of Senate Bill 3.
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date.
Amendments Offered
hist1277Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1278Senate Amendment 2 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1279Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1280Senate Amendment 4 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1281Senate Amendment 5 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1282Senate Amendment 6 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1283Senate Amendment 7 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1284Senate Amendment 8 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1285Senate Amendment 9 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1286Senate Amendment 10 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1287Senate Amendment 11 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senator Tiffany.
hist1295Senate Amendment 12 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senators Jauch and Lehman.
hist1297Senate Amendment 13 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senators Jauch and Lehman.
hist1299Senate Amendment 14 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senators Jauch and Lehman.
hist1315Senate Amendment 15 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senators Jauch and Lehman.
hist1317Senate Amendment 16 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senators Jauch and Lehman.
hist1294Senate Substitute Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 1 offered by Senators Jauch and Lehman.
Petitions and Communications
hist1293Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Bernard Schaber added as a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 6.
Legislative Reference Bureau Corrections
Corrections In:
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(February 5, 2013)
hist13161. Page 6, line 12: delete “line 24” and substitute “line 25”.