Quantum Circuit Compiler for a Shuttling-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer

Fabian Kreppel1, Christian Melzer2, Diego Olvera Millán2, Janis Wagner2, Janine Hilder2, Ulrich Poschinger2, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler2, and André Brinkmann1

1Institute of Computer Science, Johannes Gutenberg University, Staudingerweg 9, 55128 Mainz, Germany
2Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Staudingerweg 7, 55128 Mainz, Germany

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The increasing capabilities of quantum computing hardware and the challenge of realizing deep quantum circuits require fully automated and efficient tools for compiling quantum circuits. To express arbitrary circuits in a sequence of native gates specific to the quantum computer architecture, it is necessary to make algorithms portable across the landscape of quantum hardware providers. In this work, we present a compiler capable of transforming and optimizing a quantum circuit targeting a shuttling-based trapped-ion quantum processor. It consists of custom algorithms set on top of the quantum circuit framework Pytket. The performance was evaluated for a wide range of quantum circuits and the results show that the gate counts can be reduced by factors up to 5.1 compared to standard Pytket and up to 2.2 compared to standard Qiskit compilation.

Several quantum computing platforms have been developed in recent years. One promising candidate for quantum computing is based on trapped ions. These particles are naturally perfectly identical and can be used to encode stable qubits. The ions are trapped in electric fields and manipulated by lasers. One way to scale such quantum devices is not to store all the ions in one large group, but to have many small groups that can be moved around to allow the ions to interact with each other.

To run an arbitrary algorithm on such a quantum computer, the quantum circuit describing the gate sequence to be executed must be translated into instructions which the quantum computer understands. This is similar to compiling code of a high-level language into assembler code for classical computers. Just as different processors of classical computers have different instruction sets and components, which a compiler must address during compilation, different quantum computers have different native gates and properties that can be exploited to improve the accuracy of the result.

In our paper, we present a quantum circuit compiler, which transforms a given quantum circuit into the native gate set of a trapped-ion quantum computer and performs optimizations on the code to increase the accuracy of the result. Such optimizations include various ways of reducing the number of gates performed, as well as rearranging them so that the circuit has more favorable properties, such as less ion movement.

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