1798876A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Lawrence, JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

LAWRENCE. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 22; h-p., 19.)

James Lawrence entered the Navy, 22 July, 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Colossus 74, Capts. Jaa. Nicoll Morris and Thos. Alexander, in which ship he was for upwards of six years employed off Lisbon and in the Channel and Mediterranean – the last four as Midshipman. He next, in the course of 1812-13, became in succession attached, on the Channel, Baltic, and Irish stations, to the Surprise 38, Capt. Sir Thos. John Cochrane, Vigo, flag-ship of Rear- Admirals J. N. Morris and Graham Moore, and Ethalion 36, Capts. Edm. Heywood and Wm. Hugh Dobbie. He obtained his commission 18 March,1815, and was afterwards employed – from March to Aug. 1819, and again from 18 April, 1825, to May, 1828, in the Coast Blockade, as Supernumerary-Lieutenant of the Severn 40, and Ramillies 74, Capts. Wm. M‘Culloch and Hugh Pigot – and, from 31 Oct. 1828 until the early part of 1838, in the Coast Guard. He has since been on half-pay.

The Lieutenant married, 5 Oct. 1816, Mary Eliza, daughter of Christopher Jennings, Esq., Clerk in H.M. Dockyard at Portsmouth, by whom he has issue seven children.