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Published 2015 January 15 © 2015. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Moire K. M. Prescott et al 2015 ApJ 799 62 DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/799/1/62



We use spatially extended measurements of Lyα as well as less optically thick emission lines from an ≈80 kpc Lyα nebula at z ≈ 1.67 to assess the role of resonant scattering and to disentangle kinematic signatures from Lyα radiative transfer effects. We find that the Lyα, C iv, He ii, and C iii] emission lines all tell a similar story in this system, and that the kinematics are broadly consistent with large-scale rotation. First, the observed surface brightness profiles are similar in extent in all four lines, strongly favoring a picture in which the Lyα photons are produced in situ instead of being resonantly scattered from a central source. Second, we see low kinematic offsets between Lyα and the less optically thick He ii line (∼100–200 km s−1), providing further support for the argument that the Lyα and other emission lines are all being produced within the spatially extended gas. Finally, the full velocity field of the system shows coherent velocity shear in all emission lines: ≈500 km s−1 over the central ≈50 kpc of the nebula. The kinematic profiles are broadly consistent with large-scale rotation in a gas disk that is at least partially stable against collapse. These observations suggest that the Lyα nebula represents accreting material that is illuminated by an offset, hidden active galactic nucleus or distributed star formation, and that is undergoing rotation in a clumpy and turbulent gas disk. With an implied mass of M(<R = 20 kpc) ∼3 × 1011M, this system may represent the early formation of a large Milky Way mass galaxy or galaxy group.

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Giant Lyα nebulae (or "Lyα blobs") are signposts of active galaxy formation. The most luminous examples, which exceed ∼100 kpc in size and ∼1044 erg s−1 in Lyα luminosity, are rare and found primarily in large-scale overdensities (e.g., Steidel et al. 2000; Matsuda et al. 2004, 2005, 2009, 2011; Saito et al. 2006; Prescott et al. 2008, 2012b, 2013; Yang et al. 2009, 2010; Erb et al. 2011). These spatially extended gaseous nebulae often coexist with star-forming galaxies (i.e., Lyα-emitting galaxies, Lyman break galaxies, submillimeter galaxies) and obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs; e.g., Chapman et al. 2004; Matsuda et al. 2004; Dey et al. 2005), suggesting these regions are galaxy groups or clusters in formation (e.g., Prescott 2009; Yang et al. 2009; Prescott et al. 2012a). Thus, giant Lyα nebulae contain important clues to the dominant physical mechanisms at work during episodes of massive galaxy formation and offer an observational window into the flow and enrichment of gas within the cosmic web.

Many previous observational studies have focused on the potential power sources within Lyα nebulae (e.g., Chapman et al. 2004; Basu-Zych & Scharf 2004; Dey et al. 2005; Geach et al. 2009; Prescott et al. 2009, 2012a; Webb et al. 2009; Colbert et al. 2011; Steidel et al. 2011; Yang et al. 2011), on their polarization properties (Prescott et al. 2011; Hayes et al. 2011), on the properties of their dust and molecular gas (Chapman et al. 2001; Yang et al. 2012, 2014a), or on their detailed morphology (Prescott et al. 2012a). Theoretical studies have investigated a variety of powering scenarios: shock-heating in galactic superwinds (e.g., Taniguchi & Shioya 2000; Taniguchi et al. 2001; Mori et al. 2004), gravitational cooling in infalling cold streams (e.g., Haiman et al. 2000; Fardal et al. 2001; Yang et al. 2006; Dijkstra & Loeb 2009; Goerdt et al. 2010; Faucher-Giguère et al. 2010; Rosdahl & Blaizot 2012), and resonant scattering or photoionization due to emission from AGN or star formation (e.g., Cantalupo et al. 2005; Kollmeier et al. 2010; Zheng et al. 2011; Cen & Zheng 2013). Two key issues have emerged from these studies of large Lyα nebulae: (1) how much of the Lyα emission in these systems is scattered over large spatial scales from a central source versus produced in situ within the nebula and (2) what are the underlying kinematics of the gas?

Theoretically, we know that Lyα photons should be subject to substantial resonant scattering under typical astrophysical conditions. For the neutral hydrogen column densities typical of Lyman limit systems (∼1020 cm−2), the optical depth at line center is of order 107 (e.g., Verhamme et al. 2006). Resonant scattering leads to double-peaked emission line profiles as Lyα photons must diffuse into the wings of the line before they are able to escape the system (e.g., Neufeld 1990; Dijkstra et al. 2006; Verhamme et al. 2006). The large number of scatterings also means that the dust content and its distribution within the system can have a profound effect on the emergent line, preferentially suppressing the Lyα equivalent width in the case of a diffuse distribution or boosting it in the case of clumpy dust (Neufeld 1990; Hansen & Oh 2006, but also see Duval et al. 2014; Laursen et al. 2013). At the same time, gas kinematics can profoundly alter the emission line profile of Lyα as it emerges from the system, with outflows and infall leading to preferential absorption of the blue or red portion of the line, respectively (e.g., Dijkstra et al. 2006; Verhamme et al. 2006; Laursen et al. 2009). For sources at high redshift, absorption of the blue side of the Lyα profile by the intergalactic medium also becomes important (Madau 1995). All these effects are encoded in the shape of the Lyα line profile, so deciphering them requires a side-by-side comparison to a non-resonant line, i.e., a tracer that is not susceptible to resonant scattering, but that is detected from the same region.

As the second brightest emission line of hydrogen after Lyα, the Hα emission line is perhaps the best non-resonant comparison line for this type of study. Unfortunately, most known Lyα nebulae have been found at redshifts where Hα is difficult to observe from the ground. An important exception is a sample of Lyα nebulae selected by Yang et al. (2010) at z ≈ 2.3. Using follow-up optical/NIR spectroscopy of Lyα as well as non-resonant emission lines (e.g., [O iii], Hα), they investigated the kinematics of eight of the larger Lyα nebula systems from their sample (Yang et al. 2011, 2014b). However, the ground-based NIR spectroscopic observations in these studies yielded high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) information only at the position of galaxies embedded within each Lyα nebula system but were not used to investigate non-resonant line emission (if present) from the extended gas within the nebula itself. A similar analysis was carried out using [O iii] detections from two embedded galaxies within a Lyα nebula at z ≈ 3.1 (McLinden et al. 2013), while a recent IFU study detected [O ii], [O iii], and Hα within the central ≈30 kpc of a Lyα nebula at z = 2.38 (Overzier et al. 2013).

Probing the kinematics and ionization structure of diffuse gas over larger spatial scales and in regions far from any associated bright galaxies requires mapping out emission-line nebulae in both Lyα as well as less optically thick emission lines. In this context, our discovery of a giant Lyα nebula (henceforth referred to as PRG1) with bright, spatially extended He ii λ1640 emission and somewhat weaker metal lines (Prescott et al. 2009, 2012b, 2013) provides a rare opportunity. He ii λ1640 ("Hα" for singly ionized helium) is a non-resonant line but, unlike Hα, it is located in the observed optical at these redshifts where ground-based observations are substantially more sensitive than in the NIR. This source therefore allows us to empirically investigate how much the observed Lyα emission is affected by radiative transfer effects and study the kinematics and ionization of the spatially extended gas within a giant Lyα nebula.

We report the observations and reductions in Section 2 and present the reduced spectra, as well as the surface brightness, emission line, and kinematic profiles in Section 3. In Section 4 we discuss the implications of these results, and we conclude in Section 5. A companion paper will use these same data to explore the energetics of the system as well as any spatial variations in the physical conditions (e.g., metallicity, density, ionization parameter) within the extended Lyα nebula.

In this paper, we assume the standard ΛCDM cosmology (ΩM = 0.3, ΩΛ = 0.7, h = 0.7); the angular scale at z = 1.67 is 8.47 kpc per arcsec. All magnitudes are in the AB system (Oke 1974).


We obtained deep spectroscopic observations of PRG1 using the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS; Oke et al. 1995) on the Keck I Telescope during two separate nights on UT 2009 April 25 and UT 2010 May 10. A summary of the observations is given in Table 1. All observations used the 400/3400 grism on LRIS-Blue and the 400/8500 grating on LRIS-Red. For each run the data were taken in multislit mode to ensure accurate and repeatable pointing. Masks were designed with a long slitlet centered on PRG1 and the remaining slitlets centered on filler targets in the vicinity. The position of the target on the slitmasks was adjusted to ensure LRIS-Blue wavelength coverage blueward of ∼3250 Å, the wavelength of Lyα at z ≈ 1.67.

Table 1. Observing Log

UT Date UT Time Parallactic Right Ascensiona Declinationa Position Exposureb Slitwidth Seeing Conditions
Range Angle Range (hr) (deg) Angle Time (s) (arcsec) (arcsec)
2009 Apr 25 10:00–12:45 −145°–111° 14:35:12.385 35:11:06.62 52fdg44 8300/8100 1.2 0.8–1.0 Clear
2009 Apr 25 8:00–10:00, 78°–35°, 14:35:12.385 35:11:06.62 146fdg0 7630/7200 1.2 1.0–1.1 Clear
  13:00–14:30 108°–91°              
2010 May 10 6:45–10:00 −99°–167° 14:35:12.385 35:11:06.62 52fdg44 10350/9000 1.5 0.8–0.9 Clear
2010 May 10 10:45–14:15 135°–85° 14:35:12.385 35:11:06.62 146fdg0 10350/9900 1.5 0.7–0.8 Clear

Notes. aLocation on the nebula where the two slits cross. bValues listed separately for LRIS-Blue/LRIS-Red.

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For the 2009 run, the LRIS-Red grating angle was set to achieve full coverage from the D560 dichroic edge to ∼10,000 Å. The slitlets centered on PRG1 were ≈36''–44'' in length, the slitlet widths were set to 1farcs2, and the data were unbinned. The resulting spectral resolution at the wavelengths of Lyα and He ii was σ ≈ 315 and 215 km s−1, respectively. For the 2010 run, we used the D680 dichroic and set the LRIS-Red grating angle to achieve full coverage from the dichroic edge out to ∼10,870 Å, in order to cover the [O ii] emission line at z ≈ 1.67. The slitlets centered on PRG1 were ≈48''–50'' in length, the slitlet widths were 1farcs5, and the LRIS-Blue data were binned by 2 in the spectral direction in order to reduce the effect of readnoise and increase the S/N. The resulting spectral resolution at the wavelengths of Lyα and He ii was σ ≈ 395 and 317 km s−1, respectively.

During each run, the target was observed using two slit position angles: P.A. = 52fdg44, chosen to traverse the longest dimension of the diffuse emission seen in the ground-based BW image, and P.A. = 146fdg0, chosen to cover both diffuse emission and the compact red source located at the northwest edge of the nebula (Source A; Prescott et al. 2009). The two slit positions are shown overlaid on the broad-band BW, R, and I-band images of PRG1 in Figure 1. While there was cirrus at sunset during the 2009 run, it cleared quickly and the observations were taken under clear conditions and 0farcs8–1farcs1 seeing; during the 2010 run, the conditions were clear with 0farcs7–0farcs9 seeing. Individual exposures were dithered by ≈4''–7'' in 2009 and ≈7'' in 2010. The total exposure times on LRIS-Blue/LRIS-Red were 5.2/4.8 hr for P.A. = 52fdg44 and 4.9/4.8 hr for P.A. = 146fdg0 during the 2009/2010 observing runs.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Broad-band BW, R, and I-band imaging of PRG1, oriented with N up and E to the left, overlaid with the two slit positions used for spectroscopic observations (P.A. = 52fdg44 and P.A. = 146fdg0). Diffuse continuum emission from the nebula is visible, particularly in the BW image (Prescott et al. 2013). In each panel, the origin is located at 14:35:12.385 +35:11:06.62, the location where the two slits cross, and Source "A"—the red, compact source at the northwest edge of the nebula—is labeled. Note that the source labeled "F," the bright galaxy intersecting the P.A. = 146fdg0 slit at [−5'', 7''], is a z ≈ 0.479 object, with unambiguous [O ii], Hβ, and [O iii] emission visible in the LRIS spectroscopy.

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The data were reduced using IRAF and a customized version of the bogus reduction package.5 The first step was to apply the overscan correction and multiply the individual frames by the appropriate gain. Flatfield corrections were applied using domeflat and twilight exposures for the LRIS-Blue data and domeflat frames for the LRIS-Red data. Custom bad pixel masks were used to interpolate over bad columns and the script l.a.cosmic6 was used to identify cosmic rays, both of which were particularly numerous in the 2010 LRIS-Red data. The individual exposures were shifted and stacked to generate the final two-dimensional spectra. The spectral trace was determined using brighter reference objects along the slit, and spectra were extracted both using large apertures centered on the nebula and using a series of narrow apertures spanning the full spatial extent of the diffuse emission. We applied a wavelength calibration determined using HeNeArCdZn comparison lamp exposures and checked the accuracy of the solution using a number of sky lines. Small linear shifts in the wavelength solution relative to the sky lines were measured and removed. Details on the final spectral resolution, spectral range, and wavelength solution are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Spectroscopic Calibration

UT Date Position Detector Dispersion Resolution FWHM Wavelength Wavelength Solution Sky Line Comparisona
Angle (Å pixel−1) (km s−1) Range (Å) rms (Å) rms (Å)
2009 Apr 25 52fdg44 LRIS-Blue 1.09 758–501 3100–5600 0.24 0.32
    LRIS-Red 1.86 471–350 5600–10000 0.11 0.20
2009 Apr 25 146fdg0 LRIS-Blue 1.09 758–501 3100–5600 0.24 0.25
    LRIS-Red 1.86 471–350 5600–10000 0.12 0.42
2010 May 10 52fdg44 LRIS-Blue 2.18 966–554 3100–6800 0.14 0.14
    LRIS-Red 1.16 439–292 6800–10870 0.21 0.25
2010 May 10 146fdg0 LRIS-Blue 2.18 966–554 3100–6800 0.16 0.17
    LRIS-Red 1.16 439–292 6800–10870 0.28 0.42

Note. aMeasured rms relative to sky lines Hg i λ4047, Hg i λ5461 (2009), [O i] λ5577, and [O i] λ6300 (2010) for LRIS-Blue and [O i] λ6364, OH8-3(P1, 2) λ7316, OH7-3(P1, 2) λ8886, and OH0-3(P1, 2) λ9872 (2009) or OH9-5(P1, 2) λ10082 (2010) for LRIS-Red.

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Our subsequent analysis relies on having an accurate wavelength calibration, particularly in the regions around the Lyα and He ii emission lines. Therefore, as a further check on the accuracy of the wavelength solution, we cross-correlated our calibrated sky spectrum with an independently calibrated sky spectrum from a different program but the same telescope and instrument set-up. The two independently calibrated data sets show no relative shifts between the Lyα and He ii regions of the spectrum.

Flux calibration was applied using standard star exposures of Feige 34 and Wolf 1346 for the 2009 data set, and Feige 110 and BD+33 2642 for the 2010 data set.7 The sensitivity functions derived independently for the two data sets agree to within 17% at the wavelength of Lyα (at ≈3250 Å, near the atmospheric cut-off) and to within 1%–7% at the wavelengths of C iv, He ii, and C iii]. The larger discrepancy at the location of Lyα is likely due to the very blue observed wavelength at this redshift, which means this region of the spectrum is more affected by atmospheric absorption, slit losses, and atmospheric dispersion, as well as larger flat-fielding errors due to the typically red color of flat-field lamps.


In this section we present the two-dimensional spectra of PRG1 followed by the surface brightness, emission line, and kinematic profiles. Throughout our discussion, a positive velocity offset refers to a redshift of Lyα relative to the centroid of the He ii λ1640 line.

3.1. Spectra

Figures 2 and 3 show the two-dimensional spectra for both the 2009 and 2010 observing runs prior to flux calibration. The Lyα λ1216, C iv λ1550, He ii λ1640, and C iii] λ1909 (as well as [O ii] λ3727 in the 2010 data) are clearly detected in both P.A.s. Continuum emission is detected from the diffuse nebula as well as from several nearby compact sources. The brightest galaxy intersected by the P.A. = 146fdg0 slit (labeled "F") is a foreground source at z ≈ 0.479 object, with unambiguous [O ii], Hβ, and [O iii] emission visible in the LRIS spectroscopy. The second brightest continuum source detected in the P.A. = 146fdg0 data, labeled "A" in Figures 2 and 3, is located at the northwest edge of the diffuse line emission. The one-dimensional spectral extraction at the position of Source A (Figure 4) shows clear Lyα emission and possibly faint He ii emission, likely coming from the nebula rather than from the galaxy itself, but no other strong lines. While there appears to be a hint of emission in the Source A spectrum at the position of Nv at the nebula redshift, the lack of any corresponding emission at C iv or C iii] and the presence of a sky line at exactly the same spectral location leads us to conclude that this is not a real detection of Nv. We therefore have no strong spectral constraints on the redshift of Source A, but due to its proximity to the nebula and the lack of continuum emission shortward of Lyα, it seems likely that Source A is a galaxy associated with PRG1.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Individual two-dimensional spectra at P.A. = 52fdg44 and P.A. = 146fdg0 from the 2009 run (binned by two in the spectral dimension, to match the 2010 data) prior to flux calibration. Emission lines are labeled along with the positions of Sources "A" and "F" on the slit. Zero in the spatial direction corresponds to the position where the two slits cross, as listed in Table 1.

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Figure 3.

Figure 3. Individual two-dimensional spectra at P.A. = 52fdg44 and P.A. = 146fdg0 from the 2010 run prior to flux calibration. Emission lines are labeled along with the positions of Sources "A" and "F" on the slit. Zero in the spatial direction corresponds to the position where the two slits cross, as listed in Table 1.

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Figure 4.

Figure 4. Source A spectrum at the locations of Lyα, Nv, C iv, He ii, and C iii] at the redshift of PRG1, extracted from a 5 pixel (0farcs67) aperture (red solid line), with the corresponding error spectrum overplotted (red dotted line). The spectrum taken from the center of the nebula is shown as the filled gray region, and a scaled sky spectrum is shown in blue. The spectrum of Source A shows strong Lyα emission and a tentative detection of He ii, most likely emission from the nebula overlapping the position of Source A. There is no independent evidence from the spectrum of Source A that confirms that it lies at the redshift of PRG1. However, based on its proximity and the lack of continuum emission at λobs < 3230 Å, it is plausible that this source is associated with PRG1.

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In what follows we combine the two years of data. The derived sensitivity functions between the two runs agree reasonably well, and the He ii flux measurements observed from PRG1 generally agree to within the errors for both P.As. Therefore, we combine the data employing a simple variance-weighted mean after binning the 2009 data by two spectrally to match the 2010 data. We focus in this paper on the restframe UV lines; the [O ii] emission will be analyzed in the companion paper on the energetics and physical conditions within PRG1.

3.2. Surface Brightness Profiles

Surface brightness profiles are shown for both Lyα and He ii as well as for a stack of the C iv, He ii, and C iii] lines in Figures 5 and 6. Measured above a surface brightness of SBLyα ≈ 4.5 × 10−18 erg s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2, the nebula spans almost 9farcs5 ≈ 80 kpc in diameter along the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit. To compare the relative size of the nebula in each tracer, we measure the diameters containing 50% and 90% of the total line luminosity (Table 3). The surface brightness profiles in Lyα, the non-resonant He ii line, and the C iv+He ii+C iii] composite are all strikingly similar; for example in terms of half-light diameter, D50, the Lyα emission is only slightly more extended than the other rest-frame UV lines, by a factor of ∼1.3. This result is consistent with what we found previously using shallower data (Prescott et al. 2009).

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Surface brightness profiles of Lyα (solid blue region), He ii (solid red region), and a combined C iv+He ii+C iii] (hashed yellow region) along the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit. The filled regions span the range between the upper and lower error bars for each bin. The plot is centered in the spatial direction about the position where the two slits cross (dotted line). For clarity, we restrict the x-axis of the plot to the range over which we have good signal-to-noise ratio measurements.

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Figure 6.

Figure 6. Surface brightness profiles of Lyα (solid blue region), He ii (solid red region), and a combined C iv+He ii+C iii] (hashed yellow region) along the P.A. = 146fdg0 slit. The filled regions span the range between the upper and lower error bars for each bin. The plot is centered in the spatial direction about the position where the two slits cross (dotted line). For clarity, we restrict the x-axis of the plot to the range over which we have good signal-to-noise ratio measurements. The location of Source A is indicated.

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Table 3. Surface Brightness Profile Sizes

P.A. Line D50a D50 F50b D90a D90 F90b
(arcsec) (kpc) (10−17 erg s−1 cm−2) (arcsec) (kpc) (10−17 erg s−1 cm−2)
52fdg44 Lyα 3.05 ± 0.11 25.87 ± 0.94 60.5 ± 2.0 7.14 ± 0.37 60.45 ± 3.14 108.9 ± 3.0
  He ii 2.29 ± 0.16 19.43 ± 1.38 5.1 ± 0.3 6.34 ± 0.84 53.67 ± 7.11 9.1 ± 0.5
  C iv+He ii+C iii] 2.36 ± 0.13 19.96 ± 1.09 11.3 ± 0.6 5.64 ± 0.67 47.73 ± 5.64 20.3 ± 1.0
146fdg0 Lyα 2.29 ± 0.13 19.39 ± 1.08 43.8 ± 2.0 7.00 ± 0.60 59.32 ± 5.10 79.1 ± 3.4
  He ii 1.91 ± 0.17 16.19 ± 1.43 3.9 ± 0.3 4.79 ± 0.59 40.53 ± 5.02 7.0 ± 0.5
  C iv+He ii+C iii] 1.72 ± 0.12 14.54 ± 1.01 7.5 ± 0.5 4.25 ± 0.38 36.01 ± 3.22 13.5 ± 0.8

Notes. aDiameter containing 50% or 90% of the total flux measured in a given emission line. bTotal flux contained within D50 or D90 in a given emission line.

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3.3. Emission Line Profiles

Figure 7 shows a comparison between the emission line profiles of Lyα and He ii derived from wide extraction apertures chosen to maximize the total S/N of all four strong lines (7farcs2 = 61 kpc and 5farcs8 = 49 kpc, respectively, for the P.A. = 52fdg44 and P.A. = 146fdg0 data). Figures 8 and 9 are multi-panel figures showing the same emission line profile comparison but as a function of position along the slit, where the individual panels correspond to subapertures (5 pixels ≈0farcs67) spanning the full extent of the nebula. The vertical dashed lines represent the systemic velocity, defined as the centroid of the He ii line at the position where the two slits cross. Our spectral resolution is not sufficient to resolve multiple peaks in the Lyα emission line due to radiative transfer effects, so instead we focus on the centroid offsets of the Lyα line relative to the non-resonant He ii line.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Emission line profiles of Lyα (blue line, scaled down for clarity) and He ii (red line) measured within 7farcs2  and 5farcs8  wide apertures, respectively, at P.A. = 52fdg44 and P.A. = 146fdg0. The vertical dashed line in each panel corresponds to the systemic velocity defined as the centroid of He ii at the position on the nebula where the two slits cross. A positive velocity corresponds to a redshift relative to the systemic velocity.

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Figure 8.

Figure 8. Emission line profiles of Lyα (blue line, scaled down for clarity) and He ii (red line) measured as a function of position from the SW (upper left) to the NE (lower right) end of the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit, extracted in 5 pixel = 0farcs67 apertures. The vertical dashed line in each panel corresponds to the systemic velocity defined as the centroid of He ii at the position on the nebula where the two slits cross. A positive velocity corresponds to a redshift relative to the systemic velocity.

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Figure 9.

Figure 9. Emission line profiles of Lyα (blue line, scaled down for clarity) and He ii (red line) measured as a function of position from the NW (upper left) to the SE (lower right) end of the P.A. = 146fdg0 slit, extracted in 5 pixel = 0farcs67 apertures. The vertical dashed line in each panel corresponds to the systemic velocity defined as the centroid of He ii at the position on the nebula where the two slits cross. A positive velocity corresponds to a redshift relative to the systemic velocity. The position of Source A is indicated.

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In Figure 10, we plot the velocity offset of Lyα measured in thirteen spatial apertures within the nebula (5 pixels ≈ 0farcs67, with a minimum S/N = 3 in both Lyα and He ii) and compare with similar measurements from other galaxy populations. The typical observed offset between the two lines is $\Delta v \equiv v_{\rm Ly\alpha }-v_{\rm He\, \scriptsize{II}} \sim 100\hbox{--}200\, {\rm km s^{-1}}$, depending on position. This low velocity offset is similar to what has been seen in other Lyα nebulae (Yang et al. 2011; McLinden et al. 2013); however, here we are able to probe the kinematics point-by-point within the extended gas to show that the velocity offset is consistently low across the entire ∼80 kpc nebula. The measured velocity offset is less than what is seen in LBGs (Steidel et al. 2010) and more similar to that observed in Lyα-emitting galaxies (McLinden et al. 2011; Hashimoto et al. 2013; Guaita et al. 2013; Song et al. 2014).

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Velocity offset between Lyα and the systemic velocity for LBGs (filled gray histogram; Steidel et al. 2010) and LAEs (narrow hashed red histogram; McLinden et al. 2011; Guaita et al. 2013; Hashimoto et al. 2013; Song et al. 2014). Velocity offsets measured within LABs are shown, as measured at the position of embedded galaxies (slanted hashed green histogram; Francis et al. 1996; McLinden et al. 2013; Yang et al. 2014b) and from spatial apertures within the extended nebula (slanted hashed blue histogram; thirteen measurements are from this work on PRG1, measured within 5 pixel ≈0farcs67 spatial apertures with a minimum of S/N = 3 in both Lyα and He ii, and one additional measurement is taken from LABd05 by Yang et al. 2014a). Lyα nebulae show Lyα velocity offsets that are lower than those measured for the bulk of the LBG population but similar or slightly lower than what is seen in LAEs.

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3.4. Kinematic Profiles

In Figures 11 and 12, we present the velocity and velocity dispersion profiles for Lyα and He ii. Again, we see very small velocity offsets between Lyα and He ii, typically in the range of ∼100–200 km s−1 to the red. At the same time, the large-scale velocity profile in the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit shows a coherent velocity gradient—∼500 km s−1 over the central 50 kpc of the nebula—while in the P.A. = 146fdg0 slit, the velocity profile is much shallower. While in most spatial apertures the kinematic offset is to the red, in P.A. = 146fdg0 on the side of the nebula closest to Source A there is a hint of a reversal, i.e., Lyα is slightly offset to the blue.

Figure 11.

Figure 11. Rotation (top panel) and velocity dispersion (bottom panel) curves for Lyα and He ii for the P.A. = 52fdg44. Lyα is shown as a thick blue line, and He ii is shown as a thin red line. The hashed gray and gray-shaded regions indicate the corresponding error bars. The velocity dispersion is the observed value, with the instrumental resolution at the location of Lyα and He ii shown as blue dashed and red dot-dashed lines, respectively.

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Figure 12.

Figure 12. Rotation (top panel) and velocity dispersion (bottom panel) curves for Lyα and He ii for the P.A. = 146fdg0. Lyα is shown as a thick blue line, and He ii is shown as a thin red line. The hashed gray and gray-shaded regions indicate the corresponding error bars. The velocity dispersion is the observed value, with the instrumental resolution at the location of Lyα and He ii shown as blue dashed and red dot-dashed lines, respectively.

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The linewidths measured as a function of position are shown in the lower panels of Figures 11 and 12. Across the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit, the linewidth profile is quite flat, only marginally resolved in Lyα, and unresolved in He ii. On the other hand, in P.A. = 146fdg0 we see a peak in the linewidth profile that is clearly resolved and spatially coincident in both Lyα and He ii. In later sections, we use these linewidths as a measure of the velocity dispersion as a function of position within the nebula. However, given the spatial resolution of our data, we note that these measurements inevitably include a contribution from macroscopic velocity gradients, i.e., of order 80 km s−1 across the 1'' seeing disk for P.A. = 52fdg44.


Using the results of the previous section, we can now address the questions posed in Section 1: what is the role of resonant scattering in creating the extended Lyα nebula, and what are the kinematics of the gas? We then discuss the implications of these results for the physical model and underlying power source for PRG1.

4.1. Lyα Optical Depth: A Back-of-the-envelope Estimate

We expect that Lyα will be optically thick under all but the most extreme situations, yet the consistently small velocity offsets we observe between Lyα and the non-resonant He ii line suggest that Lyα is not being substantially affected by complex radiative transfer in PRG1. This implies either that Lyα is optically thin (which we will demonstrate in this section is not likely the case), or that Lyα is produced in situ over an extended area, thereby largely avoiding the effects resonant scattering would impart.

Before discussing our observations in more detail, it is useful to review how optically thin Lyα can be under plausible astrophysical conditions, particularly under the limiting case of a highly ionized medium.

We start by making the assumption of ionization equilibrium:

Equation (1)

Equation (2)

where ne is the electron number density (cm−3), n$_{{\rm H}\,\scriptsize{I}}$ is the H i number density (cm−3), n$_{\rm H\,\scriptsize{II}}$ is the H ii number density (cm−3), Γ is the photoionization rate (photoionizations s−1), Q is the luminosity of ionizing photons (photons s−1), R is the radius from ionizing source (cm), σp is the photoionization cross-section (cm2), and αB is the Case B recombination coefficient for ${\rm H}\,\scriptsize{I}$.

The Lyα optical depth is:

Equation (3)

where τLyα is the optical depth at line center, $n_{{\rm H}\,\scriptsize{I}}$ is the H i number density (cm−3), σLyα is the Lyα absorption cross-section (cm2), and L is the path through the system (cm).

We make the approximation that H is highly ionized (e.g., in the region around an AGN):

Equation (4)

Substituting into Equation (1), we obtain the following relation:

Equation (5)

Equation (6)

We rewrite this in terms of the ionization parameter U = Q/(4πR2cnH), where c is the speed of light:

Equation (7)

Combining this relation with Equation (3) yields:

Equation (8)

We adopt the following values: αB = 2.59 × 10−13 cm3 s−1, σp = 6.3 × 10−18 cm2 at 1 Ryd, σLyα = 5.9 × 10−14 cm2 (Storey & Hummer 1995; Verner et al. 1996; Osterbrock 1989), c = 3.00 × 1010 cm s−1, L = 50 kpc, and nH = 1.0 cm−3.

Taking a range of ionization parameter values (U = 10−3–1) results in a Lyα optical depth of:

Equation (9)

in the limit of high ionization.

In order for τLyα < 1, we would therefore need one of the following to be true:

  • 1.  
    U ≳ 104, which is many orders of magnitude higher than what is measured for a typical AGN broad line region (Peterson 1997).
  • 2.  
    nH ≲ 10−7–10−4 cm−3, which is much less than the (albeit uncertain) existing measurements of nH for Lyα nebulae (∼1–30 cm s−3; e.g., Dey et al. 2005; Prescott et al. 2009).
  • 3.  
    L ≲ 5 × 10−3–5 pc, i.e., the Lyα is emerging from a very thin skin. This could arise if (1) the Lyα we observe is produced via photoionization within a "blister H ii region" illuminated by an offset source, or if (2) Lyα is produced throughout the cloud but all buried Lyα is efficiently extinguished, i.e., by dust.

Thus, even in the highly ionized limit, τLyα ≫ 1 for most reasonable physical parameters. Given sufficient spectral resolution, we would expect to see evidence for substantial resonant scattering of the Lyα line in the form of a larger spatial extent and/or intrinsically double peaked, complex profiles with kinematic offsets relative to a non-resonant tracer. At lower spectral resolution, this would translate into broadened Lyα emission lines with offsets in the observed line centroid.

4.2. Extended Line Emission and the Role of Resonant Scattering

How much is Lyα being affected by radiative transfer effects relative to the other emission lines, or similarly, how much is Lyα resonant scattering responsible for the large physical extent of the nebula seen in Lyα? At the spectral resolution of our data, we would expect that any intrinsically complex, multi-peak Lyα profiles to result in the observed Lyα line being broader than a non-resonant tracer. This is consistent with our observation that the Lyα line is broader than He ii in the aperture where both lines are resolved ($\sigma _{{\rm He}\,\scriptsize{II}}\sim 390$ km s−1 and σLyα ∼ 570 km s−1 for Lyα, after correcting for the instrumental resolution; Figure 12). This suggests that, as expected, Lyα is optically thicker and undergoing more complicated radiative transfer than the He ii line.

However, the simple observational fact that a non-resonant line like He ii is seen to be nearly as spatially extended as the Lyα emission is a strong argument that resonant scattering of centrally produced Lyα is not the primary factor responsible for the large spatial extent of the Lyα emission. A similar observation was made in the case of LABd05, a Lyα nebula at z ≈ 2.7 that shows diffuse UV continuum emission comparable in extent to the Lyα (Prescott et al. 2012a). In at least these two systems, Lyα scattering is not the main reason we observe a ∼100 kpc scale Lyα nebula. Instead, the Lyα photons are predominantly being produced in situ within the extended gas. At the same time, polarization data from a different Lyα nebula system suggests a significant contribution from scattered Lyα emission (SSA22-LAB1; Hayes et al. 2011). The prevalence of scattering versus in situ production in Lyα nebulae as a class remains to be quantified, but these few case studies suggest that both mechanisms play a role in producing extended Lyα sources.

4.3. Kinematics within the Spatially Extended Gas

Lyα radiative transfer modeling indicates that Lyα photons propagating through outflowing or infalling gas should appear redshifted or blueshifted, respectively, relative to the systemic velocity (e.g., Dijkstra et al. 2006; Verhamme et al. 2006). With this in mind, we can ask whether Lyα shows velocity offsets relative to the non-resonant He ii line in PRG1. In general, we see relatively small offsets between the two lines (typically ∼100–200 km s−1), with Lyα usually shifted to the red (suggestive of an outflow). In the case of a simple outflowing shell model, these offsets would correspond to expansion velocities of ∼50–100 km s−1 (e.g., Verhamme et al. 2006). In addition, a few spatial apertures (located near Source A) show blueshifts of Lyα suggestive of mild infall. As we showed in Section 3.3, these velocity offsets are overall lower than what is seen in typical UV-selected star-forming galaxies, and comparable or perhaps slightly lower than for Lyα-emitting galaxies.

By itself, the low velocity offsets could imply one of several possibilities. The outflow velocities could be intrinsically lower in these systems, or the column density of neutral gas could be low (either globally or due to local patchiness). Alternatively, since the radiative transfer from an extended source of emissivity generically results in observed kinematic offsets that are suppressed relative to the case of a central source (e.g., Verhamme et al. 2006), the low velocity offsets could simply reflect the fact that the Lyα photons in the Lyα nebula are being produced over an extended region, rather than being scattered from a central source. In this scenario, the Lyα profiles in each aperture do not actually encode information about the full velocity structure of the system, but instead reflect only small local velocity offsets between the point of emission of the Lyα photons and the final scattering location. For this reason, the Lyα kinematics closely resemble what is measured using a non-resonant line generated within the same region. Combined with the results of the previous section, it seems clear that both the spatial structure and kinematics of the system are consistent with in situ production of Lyα photons in PRG1. From a purely observational perspective, the fact that Lyα traces the non-resonant He ii line so well suggests that using Lyα alone to do kinematic studies may actually be more reliable in this case than is often assumed.

4.4. Towards a Physical Model for PRG1: Evidence for Large-scale Rotation

The deep spectroscopy allows us to probe the kinematics of the diffuse gas using multiple lines with great sensitivity out to large physical scales. A successful physical model for the gas kinematics in PRG1 must be able to explain the following observations: (1) a pronounced monotonic velocity gradient in the P.A. = 52fdg44 data, with a flattening at large radii, and a relatively flat velocity profile in P.A. = 146fdg0, (2) a consistently low velocity dispersion in P.A. = 52fdg44 (σLyα ≲ 300 km s−1, corrected for the instrumental resolution), and (3) a conspicuous resolved peak in the velocity dispersion profiles for both He ii and Lyα in the P.A. = 146fdg0 slit, corresponding to $\sigma _{{\rm He}\,\scriptsize{II}}\sim 390$ km s−1 and σLyα ∼ 570 km s−1.

It is easiest to understand the velocity profile within the system if the nebula represents gas undergoing rotation. To show this, we construct a toy model of a simple thin disk with six parameters: the offset angle between the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit and the major axis of the disk (Θoff, between −45° and 45°), the disk inclination (i, between 0° and 90°), the maximum velocity of the disk (Vmax, between 0 and 600 km s−1), the radius at which the disk reaches Vmax (Rmax, between 0''and 6''), and the position of the slit crossover relative to the disk center (Xc, Yc, within ±2'', where a positive offset in both parameters indicates a slit crossover located to the northwest of the disk center). We use a simple Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) fitting approach and 100,000 iterations to determine the best fit to the velocity profile in both slits, and estimate the posterior distribution for each parameter (Figure 13). While we have shown that Lyα and He ii show very similar behavior overall, there are small differences, particular in the region around Source A. For the purposes of fitting the velocity profiles, therefore, we use the more reliable He ii line and restrict the fitting to only those apertures within the central R < 3farcs5 of the nebula.

Figure 13.

Figure 13. Posterior distributions derived using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting approach and a simple thin disk model with six parameters: Θoff, the angle between the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit and the major axis of the disk (top left), i, the inclination of the disk relative to face-on (top right), Rmax, the radius at which the disk flattens to the maximum velocity (middle left), Vmax, the maximum velocity of the disk (middle right), and Xc and Yc, the offsets of the slit crossover point relative to the disk center. The green dashed lines indicate the 67% confidence intervals quoted in Table 4, and the orange and red dot-dashed lines show the two random draws from the posterior distributions that are overplotted on the data in Figure 14. The black dotted line in the Rmax panel corresponds to the maximum seeing during our spectroscopic observations.

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The posterior distributions suggest that the velocity profiles agree reasonably well with a thin disk model. In Table 4, we list the 67% confidence intervals for each parameter, and in Figure 14 we show the range of predicted velocity profiles corresponding to these confidence intervals as well as the predicted profiles for two random draws from the posterior distributions, overplotted on the data. The corresponding disk dynamical masses are of the order of M(< R = 20 kpc) ∼3 × 1011M. The fact that the major axis of the model disk is roughly aligned with P.A. = 52fdg44 explains the classic "rotation curve" structure seen in the velocity profile, i.e., the monotonic velocity gradient and the flattening at large radii. Similarly, the P.A. = 146fdg0 slit lies roughly along the minor axis, explaining the flatter velocity profile. We note that the surface brightness profiles of PRG1 can be reasonably well fit with an exponential profile, consistent with this picture.

Figure 14.

Figure 14. Observed He ii velocity profiles in the P.A. = 52fdg44 (left) and P.A. = 146fdg0 (right) slits are shown with a solid black line and gray shade regions indicating the error bars. Overplotted in color are velocity profile predictions from the thin disk toy model. The green hashed bands in the top row represent the range of models spanned by the 67% confidence intervals quoted in Table 4. The lower two rows show two random draws from the posterior distributions (orange and red colored lines), as indicated using the same color coding in Figure 13. The solid colored lines represent the velocity profile predicted along the center of the slit, while the dashed colored lines track the two slit edges. The corresponding model parameter values for each random draw are given in the left panel legend.

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Table 4. Toy Model Fit Parameters

Parameter 67% Confidence
Θoff [−30°, −16°]
i [38°, 77°]
Rmax [0farcs8, 2farcs3]
Vmax [233, 441]
Xc [−0farcs9, −0farcs3]
Yc [−0farcs7, −0farcs4]

Download table as:  ASCIITypeset image

The velocity dispersion for a simple rotating disk observed at some inclination angle is a combination of the intrinsic velocity dispersion (e.g., due to turbulence) as well as the smearing of the disk rotation within the slit; the latter component typically leads to an observed peak in the velocity dispersion at the disk center. Our simple thin disk model does not allow for a formal prediction of the velocity dispersion, but the spread between the edges of the slit can be taken as an indication of the velocity dispersion that would be measured simply due to rotation smearing. For reasonable models, we find that the spread in velocity sampled by the slit is only of order 200 km s−1 (σ ≲ 100 km s−1), well below the resolution of our data. Thus, if the kinematics were driven solely by rotation in a thin disk, we would not expect to resolve the lines anywhere across the nebula. In addition, the MCMC fitting analysis strongly prefers a center of rotation that is offset with respect to the velocity dispersion peak by about 1''–2'' to the northwest. Together, these facts suggest that the velocity dispersion peak we observe is not the kinematic center of the system, but rather the result of local kinematics, e.g., an outflow from a galaxy or clump within the nebula. It is possible that PRG1 resembles a scaled up version of the "clumpy disks" seen at z ≈ 2 (e.g., Förster Schreiber et al. 2009; Newman et al. 2012), which in some cases show a peak in the velocity dispersion that is offset by several kiloparsecs from the disk center due to the presence of a large star-forming clump driving an outflow. In the case of PRG1, this possibility is supported by the presence of a continuum source near the location of the peak velocity dispersion that is visible in recently acquired Hubble Space Telescope/WFC3 F140W imaging (M. K. M. Prescott et al., in preparation).

Despite its simplicity, the toy model provides a good representation of the velocity profiles observed in PRG1. To estimate the stability of the proposed disk, we plot the ratio of the velocity dispersion (corrected for the instrumental resolution, σcorr) and the circular velocity (Vc, measured from He ii) as a function of position along the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit (Figure 15); as the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit corresponds roughly to the major axis of the disk and the preferred disk inclination is relatively high, we do not apply any corrections for the disk inclination or azimuthal angle within the disk, i.e., we take VcVobs, the observed velocity. Apertures where the measured linewidth is consistent with the instrumental resolution are shown as upper limits (3σ). Using the one aperture along P.A. = 146fdg0 where both Lyα and He ii are clearly resolved, we compute an approximate "radiative transfer correction" for Lyα, i.e., the factor by which the Lyα linewidth should be scaled down in order to match that of the non-resonant He ii line. Under the crude assumption that this factor can be applied across the entire nebula, this approach provides a means of peering below our instrumental resolution limit. The Lyα measurements are then plotted both with and without this "radiative transfer correction." Following Genzel et al. (2014) and assuming a marginally stable disk, we estimate the approximate Toomre Q parameter, a measure of whether the gas will be unstable to collapse and result in subsequent star formation, where Qapprox ≈ (a/1.4) × (1.0/fgas) × σcorr/Vc, with a being a geometric factor with values of [1.0, 1.4, 2.0] for a Keplerian rotation curve, a flat rotation curve, and a solid-body rotation curve, respectively, and with fgas being the gas mass fraction. Over most of the nebula, we can only report upper limits on the σcorr/Vc, but in regions where the lines are resolved, we estimate that Qapprox is typically greater than 0.67–1.3, i.e., the critical values below which the gas becomes unstable, even under the assumption of an extremely high gas fraction (fgas = 1). Thus in most of the apertures where we resolve the Lyα emission line, the nebula appears to be stable against collapse. In a few central apertures as well as at larger radii, however, the gas may be unstable to collapse and subsequent star formation.

Figure 15.

Figure 15. Measured σcorr/Vc as a function of position along the P.A. = 52fdg44 slit, which coincides roughly the major axis of the proposed disk. Upper limits (3σ) are plotted for apertures where the measured linewidth is consistent with the instrumental resolution; otherwise the σcorr values are used, i.e., corrected for the instrumental resolution. Vc is the measured velocity from the He ii line. The Lyα measurements are shown as solid circles, while the open blue circles represent the result of applying an approximate "radiative transfer correction," i.e., scaling the Lyα σcorr measurements such that the Lyα and He ii values agree in the one aperture along the P.A. = 146fdg0 slit where both lines are clearly resolved. The right axis gives the corresponding approximate Toomre Q values, under the assumption of a marginally stable disk. In this case, Qapprox ≈ (a/1.4) × (1.0/fgas) × σcorr/Vc, following Genzel et al. (2014), with a being a geometric factor that can take values of [1, 1.4, 2] for a Keplerian rotation curve, a flat rotation curve, and a solid-body rotation curve, respectively, and fgas being the gas mass fraction. The gray-shading corresponds to the approximate values of Q below which the gas is expected to be unstable to collapse.

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Deep IFU observations of Lyα nebula such as PRG1 detecting multiple emission lines will be important for shedding further light on the complex kinematics of these systems, but the suggestion from the data presented here is that the gas in PRG1 is undergoing large-scale rotation in a clumpy, turbulent disk.

4.5. Implications

Recent high resolution numerical simulations of Milky Way mass halos (∼1012M at z = 0, which corresponds to ∼1011M at z = 3, assuming the halo growth rate from Neistein et al. 2006) have indicated that newly accreted gas will have high angular momentum, spending 1–2 dynamical times in the outer halo as a "cold flow disk" that extends to many tens of kiloparsecs outside the central galaxy (Stewart et al. 2011, 2013). Although the halo masses of Lyα nebulae are poorly constrained, it is possible that we are seeing a similar phenomenon in Lyα nebulae systems like PRG1 and SSA22-LAB2 (Martin et al. 2014), i.e., the early formation of a large Milky Way mass galaxy or galaxy group. In the case of PRG1, the rotation period implied by our disk modeling (Trot ≈ 4.9 × 108 yr, assuming Vmax ≈ 250 km s−1 at R = 20 kpc) is consistent with the system undergoing a handful of rotations by z ≈ 1.67 (when the age of the universe was ∼3.9 Gyr). Our results also motivate further high resolution theoretical work on the angular momentum of cold gas accretion as a function of halo mass, particularly for the higher mass halos thought to host giant Lyα nebulae (e.g., Prescott et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2009, 2010).

At the same time, our data do not favor the idea that gravitational cooling is the dominant powering mechanism responsible for the Lyα emission in this system. Gravitational infall of lower metallicity gas (i.e., "cold flows") would not be expected to produce such strong He ii emission over such a large spatial extent (Yang et al. 2006; Rosdahl & Blaizot 2012), and the presence of C iv and C iii] indicates the gas is at least somewhat enriched. In addition, cold flow powered Lyα nebulae are predicted to exhibit Lyα emission line profiles with a dominant blue peak, owing to infall (Faucher-Giguère et al. 2010), whereas in PRG1 we find that whether Lyα is observed to be redshifted or blueshifted relative to He ii depends on the position within the nebula, with most locations showing redshifted Lyα emission. In addition, there is still debate as to whether gravitational cooling can provide the Lyα luminosities that are typically observed in Lyα nebulae (e.g., Goerdt et al. 2010; Faucher-Giguère et al. 2010; Rosdahl & Blaizot 2012).

What does seem likely is that the gas reservoir in these regions is being supplied by recent accretion, perhaps coming in with significant angular momentum, but with the gas being illuminated and photoionized by a powerful source of ionizing photons, i.e., highly obscured AGN and star formation that is being fueled by the same accretion event. In PRG1, this scenario would lead to the observed strong, spatially extended Lyα, He ii, and metal line emission, and to the small velocity offset—primarily to the red—that is measured for Lyα.8 This scenario would also be consistent with the observation of several Lyα nebulae that appear to be aligned with the filament of galaxies they reside in (Erb et al. 2011). One can imagine that the alignment is due to the preferential flow of material within the filament, perhaps entering a messy, rotating disk as it feeds a growing galaxy or protocluster. Detailed kinematic studies using high spatial resolution IFU observations to look for evidence of rotation or coherent flows within a larger number of Lyα nebulae would be ideal for testing this hypothesis.


Using the spatially extended emission in Lyα as well as in less optically thick emission lines, we study the role of scattering and the kinematics of the extended gas within PRG1, a Lyα nebula at z ≈ 1.67. The low measured kinematic offset of Lyα and the similarity of the surface brightness profiles observed in different emission lines are strong arguments that the extended Lyα is being produced in situ within the spatially extended gas, most likely due to photoionization from an AGN or distributed star formation, rather than scattered from a central source. The large-scale coherent velocity shear we observe across the entire nebula—≈500 km s−1 over the central ≈50 kpc—is broadly consistent with large-scale rotation in a clumpy, turbulent disk that is at least partially stable against collapse. Thus, while our data are inconsistent with cooling radiation powering the Lyα emission, accreting gas with high angular momentum flowing in along cold streams may explain the large-scale coherent velocity structure that we observed within the extended Lyα nebula. This work suggests that, in at least some cases, the resonant Lyα line can be a robust tracer of the large-scale kinematics, and it motivates further deep spectroscopic studies of the extended gas within Lyα nebulae as a probe of the kinematics of the gas reservoir fueling episodes of active galaxy formation.

The authors thank Mark Dijkstra, Kristian Finlator, Peter Laursen, Norm Murray, and Anna Pancoast for illuminating discussions, Kristian Finlator for observing assistance, Alice Shapley for providing a comparison sky spectrum used to check the accuracy of our wavelength calibration, and the anonymous referee for useful suggestions that improved the quality of this paper. M.K.M.P. was supported by a TABASGO Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship and a Dark Cosmology Centre Postdoctoral Fellowship. This research was also supported in part by the National Science Foundation under AST-1109288 (C.L.M.), and by NOAO (A.D.). NOAO is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. A.D.'s research is also partially supported by the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and the Institute for Theory and Computation at Harvard University. A.D. thanks the Aspen Center for Physics, which is supported by the National Science Foundation grant No. PHY-1066293.

The data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. The authors wish to recognize and acknowledge the very significant cultural role and reverence that the summit of Mauna Kea has always had within the indigenous Hawaiian community. We are most fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain.


  • bogus was written by Andrew J. Bunker, S. Adam Stanford, & Daniel Stern: https://zwolfkinder.jpl.nasa.gov/stern/homepage/bogus.html.

  • l.a.cosmic was written by Pieter G. van Dokkum: http://www.astro.yale.edu/dokkum/lacosmic/.

  • KPNO IRS Standard Star Manual; Massey & Gronwall (1990).

  • In the context of AGN fluorescence, the presence of both blueshifted and redshifted Lyα is easily understood, since the Lyα line is expected to exhibit either a prominent red or blue peak depending on the geometric alignment of the AGN with respect to the gas velocity field (Cantalupo et al. 2005).

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