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Economy and Finance

Spring 2020 Economic Forecast: A deep and uneven recession, an uncertain recovery

Economic forecast documents

6 MAY 2020
European Economic Forecast. Spring 2020
6 MAY 2020
Spring 2020 Economic Forecast - Overview
6 MAY 2020
Spring 2020 Economic Forecast - Statistical annex
8 MAY 2020
Statistical annex to European Economy Spring 2020
8 MAY 2020
General Government Data - Part I: Tables by country Spring 2020
8 MAY 2020
General Government Data - Part II: Tables by series Spring 2020
8 MAY 2020
Cyclical Adjustment of Budget Balances Spring 2020

Economic forecast by country


Candidate Countries Other Non-EU Countries
Albanien UK
Montenegro USA
North Macedonia Japan
Serbien China
Türkei EFTA

Economic forecast thematic boxes

6 MAY 2020
Box.1: Some technical elements behind the forecast
