I've been a Wikipedia user since the site's early years but contributed no more than an occasional typo correction prior to 2018. Cantab academic background in English/American/French Literature, History, Economics, Philosophy and Politics. Career background as a fiction and non-fiction author.

I try to contribute on those occasions my expertise is sufficient to justify an edit; and even then only on pages with a significant omission that's likely to misinform (e.g. Virginia Woolf absent from a list of English Modernists or Germaine Greer excluded from a summary of late 60s/early 70s Feminism).

I'm a staunch defender of both the exploration of non-canon, neglected cultural fact (history and art/lit especially) and due respect to the enduring, unequivocal achievements of past human contribution.

I contribute under the username "Mertonfuton" simply to separate contributions made to Wikipedia from any direct association with those official academic or institutional positions I happen to hold from time to time. Happy to give further details in answer to any individual enquiries.

Long live Wikipedia!