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Π-ML: a dimensional analysis-based machine learning parameterization of optical turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer

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Turbulent fluctuations of the atmospheric refraction index, so-called optical turbulence, can significantly distort propagating laser beams. Therefore, modeling the strength of these fluctuations ($C_n^2$) is highly relevant for the successful development and deployment of future free-space optical communication links. In this Letter, we propose a physics-informed machine learning (ML) methodology, Π-ML, based on dimensional analysis and gradient boosting to estimate $C_n^2$. Through a systematic feature importance analysis, we identify the normalized variance of potential temperature as the dominating feature for predicting $C_n^2$. For statistical robustness, we train an ensemble of models which yields high performance on the out-of-sample data of R2 = 0.958 ± 0.001.

© 2023 Optica Publishing Group

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Supplementary Material (1)

Supplement 1       Supplemental Document

Data availability

The code implementing the $\Pi$ Π -ML methodology is available in Ref. [23].

23. M. Pierzyna, “$\Pi$-ML: a dimensional analysis-based machine learning parameterization of optical turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer,” GitHub (2023) [accessed 17 August 2023], https://github.com/mpierzyna/piml.

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