See also Nový Jičín on Wikipedia; and our 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica disclaimer. Now in the Czech republic.

24641301911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 19 — Neutitschein

NEUTITSCHEIN (Czech Nový Jičín), a town of Austria, in Moravia, 75 m. N.E. of Brünn by rail. Pop. (1900) 11,891, chiefly German. It is situated on a spur of the Carpathians, and on the banks of the Titsch, an affluent of the Oder. It is the chief place in the Kuhländchen, a fertile valley peopled by German settlers, who rear cattle and cultivate flax. At Neutitschein manufactures of woollen cloth, flannel, hats, carriages and tobacco are carried on; and it is also the centre of a brisk trade. The town was founded in 1311. Neutitschein was in 1790 the headquarters of the Austrian field-marshal Loudon, who died here in the same year and is buried in the parish church.