Senate Journal
One-Hundred and Sixth Regular Session
THURSDAY, January 5, 2023
The Chief Clerk made the following entries under the above date.
Introduction, First Reading, and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
hist161121Senate Joint Resolution 2
Relating to: conditions for release prior to conviction, including the imposition of bail (second consideration).
By Senators Wanggaard, Bradley, Testin, Stroebel, James, Quinn and Feyen; cosponsored by Representatives Duchow, Neylon, Allen, Brandtjen, Dittrich, Edming, Gundrum, Kitchens, Knodl, Krug, Kurtz, Macco, Magnafici, Michalski, Moses, Murphy, Novak, Ortiz-Velez, Penterman, Rettinger, Rozar, Snyder, Sortwell, Steffen, Tittl, Wichgers and Wittke.
hist161122To the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety.
Petitions and Communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Senate Majority Leader
January 5, 2023
The Honorable the Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 20 (2)(a), I am making the following appointments:
Senate Standing Committees:
To the committee on Agriculture and Tourism: Senators Ballweg (Chair), Tomczyk (Vice-Chair), Marklein, Testin, Quinn, Pfaff, Smith, Spreitzer and Hesselbein
To the committee on Economic Development and Technical Colleges: Senators Feyen (Chair), Stafsholt (Vice-Chair), Cowles, Pfaff and Taylor
To the committee on Education: Senator Jagler (Chair), Quinn (Vice-Chair), Nass, Stroebel, Cabral-Guevara, Larson, Johnson and Smith
To the committee on Financial Institutions and Sporting Heritage: Senators Stafsholt (Chair), Felzkowski (Vice-Chair), Tomczyk, Spreitzer and Hesselbein
To the committee on Government Operations, Elections and Consumer Protection: Senators Stroebel (Chair), Bradley (Vice-Chair), Feyen, Spreitzer and Roys
To the committee on Health: Senators Cabral-Guevara (Chair), Testin (Vice-Chair), Felzkowski, Jacque, Hesselbein and Carpenter
To the committee on Housing, Rural Issues and Forestry: Senators Quinn (Chair), Jagler (Vice-Chair), Stafsholt, Wirch and Spreitzer
To the committee on Insurance and Small Business: Senators Felzkowski (Chair), Hutton (Vice-Chair), Jagler, Taylor and Pfaff
To the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety: Senators Wanggaard (Chair), Jacque (Vice-Chair), Wimberger, Hutton, James, Taylor, Roys and Larson
To the committee on Labor, Regulatory Reform, Veterans and Military Affairs: Senators Testin (Chair), Nass (Vice-Chair), Wanggaard, Wirch and Carpenter
To the committee on Licensing, Constitution and Federalism: Senators Jacque (Chair), Feyen (Vice-Chair), Bradley, Carpenter and Wirch.
To the committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Children and Families: Senators James (Chair), Cabral-Guevara (Vice-Chair), Ballweg, Johnson and Hesselbein
To the committee on Natural Resources and Energy: Senators Cowles (Chair), Wimberger (Vice-Chair), Tomczyk, Wirch and Hesselbein
To the committee on Senate Organization: Senators LeMahieu (Chair), Kapenga (Vice-Chair), Feyen, Agard and Smith
To the committee on Transportation and Local Government: Senators Tomczyk (Chair), Cowles (Vice-Chair), Hutton, Carpenter and Pfaff
To the committee on Universities and Revenue: Senators Hutton (Chair), James (Vice-Chair), Nass, Ballweg, Cabral-Guevara, Larson, Rots, Smith and Pfaff
To the committee on Utilities and Technology: Senators Bradley (Chair), Wanggaard (Vice-Chair), Quinn, Smith and Pfaff
Joint Committees:
To the joint committee for review of Administrative Rules: Senators Nass (Co-Chair), Stroebel, Bradley, Roys and Larson
To the joint legislative Audit committee: Senators Wimberger (Co-Chair), Marklein (ex-officio), James, Hesselbein and Carpenter
To the joint review committee on Criminal Penalties: Senators Hutton (Co-Chair) and Taylor
To the joint committee on Employment Relations (all ex-officio): Senators Kapenga, LeMahieu, Marklein and Agard
To the joint committee on Finance: Senators Marklein (Co-Chair), Stroebel (Vice-Chair), Felzkowksi, Ballweg, Testin, Wimberger, Johnson and Roys
To the joint committee on Information Policy and Technology: Senators Bradley (Co-Chair), Testin, Quinn, Larson and Spreitzer
To the joint committee on Legislative Organization (all ex-officio): Senators Kapenga (Co-Chair), LeMahieu, Feyen, Agard and Smith
To the Joint Legislative Council: Senators Kapenga (Co-Chair, ex-officio), LeMahieu (ex-officio), Marklein (ex-officio), Testin (ex-officio), Felzkowski, Jagler, Quinn, Agard (ex-officio), Smith, Johnson (ex-officio) and Spreitzer
To the joint survey committee on Retirement Systems: Senators Feyen (Co-Chair), Cowles and Agard
To the joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions: Senators Testin (Co-Chair), Marklein and Taylor
With regard to members of the minority party, appointments are based on nominations by the minority leader. The minority party Senator listed first for each committee shall be the ranking minority member.
Majority Leader