An irrationality measure of a real number is a measure of how "closely" it can be approximated by rationals. If a function , defined for positive real numbers, strictly decreasing in both and is given, consider the following inequality:

for a given real number and rational numbers with . Define as the set of all for which only finitely many exist, such that the inequality is satisfied. Then is called an irrationality measure of with regard to If there is no such and the set is empty, is said to have infinite irrationality measure .

Consequently the inequality

has at most only finitely many solutions .[1]

Irrationality exponent


The irrationality exponent oder Liouville–Roth irrationality measure is given by setting  ,[1] a definition adapting the one of Liouville numbers — the irrationality exponent   is defined to be the supremum of the set of   such that   is satisfied by an infinite number of coprime integer pairs   with  .[2][3]: 246  For any value  , the infinite set of all rationals   satisfying the above inequality yields good approximations of  . Conversely, if  , then there are at most finitely many coprime   with   that satisfy the inequality.

For example, whenever a rational approximation  ,   yields   exact decimal digits, then


for any  , except for at most a finite number of "lucky" pairs  .

Rational numbers have irrationality exponent 1, while (as a consequence of Dirichlet's approximation theorem) every irrational number has irrationality exponent at least 2.

On the other hand, an application of Borel-Cantelli lemma shows that almost all numbers, including all algebraic numbers, have an irrationality exponent equal to 2.[3]: 246 

A number   with irrationality exponent   is called a diophantine number,[4] while numbers with   are called Liouville numbers.

It is   for real numbers   and rational numbers   and  .

If a real number   is given by its simple continued fraction expansion   with convergents   then it holds:


Below is a table of known upper and lower bounds for the irrationality exponents of certain numbers.

Number   Irrationality exponent   Notes
Lower bound Upper bound
Rational number   with   1 Every rational number   has an irrationality exponent of exactly 1.
Irrational algebraic number   2 By Roth's theorem the irrationality exponent of any irrational algebraic number is exactly 2. Examples include square roots like   and the golden ratio  .
  2 If the elements   of the simple continued fraction expansion of an irrational number   are bounded above   by an arbitrary polynomial  , then its irrationality exponent is  .

Examples include numbers which continued fractions behave predictably such as:


  with  [5] 2   where   is the  -th term of the Thue–Morse sequence and  . See Prouhet-Thue-Morse constant.
 [6][7] 2 3.57455... There are other numbers of the form   for which bounds on their irrationality exponents are known.[8][9][10]
 [6][11] 2 5.11620...
 [12] 2 3.43506... There are many other numbers of the form   for which bounds on their irrationality exponents are known.[12] This is the case for  .
 [13][14] 2 4.60105... There are many other numbers of the form   for which bounds on their irrationality exponents are known.[13] This is the case for  .
 [6][15] 2 7.10320... It has been proven that if the Flint Hills series   (where n is in radians) converges, then  's irrationality exponent is at most 2.5;[16][17] and that if it diverges, the irrationality exponent is at least 2.5.[18]
  and  [6][19] 2 5.09541...   and   are linearly dependent over  .
 [20] 2 9.27204... There are many other numbers of the form   for which bounds on their irrationality exponents are known.[21][22]
 [23] 2 5.94202...
Apéry's constant  [6] 2 5.51389...
 [24] 2 10330
Cahen's constant  [25] 3
Champernowne constants   in base  [26]   Examples include  
Liouville numbers     The Liouville numbers are precisely those numbers having infinite irrationality exponent.[3]: 248 

Irrationality base


The irrationality base oder Sondow irrationality measure is obtained by setting  .[1][27] It is a weaker irrationality measure, being able to distinguish how well different Liouville numbers can be approximated, but yielding   for all other real numbers:

Let   be an irrational number. If there exist real numbers   with the property that for any  , there is a positive integer   such that


for all integers   with   then the least such   is called the irrationality base of   and is represented as  

If no such   exists, then   and   is called a super Liouville number.

If a real number   is given by its simple continued fraction expansion   with convergents   then it holds:



Any real number   with finite irrationality exponent   has irrationality base  , while any number with irrationality base   has irrationality exponent   and is a Liouville number.

The number   has irrationality exponent   and irrationality base  .

The numbers   (  represents tetration,  ) have irrationality base  .

The number   has irrationality base  , hence it is a super Liouville number.

Other irrationality measures


Markov constant


Setting   gives a stronger irrationality measure: the Markov constant   of an irrational number  , the factor by which Dirichlet's approximation theorem can be improved for  . Namely if   is a positive real number, than the inequality


has infinitely many solutions  . If   there are at most finitely many solutions.

Dirichlet's approximation theorem implies   and Hurwitz's theorem gives   both for irrational  [28]

This is in fact the best general lower bound since the golden ratio gives  . It is also  .

Given   by its simple continued fraction expansion, one may obtain  .[29]

Bounds for the Markov constant of   can also be given by   with  .[30] This implies that   if and only if   is not bounded and in particular,   if   is a quadratic irrational number. A further consequence is  .

Any number with   oder   has an unbounded simple continued fraction and hence  .

For rational numbers   it may be defined  .

Other results


The values   and   imply that the inequality   has for all   infinitely many solutions   while the inequality   has for all   only at most finitely many solutions   . This gives rise to the question what the best upper bound is. The answer is given by:[31]


which is satisfied by infinitely many   for   but not for  .

This makes the number   alongside the rationals and quadratic irrationals an exception to the fact that for almost all real numbers   the inequality below has infinitely many solutions  :[32]


Mahler's generalization


Kurt Mahler extended the concept of an irrationality measure and defined a so-called transcendence measure, drawing on the idea of a Liouville number and partitioning the transcendental numbers into three distinct classes.[3]

Mahler's irrationality measure


Instead of taking for a given real number   the difference   with  , one may instead focus on term   with   and  . Consider the following inequality:

  with   and  .

Define   as the set of all   for which infinitely many solutions   exist, such that the inequality is satisfied. Then   is Mahler's irrationality measure. It gives   for rational numbers,   for algebraic irrational numbers and in general  , where   denotes the irrationality exponent.

Transcendence measure


Mahler's irrationality measure can be generalized as follows:[2][3] Take   to be a polynomial with   and integer coefficients  . Then define a height function   and consider for real numbers   the inequality:

  with  .

Set   to be the set of all   for which infinitely many such polynomials exist, that keep the inequality is satisfied. Further define   for all   with   being the above irrationality measure,   being a non-quadraticity measure, etc.

Then Mahler's transcendence measure is given by:


The transcendental numbers can now be divided into the following three classes:

If for all   the value of   is finite and   is finite as well,   is called an S-number.

If for all   the value of   is finite but   is infinite,   is called an T-number.

If there exists a positive integer   such that for all   the   are infinite,   is called an U-number.

The number   is algebraic if and only if  .

Almost all numbers are S-numbers, however the Liouville numbers are a subset of the U-numbers.

Linear independence measure


Another generalization of Mahler's irrationality measure gives a linear independence measure.[2][8] For real numbers   consider the inequality

  with   and  .

Define   as the set of all   for which infinitely many solutions   exist, such that the inequality is satisfied. Then   is the linear independence measure.

If the   are linearly dependent over   then  .

If   are algebraic and linearly independent over   then  .[33]

It is further  .

Other generalizations


Koksma’s generalization


Jurjen Koksma in 1939 proposed another generalization, similar to that of Mahler, based on approximations of real numbers by algebraic numbers.[3][34]

For a given real number   take consider algebraic numbers   of degree at most  . Define a height function  , where   is the characteristic polynomial of   and consider the inequality:

  with  .

Set   to be the set of all   for which infinitely many such algebraic numbers   exist, that keep the inequality is satisfied. Further define   for all   with   being an irrationality measure,   being a non-quadraticity measure[12], etc.

Then Koksma's transcendence measure is given by:


Simultaneous approximations of real numbers


Given a real number   an irrationality measure of   quantifies how well it can be approximated by rational numbers   with denominator  . If   is taken to be an algebraic number that is also irrational one may obtain that the inequality


has only at most finitely many solutions   for  . This is known as Roth's theorem.

This can be generalized: Given a set of real numbers   one can quantify how well they can be approximated simultaneously by rational numbers   with the same denominator  . If the   are taken to be an algebraic number that, such that   are linearly independent over the rational numbers   it follows that the inequalities


have only at most finitely many solutions   for  . This result is due to Wolfgang M. Schmidt.[35][36]

See also



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