List of parties to weapons of mass destruction treaties

The list of parties to weapons of mass destruction treaties encompasses the states which have signed and ratified, succeeded, or acceded to any of the major multilateral treaties prohibiting or restricting weapons of mass destruction (WMD), in particular nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons.


Treaty Year of entry into force Number of States parties Number of signatory states
(signed but not ratified)
Geneva Protocol[1] 1928 146 0 Ban the use of biological and chemical weapons
Biological Weapons Convention[2] (parties) 1975 184 4 Comprehensively ban biological weapons
Chemical Weapons Convention[3] (parties) 1997 193 1 Comprehensively ban chemical weapons
Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty[4] (parties) 1963 126 10 Ban all nuclear weapons tests except for those conducted underground
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty[5] (parties) 1970 191 0 1. prevent nuclear proliferation; 2. promote nuclear disarmament; 3. promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons[6] (parties) 2021 68 26 Comprehensively ban nuclear weapons
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty[7] (parties) not in force 176 10 Ban all nuclear weapons tests

List of states parties to weapons of mass destruction treaties


The following list was last updated in March 2021.


State party GP[1] BWC[2] CWC[3] Nuclear
NPT[5] TPNW[6] CTBT[7]
  Afghanistan A R R R R
  Albanien A A R A R
  Algerien A A R A S R
  Andorra A A A R
  Angola A A A A S R
  Antigua und Barbuda Su A A Su R R
  Argentinien A R R A R
  Armenien A A R A R
  Australien A R R R R
  Österreich R R R R R R
  Aserbaidschan A R A R
  Bahamas, The A R Su R
  Bahrain A A R A R
  Bangladesch A A R A R R
  Barbados Su R A R R
  Weißrussland R R A R
  Belgien R R R R R
  Belize Su/A A Su R R
  Benin A R R R R R
  Bhutan A A R A
  Bolivien A R R R R R
  Bosnien und Herzegowina Su R Su R
  Botswana R A R R R
  Brasilien R R R A S R
  Brunei A R A S R
  Bulgarien R R R R R R
  Burkina Faso A A R R R
  Burundi R R A R
  Kap Verde A A R A R R
  Kambodscha A R R A R R
  Kamerun A A R R R
  Kanada R R R R R
  Zentralafrikanische Republik A R R A S R
  Tschad R R R
  Chile R R R A S R
  China Su A R A S
  Kolumbien A R R R S R
  Komoren R A R R
  Congo, Democratic Republic of the A R R S R
  Congo, Republic of the R R R S R
  Cook Inseln A R [a] A R
  Costa Rica A R R R R R
  Côte d'Ivoire A R R R S R
  Kroatien A Su R Su R
  Cuba A R R A R R
  Zypern Su R R R R
  Tschechische Republik Su Su R Su R
  Dänemark R R R R R
  Dschibuti R A R
  Dominica Su R Su R
  Dominikanische Republik A R R R S R
  Osttimor A A A S S
  Ecuador A R R R R R
  Ägypten R S R S
  El Salvador R R R R R R
  Äquatorial-Guinea A A R A S
  Eritrea A A R
  Estland R A R A R
  Eswatini A A R R R
  Äthiopien R R R R R
  Fidschi Su R R A/Su R R
  Finnland R R R R R
  Frankreich R A R A R
  Gabun R R A R
  Gambia, The Su R R R R S
  Georgien A R A R
  Deutschland R R R R R
  Ghana A R R R S R
  Griechenland R R R R R
  Grenada Su A R Su S R
  Guatemala A R R R S R
  Guinea A R A R
  Guinea-Bissau A A R A S R
  Guyana R R A R R
  Haiti S R R R
  Honduras R R R R R
  Ungarn A R R R R
  Island A R R R R
  Indien R R R
  Indonesien Su R R R S R
  Iran A R R R S
  Iraq A R A R R
  Irland A R R R R R
  Israel A S S
  Italien R R R R R
  Jamaika Su A R R R R
  Japan R R R R R
  Jordanien A R A R R
  Kasachstan A A R A R R
  Kenia A A R R R
  Kiribati A Su R R
  Korea, North A A A A[9]
  Korea, South A R R R R
  Kuwait A R R R R
  Kirgisistan A A R A R
  Laos A R R R R R
  Lettland R A R A R
  Libanon A R A R R
  Lesotho Su R R R R R
  Liberia A R R R R
  Libyen A R A R S R
  Liechtenstein A A R A S R
  Litauen R A R A R
  Luxemburg R R R R R
  Madagaskar A R R R S R
  Malawi A R R A S R
  Malaysia A R R R R R
  Malediven A A R R R R
  Mali R R R R
  Malta Su R R R R R
  Marshallinseln A R A R
  Mauretanien A R A R
  Mauritius Su R R A
  Mikronesien R A R
  Mexiko A R R R R R
  Moldawien A A R A R
  Monaco A A R A R
  Mongolei A R R R R
  Montenegro Su Su Su Su
  Marokko A R R R R
  Mosambik A A A S R
  Myanmar R R A S R
  Namibia A R A R R
  Nauru A R A R R
    Nepal A R R R S S
  Niederlande R R R R R
  Neuseeland A R R R R R
  Nicaragua R R R R R R
  Niger Su R R A S R
  Nigeria A R R R R R
  Niue A A [b] A R
  North Korea A A [c]
f  North Macedonia A Su A Su R
  Norwegen R R R R R
  Oman A R A R
  Pakistan Su R R
  Palau A A A R R
  Palestine (see UN and Palestine) A A R A R R
  Panama A R R R R R
  Papua-Neuguinea Su A R A S
  Paraguay A A R R R R
  Peru A R R R S R
  Philippinen A R R R R R
  Polen R R R R R
  Portugal R R R A R
  Katar A R R A R
  Rumänien R R R R R
  Russland R R R R R
  Ruanda Su R R A R
  St. Kitts und Nevis Su A R A R R
  St. Lucia Su Su R Su R R
  St. Vincent und die Grenadinen Su Su R Su R R
  Samoa A R A R R
  San Marino R R R R R
  São Tomé and Príncipe A Ac A S S
  Saudi-Arabien A R R A
  Senegal A R R R R
  Serbien Su Su A Su R
  Seychellen A R A S R
  Sierra Leone A R R A R
  Singapur R R R R
  Slowakei Su Su R Su R
  Slowenien A Su R Su R
  Salomonen Su Su A Su S
  Somalia S A R
  Südafrika A R R A R R
  South Sudan
  Spanien R R R A R
  Sri Lanka A R R R S
  Sudan A A A R S R
  Surinam A A Su R
  Schweden R R R R R
   Schweiz R R R R R
  Syria A S A R
  Tadschikistan A A R A R
  Tansania A R R A S R
  Thailand R R R A R R
  Togo A R R R S R
  Tonga Su A A Su
  Trinidad und Tobago Su A A R R
  Tunesien A R R R R
  Türkei R R R R R
  Turkmenistan A R A R
  Tuvalu A Su R S
  Uganda A A R A R
  Ukraine Su R R A R
  Vereinigte Arabische Emirate R R A R
  Vereinigtes Königreich R R R R R
  Vereinigte Staaten R R R R S
  Uruguay R A R R R R
  Usbekistan A R A R
  Vanuatu Su A A R R
  Vatican City (see UN and Holy See) A A R A R R
  Venezuela R R R R R R
  Vietnam A R R A R R
  Jemen A R R R S
  Sambia A R A S R
  Simbabwe A R A S R
  1. ^ The Cook Islands and Niue, two associated states of New Zealand which have had their "full treaty-making capacity" recognised by United Nations Secretariat, are not parties to the treaty but consider themselves bound by its provisions by virtue of their administration by New Zealand when the latter ratified the NPT. [8]
  2. ^ The Cook Islands and Niue, two associated states of New Zealand which have had their "full treaty-making capacity" recognised by United Nations Secretariat, are not parties to the treaty but consider themselves bound by its provisions by virtue of their administration by New Zealand when the latter ratified the NPT. [10]
  3. ^ Withdrew 10 Jan 2003 [11]

See also



  1. ^ a b "Disarmament Treaties Database: 1925 Geneva Protocol". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  2. ^ a b "Disarmament Treaties Database: Biological Weapons Convention". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  3. ^ a b "Disarmament Treaties Database: Chemical Weapons Convention". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  4. ^ "UNODA Disarmament Treaties Database: Partial Test Ban Treaty"". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2021-07-15.
  5. ^ a b "Disarmament Treaties Database: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  6. ^ a b "Disarmament Treaties Database: Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  7. ^ a b "Disarmament Treaties Database: Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  8. ^ Avenhaus, Rudolf; Kremenyuk, Viktor; Sjöstedt, Gunnar (2002). Containing the atom. Lexington Books. p. 123|name="coni"
  9. ^ North Korea announced its withdrawal from the NPT in 2003. According to the UN there are divergent views about its status.
  10. ^ Avenhaus, Rudolf; Kremenyuk, Viktor; Sjöstedt, Gunnar (2002). Containing the atom. Lexington Books. p. 123|name="coni"
  11. ^ Devon Chaffee (2003-04-10). "North Korea's Withdrawal from Nonproliferation Treaty Official"