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Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:15 pm

Kahin Center

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Joshua Babcock, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Brown University, who will discuss the raciolinguistic distinctiveness and national identity in Singapore.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the The Kahin Center, 640 Stewart Ave. Lunch will be served…

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

3:00 pm

Stimson Hall, G25

Come to the LRC to practice your language skills and meet new people. Conversation Hours provide an opportunity to use the target language in an informal, low-pressure atmosphere. Have fun practicing a language you are learning! Gain confidence through experience! Just using your new language skills helps you learn…

East Asia Program

3:15 pm

Stimson Hall, G25

Come to the LRC to practice your language skills and meet new people. Conversation Hours provide an opportunity to use the target language in an informal, low-pressure atmosphere. Have fun practicing a language you are learning! Gain confidence through experience! Just using your new language skills helps you learn…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

7:00 pm

Cornell Cinema

LACS Public Issues Forum

Co-sponsored by Cornell Cinema, English Literature and Creative writing, History of Art and Visual Studies, Performance and Media Arts, Romance Studies, and Society of the Humanities

Chile ’73: Fifty Years Later
Machuca follows the lives, over the course of a school year…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

12:30 pm

A.D White House

LACS Public Issues Forum

Co-sponsored by Cornell Cinema, English Literature and Creative writing, History of Art and Visual Studies, Performance and Media Arts, Romance Studies, and Society of the Humanities

Roundtable with Roberto Brodsky, Denisa Jashari, Kenneth Roberts, and Camilo Trumper moderated…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:15 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Elora Shehabuddin (University of California, Berkeley )

Founded in 1984 with the goal of preparing for the third UN Women’s Conference in Nairobi the following year, DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era) was the first “South-South” feminist network to challenge the racial and…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

4:00 pm

Stimson Hall, G25

"Generative AI in Language Education: Insights and Implications for Teacher Development"
Ilka Kostka
Teaching Professor and Program Lead of the NU Immerse and Global Pathways Programs, Northeastern University

We are in a moment of immense educational transformation as generative…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

4:30 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Yasmine Flodin-Ali (Religious Studies, University of Pittsburgh)

Twentieth-century Muslims used Islam to articulate resistance to systems of domination, from British colonial rule in India to Jim Crow laws in the United States. This article maps the moral geographies promoted by three early twentieth…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

4:45 pm

A. D. White House, Guerlac Room

A new conversation with Seema Golestenah about her current research. More details to follow.

Seema Golestaneh is Associate Professor in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Cornell. Her research, situated at the nexus of anthropology and religious studies, is focused on expressions of contemporary…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

9:00 am


Hosted by the Gender and the Security Sector Lab, the University of Edinburgh’s Centre of African Studies, and the Reppy Peace and Conflict Studies Program, The Transition Home: Key Challenges for African UN Peacekeepers Upon Return is a unique collaborative effort, bringing together qualitative and quantitative…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

South Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Migrations Program

5:00 pm

Biotechnology Building, G10

Bartels World Affairs Lecture The bestselling author of Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World joins us for a personal journey down the conspiracy rabbit hole to explore why our political sphere has become so dangerously warped. When author and social activist Naomi Klein discovered a writer with the same first…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

12:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

North American Practices of Forced Displacement, Detention, and Humanitarian Oversight in the 1940s

About the Speaker
Kaitlin Findlay is a doctoral student in the Cornell History Department. Her research examines forced displacement, humanitarianism, liberal internationalism, and memory in the mid-…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:15 pm

Kahin Center

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Dr. Hieu Phung, Assistant Professor of Vietnamese and Southeast Asian History at the Asian Languages and Cultures Department at Rutgers-New Brunswick University, who will discuss state-building in the Red River region.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, G08

How do activists use historical memory? Examining the narratives expressed in recorded oral histories, I argue that Indigenous labor leaders from the haciendas of Cayambe, Ecuador constructed an empowering narrative politics that guided their allies as well as future activists in preserving and revitalizing the…

South Asia Program

3:00 pm

McGraw Hall, 165

Reinventing Anthropology of Caste

The abjection of dalits/low caste has been studied extensively by anthropologists, as a way to understand caste inequality in India. Instead of focusing on dalits as a site of caste’s production, I reverse the gaze to consider the deployment of ‘woundedness’ by non-dalit or…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

East Asia Program

3:30 pm

Rockefeller, 374 Asian Studies Lounge

Chen Kaijun, East Asian Studies, Brown University will lead this month's Classical Chinese text-reading.

The group meets monthly during the semester to explore a variety of classical Chinese texts and styles. Other premodern texts linked to classical Chinese in Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese have been…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:15 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Farzana Afridi (Economics, Indian Statistical Institute)

In contrast to the Western experience, while the gender gap in educational attainment and fertility rates has declined in India, we don’t observe women participating concomitantly in the labor market. Can technological changes in the market…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

Migrations Program

1:00 pm


Go global in summer 2025! Global Internships give you valuable international work experience in fields spanning global development, climate and sustainability, international relations, communication, business, governance, and more.

This session will discuss opportunities with the Universidad San Francisco de…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

Migrations Program

5:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Go global in summer 2025! Global Internships give you valuable international work experience in fields spanning global development, climate and sustainability, international relations, communication, business, governance, and more.


The Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies hosts info…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

Migrations Program

4:30 pm

Uris Hall, G08

The Migration Studies Minor is a university-wide, interdisciplinary undergraduate minor that prepares students to understand the historical and contemporary contexts and factors that drive international migration and shape migrant experiences around the globe. This minor draws on the rich course offerings found…

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

South Asia Program

9:00 am

Tata Innovation Center, Cornell Tech, TBD

Register to watch the final: https://emiconference.com/

Find more about competition: https://pitch.emiconference.com/

The Cornell EMI Mark Mobius Pitch Competition invites student entrepreneurs and recent graduates…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

12:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

A History of Drones and Precision Warfare

Since 2012, the global proliferation of drones has increased by 96.3 percent. Inspired by the American pioneering of ‘pin-point’ precision strike and remote-control technologies during the early 2000s and 2010s, a total of 118 nation-states have now developed a…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:15 pm

Kahin Center

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Dwi Noverini Djenar, Associate Professor and Chair of the Indonesian Studies Department at The University of Sydney, who will discuss the exonerative accounts in political discourse.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the The Kahin Center, 640 Stewart Ave…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

2:55 pm

Weill Hall, 226

We welcome our next speaker, Dr. Saurabh Mehta. Dr. Mehta is the Janet and Gordon Lankton Professor in the Division of Nutritional Sciences here at Cornell. He is also a Field Faculty Candidate for the Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering.

Technology Ecosystem to Support Precision Nutrition and Health…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

East Asia Program

10:00 am

Rockefeller, 374 Asian Studies Lounge

Yi-Li Wu, Women's and Gender Studies and History, University of Michigan, will lead this month's Classical Chinese text-reading.

The group meets monthly during the semester to explore a variety of classical Chinese texts and styles. Other premodern texts linked to classical Chinese in Japanese,…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:15 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Tariq Thachil (Political Science, University of Pennsylvania)

Urban citizens in low-income democracies rarely hold elected officials accountable for toxic air. To understand why, we fielded a large citizen survey in Delhi, India, a highly polluted megacity where voters rarely prioritize air pollution…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

4:45 pm

A.D. White House, Guerlac Room

Fall 2024 ICM Events Series


Associate Professor, Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley

"Territorial Imperatives, Revolutionary Leanings: Thinking with the Palestinian Revolution"

Please note that the date for this lecture is changed to

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

12:20 pm

Uris Hall, G08


Sports came to play a significant role in nation building in a number of countries – especially those newly-independent states emerging on the end of decolonising movements in the middle of the twentieth century. Jamaica was no exception. Here, the process of nation-building was one that had to…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

Migrations Program

4:45 pm


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides full funding for graduate and professional students conducting research in any field or teaching in more than 150 countries. Open to U.S. citizens only. The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad program supports doctoral students conducting research in…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Institute for European Studies

12:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Prospects for European Security after the War

Whatever the outcome of the Russian war against Ukraine, in its wake Ukraine will need to choose a security policy to defend its sovereignty from future threats. Its choice holds implications for broader European security. Some observers advocate Ukraine becoming…

Past Events

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

Migrations Program

5:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Go global in summer 2025! Global Internships give you valuable international work experience in fields spanning global development, climate and sustainability, international relations, communication, business, governance, and more.


The Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies hosts info…

Southeast Asia Program

4:45 pm

276 Caldwell Hall

Meet with representative from the International Sustainable Development Institute (ISDSI) that provides field-based environmental study abroad program for undergraduates. Study sustainable agriculture in the lowlands, forest ecology in the uplands, and coastal ecology in the south. Great for many CALS majors.…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

4:30 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Ayse Polat (Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell Society for the Humanities Cambridge University, PhD)

How do the circulation and distribution of arms shape social relations, conflicts, and hierarchies? Is arms trafficking a means of contesting the established order of things, or cementing it? This…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:15 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Townsend Middleton (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

What happens after colonial industries have run their course? When the factory closes and the fields go fallow, how do laboring communities continue to live and fight amid all that remains? In this talk, anthropologist (and Cornell SAP…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for European Studies

12:00 pm

Willard Straight Theatre

In the treacherous and swampy forests that make up the so-called "green border" between Belarus and Poland, refugees from the Middle East and Africa are lured by government propaganda promising easy passage to the European Union. Unable to cross into Europe and unable to turn back, they find themselves…