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The Birth of a Super-Star Cluster: NGC 5253


Published 2004 February 6 © 2004. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation Jean L. Turner and Sara C. Beck 2004 ApJ 602 L85 DOI 10.1086/382699



We present images of the 7 mm free-free emission from the radio "supernebula" in NGC 5253 made with the Very Large Array and the Pie Town link. The images reveal structure in the nebula, which has a ≤1 pc (~50 mas radius) core requiring the excitation of 1200 O7 stars. The nebula is elongated, with an arc of emission curving to the northeast and to the south. The total ionizing flux within the central 1farcs2 (~20 pc) is 7 × 1052 s-1, corresponding to 7000 O7 stars. We propose that the radio source is coincident with a small very red near-IR cluster and apparently linked to a larger optical source some 10 pc away on the sky. We speculate on the causes of this structure and what it might tell us about the birth of the embedded young super-star cluster.

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