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Two-component source to explain $\Lambda \,{\rm{and}}\,\bar{\Lambda }$ global polarization in non-central heavy-ion collisions

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation A Ayala et al 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1602 012032 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1602/1/012032



The STAR Beam Energy Scan program has found a difference in the global polarization of ${\Lambda }$s and $\bar{\Lambda }$s produced in Au + Au collisions. This difference is larger for lower center of mass collision energies. In this work we show that a two-component source, consisting of a high density core and a lower density corona, can describe quantitatively the $\Lambda \,{\rm{and}}\,\bar{\Lambda }$ polarizations as a function of collision energy.

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