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Light neutrino masses from a non-Hermitian Yukawa theory

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, , Citation J Alexandre et al 2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 873 012047 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/873/1/012047



Working within the context of PT-symmetric quantum mechanics, we begin by describing a non-Hermitian extension of QED that is both Lorentz invariant and consistent with unitarity. We show that the non-Hermitian Dirac mass matrix of this theory exhibits an exceptional point, corresponding to an effectively massless theory whose conserved current is either right- or left-chiral dominated. With this inspiration, we are able to construct a non- Hermitian model of light Dirac neutrino masses from Hermitian and anti-Hermitian Yukawa couplings that are both of order unity. We finish by highlighting potential phenomenological implications of this model.

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