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Quantum generative adversarial learning in photonics

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Quantum generative adversarial networks (QGANs), an intersection of quantum computing and machine learning, have attracted widespread attention due to their potential advantages over classical analogs. However, in the current era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computing, it is essential to investigate whether QGANs can perform learning tasks on near-term quantum devices usually affected by noise and even defects. In this Letter, using a programmable silicon quantum photonic chip, we experimentally demonstrate the QGAN model in photonics for the first time to our knowledge and investigate the effects of noise and defects on its performance. Our results show that QGANs can generate high-quality quantum data with a fidelity higher than 90%, even under conditions where up to half of the generator’s phase shifters are damaged, or all of the generator and discriminator’s phase shifters are subjected to phase noise up to 0.04π. Our work sheds light on the feasibility of implementing QGANs on the NISQ-era quantum hardware.

© 2023 Optica Publishing Group

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