A catalogue of notable Middle Templars, with brief biographical notices

A catalogue of notable Middle Templars, with brief biographical notices (1902)
by John Hutchinson

merit of this work in MS. was by Master C. H. Hopwood, K.C., of the Bench of the Middle Temple Contents: Top · A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

3455159A catalogue of notable Middle Templars, with brief biographical notices1902John Hutchinson



Notable Middle Templars,





Librarian to the Hon. Society of the Middle Temple.

Printed for, and at the Expense of, the Honourable
Society of the Middle Temple.

A.D. 1902.




The merit of this work in MS. was, by Master C. H. Hopwood, K.C., of the Bench of the Middle Temple, brought to the knowledge of the Masters of the Bench, and they, relying upon his Report, and their confidence in the Author, ordered that it be printed at the expense of the House.

June, 1902.

"But who may those, who, trained to thought severe,
 Judges and Statesmen, Orators and Wits,
In bright succession through the Ages, here
 Have won renown and fortune, benefits
 Untold conferring, number? Stately flits
Before my wondering vision the long train,
Guardians of England's Law and Conscience—and her brain."


(See Preface, pp. xiii, xiv.)

[Names of Members specially noticed appear in Small Capitals]

Abbot, Charles 1
Abbott, Charles 1, 265
Abdy, Edward Strutt 2
Agmondesham, Henry 78
Aland, John Fortescue 2
Albert Victor Christian Edward 2
Alexander, Sir William 2
Allen, Anthony 3
Alvanley, Baron 6, 157
Ambler, Charles 3
Amesbury, Baron 80
Amos, Andrew 3, 58, 181
Andrews, George 4
Annaly, Baron 103
Anstey, Christopher 4
Anstey, Thomas Chisholm 4
Anstis, John (1669—1744) 5
Anstis, John (1708—1754) 5
Archibald, Sir Thomas Dickson 5
Arden, Richard Pepper 6, 157
Arnould, Sir Joseph 6
Arran, Earl of 77
Arundell, Sir John 6
Asgill, John 7
Ashburton, Baron 80
Ashley, Robert 7
Ashmole, Elias 8, 118
Atherton, Sir William 8
Athlone, Earl of 2
Atkins, Henry 8
Auchmuty, Robert 9
Auckland, Baron 82
Andley, Baron 244
Austin, Charles 3, 9, 21, 145, 170
Avonmore, Viscount 9
Awdry, John 9
Awdry, Sir John Wither 9
Ayrton, Acton Smee 10
Ayshley. See Ashley.
Bacon, Montagu 10
Bagshaw, Edward 10
Baillie, William 11
Bainham, James 11
Baker, David Bristow 11
Ball, John 11
Ball, Peter 12
Ball, Sir Peter 12
Ball, William 12
Bampfield, Thomas 12
Banbury, Earl of 138
Banister, Sir William 12
Barlow, Sir Willian Owen 13
Barnardiston, Thomas 13
Barrett, Eaton Stannard 13
Barrington, Sir Jonas 13
Bastard, John Pollexfen 14
Bate, Henry. See Dudley.
Battie, William 14
Battine, William 14
Bavand, William 14
Bayley, Sir Edward Clive 15
Bayley, Sir John 15
Bayley, Walter 15
Bayley, William 15
Baynes, Roger 15
Baynham. See Bainham.
Beales, Edmond 16
Bear. See Bere.
Beauchamp, Viscount 221
"Beau Feilding" 89
Belchier, Daubridgcourt 16
Bell, John 16
Bell, Beaupré 16
Bell, Sir Robert 17
Beltcher, See Belchier.
Benson, Robert 17
Bentley, Richard 17
Bere, Richard 18
Berkeley, George 18, 87, 163
Berkeley, George 18
Berkeley, Sir Robert 18, 29
Berkeley, Sir William 19
Bernard, Sir Francis 19
Bernard, Sir Thomas 19
Bertie, Vere 20
Best, William Draper 20
Bethell, Richard 20, 229
Bethune, John Elliot Drinkwater 21
Beynes. See Baynes.
Bicheno, James Ebenezer 21
Bingham, Peregrine 21
Blackmore, Richard Doddridge 21
"Black Phil" 243
Blackstone, Sir William 3, 22, 47, 96
Blandie, William 22
Blathwayt, William 23
Blathwayt, William 23
Blennerhasset, Harman 23
Blessington, Viscount 27
Blore, Thomas 23
Blount, Charles 23, 95, 160
Boaden, James 24
Bolland, Sir William 24
Bond, George 24
Bond, Thomas 24
Booth, James 24, 28
Borlase, Edmund 25
Boscawen, William 25
Bovill, Sir William 25
Bowen, Charles Synge Christopher 25
Bowes, Sir Jerome 25
Bowes, Paul 26
Bowyer, Sir George 26
Bowyer, Thomas 78
Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison 26
Boyd, Hugh 27
Boyle, Charles 27
Boyle, Murragh 27
Bradbury, George 27
Braddon, Laurence 27
Bradley, Ralph 28
Brady, Sir Maziere 28
Bramston, Francis 28
Bramston, James 28
Bramston, Sir John (1577—1654) 28, 29
Bramston, Sir John (1611—1700) 29
Brand, Thomas 29
Brandon, Duke of 77
Bray, Edward Atkins 30
Brerewood, Sir Robert 30
Brett, Henry 30
Brett, Thomas 30
Bridges, John 30
Bright, Sir Charles Tilston 31
Brodrick, Alan 31
Brodrick, Thomas 31
Broke, Sir Richard 31
Broke, Sir Robert 31
Bromley, William 32
Brooke. See Broke.
Brooke, Baron 106
Brooke, Henry 32
Broughton. Baron 122
Brown, Anthony 32
Browne, Sir Anthony 33, 81
Browne, Humphrey 33
Browne, Sir Thomas Gore 33
Brydges, Grey 33
Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton 34, 233
Buc, Sir George xi, 34
Buckeridge, John 35, 166
Buckingham, Duke of (1592—1638) 131, 250, 251, 254
Buckingham, Duke of (1628—1687) 217, 250
Buckridge. See Buckeridge.
Buller, Sir Francis 35
Burgh, William 35
Burke, Edmund 36, 58, 191, 207, 249
Burke, Sir John Bernard 37
Burke, Ulick Ralph 37
Burnet, Sir Thomas 37
Burrowes, Peter 37
Burt, Sir Archibald Paull 37
Burton, Baron 182
Burton, James See Haliburton.
Busk, Hans 38
Busk, Sir Wadsworth 38
Butler. James (1610—1688): 328, 38, 39, 68, 84, 93, 189
Butler, James (1665—1745): 338,39,84
Butler, Simon 39
Byron, Henry James 39
Cabbell, Benjamin Bond 39
Cairnes, David 40
Cairnes, John Elliot 40
Cairns, Hugh McCalmont 40
Caldecott, Thomas 41
Caldwell, Andrew 41
Calowe, William 41
Calthorpe, Sir Henry 41
Cambell, Sir Thomas 41
Campbell, Lord Frederick 42
Campbell, Sir George 42
Canfield, Benedict. See Fitch, William
Canning, George 42
Caradoc John Francis 43, 60
Carew, Sir Alexander 43
Carew, Sir George 43, 44
Carew, Sir Matthew 43, 44
Carew, Richard 44
Carew, Sir Richard 44
Carew, Thomas 44
Carey, Sir Peter Stafford 45
Carleton, Hugh 45
Carlingford, Earl of 238
Carlisle, Earl of 115
Carr, Sir John 45
Carrington, Sir Codrington Edmund 45
Carroll, Charles 46
"Carroll of Carrollton" 46
Carthew. Thomas 46
Carus, Thomas 46
Carus, Thomas 46
Cassan, Stephen 46
Cassan, Stephen Hyde 46
Cassillis, Earl of 136
Castlehaven, Earl of 244
Catlin, Sir Robert 47
Cavell, Mr 115
"Century White" 260
Chalk, Sir James Jell 47
Chamberlen, Hugh 47
Chambers, Sir Robert 47
Chambers, Sir Thomas 48
Chambré, Sir Alan 48, 207
Champion, Anthony 48
Chandos, Baron 33
Chapman, Henry Samuel 49
Chapple, Sir William 4,49
Chauncy, Sir Henry 49
Cherry, Francis 49
Chetwynd, Walter 50
Chewte. See Chute.
Children, George 50
Children, John George 50
Chitty, Joseph (1776—1841) 50, 51, 94, 114, 239, 266
Chitty, Joseph (d. 1838) 51
Chudleigh, Thomas 51
Chute, Chaloner 51, 175
Chute, Chaloner 12, 51
Clare, Sir Ralph 51
Clarence and Avondale, Duke of 2
Clarendon, Edward, Earl of 6, 29, 87, 130, 131, 206
Clarendon, Henry, Earl of 130
Clark, George Thomas 52
Clifford, Baron 27, 163
Clifford, Thomas 52
Cloncurry, Baron 141
Clonmell, Earl of 218
Cockburn, Sir Alexander James Edmund 9, 53, 55, 118
Cockle, Sir James 53
Codrington, Christopher 53
Coke, Daniel Parker 54
Coke, Roger 54
Colchester, Baron 1
Coleridge, Henry Nelson 54
Coleridge, .John Duke 54, 211
Coleridge, Sir John Taylor 54, 55
Collier. John Payne 55
Collins, Anthony 55
Collins, Anthony 55
Collow. See Calowe.
"Colonel Rambler" 30
Compton, Spencer 56
Comyn, Sir Robert Buckley 56
Congreve, William 56, 170
Coningsby, Sir Harry 57
Const, Francis 57
Conway, Edward 57
Conway, Henry Seymour 57
Conyers. Tristram 58
Conyers, William 58
Cook, William 58
Cooke, George Wingrove 58
Cooper, Sir Grey 58
Corbet, Reginald 59
Cornbury, Lord 130
Cornwallis, Sir Charles 59
Cornwallis, Thomas 59
Corry, Isaac 59
"Counsellor O'Garnish" 191
Courthope, William 60
Cowper, Henry 60
Cowper, Spencer 60, 61, 114
Cowper, William (d. 1723) 60, 167, 219
Cowper, William (1731—1800) 60, 61
Cox, Edward William 61
Cradock,. John Francis. See Caradoc.
Cranfield, Lionel 62
Cranley, Baron and Viscount 180
Cresswell, Sir Cresswell 62
Cripps, Henry William 62
Crisp, Sir Nicholas 63
Croft, Sir Herbert 63
Crompton, Richard 63
Crosse, Andrew 63
Crowder, Sir Richard Budden 63
Crump, Fredebic Octavius 64
Culpeper, Sir Thomas (1578—1662) 64
Culpeper, Sir Thomas (1626—1697) 64
Cuming, Sir Alexander 64
Cunningham, Timothy 65
Curran, John Philpot 65, 191
Curran, W. H. 65
Curriehill, Lord 226
Curteis, Sir Thomas 65
Cust, Francis 65
Cust, Sir John 65
Cust, Sir Richard 65
Cutts, John 66
Dale, Matthew 78
Dallas, Alexander Robert Charles 66
Dalrymple, Sir David 66
D'Alton, John 67
Dampier, Sir Henry 67
Danvers, Sir Charles 67
Darcy, John 67, 206
Darcy, Patrick 68
Darnall, Herbert 68
Darnall, Sir John (d. 1706) 68
Darnall, Sir John (1672—1735) 68
Darvall, Sir John Bayley 68
Dasent, Sir George Webbe 68
Dasent, John Roche 68
Davies, Sir John 69, 159, 244
Davyds, Robert 135
Davys, See Davies.
Dawkins, James 69, 265
Day, Thomas 70
Deering. See Dering.
De Grey, William 70
Delane, John Thadeus 70
Denton, Alexander 71
De Quincey Thomas 71
Dering, Sir Edward 71
Desmond, Earl of 198
Devonshire, Earl of 23, 95, 160
D'Ewes, Sir Simonds 26, 72
Dibdin, John Thomas 72
Dickens, Charles 72, 90, 235
Dickinson, John 73
Dillon, Sir Lucas 74
Dillon, Wentworth 74
Dingwall, Baron 199
Disney, John (1677—1730) 74
Disney, John (1746—1816) 74
Disney, John 74
Dixon, Henry Hall 75
Dobson, Sir William Lambert 75
"Doctor Squintum" 88
Doddridge, Sir John 75, 224
Dodson, Sir John 76
Dodson, Michael 76, 96
Dodwell, Henry 76
Domett, Alfred 6, 77
Doncaster, Viscount (d. 1636) 115
Doncaster, Viscount (1649—1685) 217
Dormer, James 77
Douglas, James 77
Dowling, Francis Lewis 77
Dowling, Sir James 77
Downes, William 78
Doyle, Sir William Henry 78
Drake, Sir Francis 78, 99, 115, 217
Drake, John 79
Drake, Richard 79
Drake, George 79
Drinkwater, John Elliot 21
Dromore, Baron 219
"Druid, The" 75
Duckett, George 79
Dudley, Sir Henry Bate 79
Duhigg, Bartholomew Thomas 79
Dugenan, Patrick 80
Dunda, Charles 80
Dungarvan, Viscount 27
Dunning, John 80, 263
Duppa, Richard 80
Durnford, Richard 81
Dursley, Viscount 18
Dutton, Baron 77
Dwarris, Sir Fortunatus William Lilley 81
Dyer, Sir James 33,81
Dyllon, Luke. See Dillon.
Eastwick, Edward Backhouse 81
Eden, Sir Frederick Morton 82, 182
Eden, William 82
Edgeworth, Richard 82
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell 82
Edmondes, Sir Clement 83
Edmondes, Sir Thomas 83
Edmondes, Thomas 83
Edward VII 2, 109, 227
Eldon, Earl of 6, 17, 47, 218, 263
Eliot, Richard 83
Ellis, Alexander John 84
Ellis, John 84
Ellis, Thomas Flower 84
Ellis, Sir William 84
Ellowes. See Helwys.
Elsynge, Henry 85
Emmet, Christopher Temple 85
Empson, Sir Richard 85
Empson, Thomas 85
Englefield, Sir Thomas 85
"English Columbus" 251
Ensor, George 86
Erle, Peter 86
Erle, Thomas 86
Erle, Sir William 86
"Essex Calf" 8207
Evelyn, John (1620—1706) 28, 87, 128
Evelyn, John (1655—1699) 87
Ewart, William 87
Ewin, William Howell 88
Fane, Sir Francis 88
Fane, John 88
Fanshawe, Thomas (1530—1601) 88
Fanshawe, Thomas (1639—1674) 89
Farnborough, Baron 100
"Father of the English Bar" 94
Fazakerley, Nicholas 89
Feilding, Robert 89
Fenner, Edward 89
Fenner, Edward 89
Fenton, Richard 89
Ferrers, Henry 90
Feversham, Earl of 231
Fielding. See Feilding.
Fielding, Henry 18, 90, 141
Finch, Heneage 91, 163
Finlason, William Sables 91, 96
Fitch, William 92
Fitzgerald, James 92
Fitzgerald, John 92
Fitzherbert, Baron 92
Fitzherbert, Thomas 92
Fitzjames, Sir John 93
Fitzwilliam, Thomas 93
Fleetwood, William 93
Fletcher, Joseph 94
Flood, Sir Frederick 94
Fonblanque, Albany William 94
Fonblanque, John 94
Ford, John 24, 95
Fordwiche, Viscount 61
Fortescue, Baron 2
Fortescue, Lewis 95
Fortescue, William 95
Foscarini, Antonio ix, 95
Foster, Sir Michael 76, 96
Foster, Peter Le Neve 96
Foster, Thomas Campbell 91, 96
Fowler, William 96
Fox, Charles Richard 97
Fox, Henry Stephen 97
Francis, Sir Philip 97
Freeman, Sir Ralph 97
Freke, William 98
Freman. See Freeman.
Frere, John 98
Frere, William 98
Freville, George 98
Frobisher, Sir Martin 99, 115, 148, 175, 248
Fry, John 99
Fryer, John 99
Fuscarini, Antonio. See Foscarini.
Gedge, Sydney 99
Gent, Sir Thomas 100
Germyn. See Jermyn.
Gibbon, John 100
Giddy, Davies. See Gilbert.
Giffard, Sir Ambrose Harding 100
Giffard, Stanley Lees 100
Gifford, Robert 101
Gilbert, Davies 101
Gilchrist, Alexander 101
Giles, John Allen 101
Glynn, John 102
Goddard, William 102
Godley. John Robert 102
"Goldsmith of the Irish Bar, The" 268
Goodenough, Richard 102
Goold. See Gould.
Gordon, John 103
Gore John 103
Gorges, Richard 103, 163
Goulburn, Edward 103
Gould, Davidge 104
Gould, Sir Henry (1644—1710) 104
Gould, Sir Henry (1710—1794) 104
Grant, William 104
Grantham, Baron 208
Grantley, Baron 177
Grattan, Henry 104
Grattan, Henry 105
Grattan, James 104
Gray, John 105
Greatrakes, William 105
"Green Erin's Knight and Europe's Wandering Star" 45
Gresley, Richard 105
Gresley, William 105
Greville, Fulke 106
Grey, Charles 106
Guavas. See Gwavas.
Guilford, Baron 175, 176, 196
Guillamore, Viscount 178
Gundry, Sir Nathaniel 106
Gurney, Archer Thompson 106
Gwavas, William 107
Gwinnet, Richard 107
Gwyn, Francis 107
Hailes, Lord 66
Hake, Thomas Gobdon 108
Halibubton, James 108
Halifax, Marquess of 216
Hall, Sir Charles (1814—1883) 108
Hall, Sir Charles (1843—1900) 108
Hamilton, Duke of 77
Hammond, James 109
Hampden, John 109
Hampden, Richard 109
Hanham, Thomas 78
Hannen, James 5, 109, 211
Harbert. See Herbert.
Harcourt, Robebt 110
Hardinge, George 110
Hardinge, Nicholas 110
Hardwicke, Earl of (1690—1764) 207, 269
Hardwicke, Earl of (1720—1790) 269
Hardy, Francis 111
Harecourte. See Harcourt.
Harington, See Harrington.
Harley, Edward 111
Harley, Sir Robert 111
Harley, Robert 23, 111
Harrington, James 112
Harris, George 112
Harris, Walter 112
Hart, Sir Anthony 113
Harvey, Beauchamp Bagenal 113
Harvey, Francis 113
Hastings, Edward 113
Hastings, George 114
Hastings, Henry 114
Hatsell, Sir Henry 60, 114
Hatsell, Henry 114
Hatsell, John 114
Havard, Edward 163
Havelock, Sir Henry 114
Hawkins, Sir John 115
Hay, James 115
Hay, William 115
Hayes, Sir George 116
Hayes, James (d. 1636) 115
Hayes, James 2
Hayes, Sir Thomas 116, 134
Hayley, William 116
Haynes, Hopton 116
Hayward, Abraham 117
Heath, Benjamin 117
Helwys, Geoffrey 117
Helwys, Sir Gervase 117
Henley, Anthony 118
Henley, Sir Robert 118
"Henry the Wizard" 187
Henry, Sir Thomas 118
Henshaw, Thomas 118
Herbert, Richard 118
Herbert, Sir William 119
Hericke, Sir William 119
Hertford, Charles, Marquess of 221
Hertford, William, Marquess of 221
Hewitt, James 119
Hey, Richard 119
Heyward, Thomas 120
Higden, Henry 120
Higgons, Bevill 120
Higgons, Sir Thomas 120
Hill, George 121
Hill, Sir Hugh 121
Hill, James 121
Hoadly, John 121
Hobbey. See Hoby.
Hobhouse, Sir Benjamin 122
Hobhouse, Henry 122
Hobhouse, Henry 122
Hobhouse, John Cam 122
Hoby, Sir Edward 123
Hogg, Thomas Jefferson 123
Holles, Sir Frescheville 123
Holles, Gervase 123, 124
Holt, Francis Ludlow 124
"Honest Shippen" 225
Honiwood. See Honywood.
Honyman, Sir George Essex 124
Honywood, Sir Robert 124
Hookes, Nicholas 125
Hopkins, Charles 125
Hopkins, Richard 125
Hopton, Arthur 125
Hopton, Ralph 126
Hornby, Sir Edmund Grimani 126
Horsey, Sir Edward 126
Horsford, Hon. Paul 126
Horsford, Sir Robert Marsh 126
Horsley, Samuel 127
Hosack, John 127
Hoskins, Bennet 128
Hoskins, Gabriel 128
Hoskins, Hungerford 128
Hoskins, John 127, 211
Hoskins, Sir John 127
Hotham, Beaumont 128
Hotham, Durant 128
Howard, Henry 117, 128
Howard, John Morgan 128
Howden, Baron 43
Howick, Lord 106
Hungerford, Anthony 129
Hungerford, Sir Edward 129
Hunter, William Alexander 129
Huntingdon, George, Earl of 114
Huntingdon, Henry, Earl of 114
Hussey, Richard 130
Hyde, Edward 6, 29, 87, 130, 131, 206
Hyde, Henry 130
Hyde, Sir Laurence 131
Hyde, Laurence 130
Hyde, Sir Nicholas 131
Hyde, Sir Robert 131
Impey, John 131
Ireton, Henry 132
"Isaachar" 242
Isham, Sir John 132
Isham, Sir Justinian 132
"Jack for the King" 6
Jackson, Randle 132
Jardine, David 132
Jeffreys, George 133
Jekyll, Sir Joseph 133
Jermyn, Philip 133
Jervis, Sir John 133
Jervis, Thomas 133
Johnson, William. See Temple.
Johnston, Alexander James 134
Jolles, Sir John 134
Jones, Ernest Charles 134
Jones, Inigo 135
Jones, Sir William 45, 135
"Joseph Home of the Council, The" 263
"Jotham" 216
"Junius Americanus" 143
Karslake, Sir John Burgess 136
Kemp, Thomas Read 136
Kennedy, John 136
Kenyon, George 137
Kenyon, John Robert 136
Kenyon, Lloyd 136, 137, 249
Kenyon, Thomas 136
Ker, Alan 137
Kettle, Sir Rupert Alfred 137
Kildare, Earl of 92
Kilpeck, Baron 201
Kilwarden, Viscount 264
"King of Cotswold" 33
King, Peter 138
Kingsmill, John 138
Knatchbull, Sib Norton 138
Knollys, Edward 138, 139
Knollys, William 138
Knowles, Richard Brinsley 139
Kyd, Stewart 139
Kyrle, John 139
Kyrle, Walter 139
Lane, Sir Richard 140
Lascelles, Rowley 140
Latch, John 140
Lawless, Valentine Browne 140
Lawrence, Frederick 141
Lawrence, William 141
Lawton, Charlwood 141
Leach, Sir John 142
Leach, Thomas 142, 225
Leake, Stephen Martin 142
Le Blanc, Sib Simon 142
Lechmere, Sir Nicholas 143
Lechmere, Nicholas 143
Lee, Arthur 143
Lee, Sir George 143
Lee, Sir Robert 144, 255
Lee, Sir William 143, 144
Leeds, Edward 144
Leigh, Edward 144
Leighton, Sir Elisha 145
Le Neve, Peter 145
Lewis, Sir George Cornewall 145
Lewis, Hubert 146
Lifford, Viscount 119
Lingen, Sir Henry 146
Lisle, John 146
Livingstone, William 147
Lloyd, Sir Richard 147
Locke. See Lok.
Lofft, Capell 147
Lok, Michael 148
Lonsdale, John 148
Lorte, Sir Roger 148
Lovibond, Edward 148
Lowe, Edward 149
Lowe, John 149
Lowe, Sir Thomas 149
Lowman, Moses 149
Lucas, Charles 149, 150
Lucas, Frederick 150
Lucas, Henry 150
Luke, Sir Nicholas 150
Luke, Sir Walter 150, 151
Lumley, William Golden 151
Luttrell, Francis 267
Lynch, Thomas 151
Lynde, Sir Humphrey 151
Lysaght, Edward 152
Lyster, Sir Richard 152
Lyttelton, Charles 152
Lyttelton, William Henry 48, 152
McCormick, Charles 153
"MacFlecknoe" 222
Machell, John 65
Mackay, Alexander 153
McKean, Thomas 153
Mackworth, Sir Humphrey 153
McNally, Leonard 154
Madan, Spencer 154
Madox, Thomas 154, 234
Maguire, John Francis 155
Maidstone, Viscount 91
Maine, Charles Sumner 155
Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner 155
Malet, Sir John 156
Malet, Sir Thomas 156
Malone, Anthony 156
Manchester, Edward, Earl of 165
Manchester, Henry, Earl of 166, 167
Mandeville, Viscount 166
Manley, Thomas 156
Manlove, Edward 157
Manningham, John 157
Mansfield, Sir James 157
March, Samuel. See Phillipps.
Marsham, Sir John 157
Marsham, Sir John 158
Marsham, Sir Robert 158
Marston, John 158
Marston, John 158
Marten. See Martyn.
Martin, Bendall 158
Martin, Henry 158
Martin, Richard 69, 158
Martin, Sir Samuel 159
Martin, Stephen. See Leake.
Martyn, William 159
Maxwell, Sir Peter Benson 159
May, Sir Humphrey 159,160
May, Sir Richard 160
May, Thomas Erskine 160
Maynard, Alexander 160
Maynard, Sir John 160
Meade, Sir Thomas 161
Merrifield, Charles Watkins 161
Merrifield, John 161
Mervin, Edward 161
Meryon, Viscount 93
Michell, Richard 161
Michie, Sir Archibald 162
Middlesex, Earl of 62
Middleton, Arthur 162
Midleton, Viscount 31
Minto, William 162
Mitchell, Sir Andrew 163
Mitford, William 163
Mocenigo, Pietro ix, 163
Mohun, John 163
Molesworth, John 164
Molesworth, Richard 164
Molloy, Charles 164
Molyneux, William 164
Monmouth and Buccleuch, Duke of 66, 86, 102, 217, 228, 242, 245, 246, 249, 250, 252
Montagu, Sir Edward 165, 166
Montagu, Edward (1562—1644) 165
Montagu, Edward (1602—1671) 165, 167
Montagu, Edward (1625—1672) 166
Montagu, Henry 165, 166, 167
Montagu, James 35, 166
Montagu, Sir James 167
Montagu, Walter 165, 167
Montagu, Sir William 167
Montague, Viscount 32
Montaigne, George 167
Montgomery, George 168
Moore, Sir Francis 168, 183
Moore, Thomas 168
Mordaunt, Henry 169
Mordaunt, John 169
Mordaunt, Sir John 169
Mordaunt, Lewis 169
More. See Moore.
Morgan, Francis 169, 259
Morgan, Macnamara 169
Mobley, William Hook 169
Moulin, Jacques du 18, 163
Moultrie, John 9, 170
Mountague, Viscount 32
Mountain. See Montaigne.
Mountjoy. Baron 23, 95, 160
Moyle, Walter 170
Mulgrave, Earl of 192
Murphy, Arthur 170
Murray, Sir David 171
Musgrave, Sir Richard 171
Napier, Sir Gerard 171
Napier, Sir Nathaniel 171, 172
Napier, Sir Robert (d. 1615) 171, 172
Napier, Robert 172
Napier, Sir Robert (1642—1700) 172
Neale, William Johnson 172
Needham, Sir Joseph 172
Neile, William 173
Nelson, William 173
Neve. See Le Neve.
Neville, Grey 173
Newcastle, Earl of 236
Newenham, Thomas 173
Newman, Arthur 174
Nicholas, Sir Edward 174
Nicolls, Sir Augustine 174
Nicolls, Sir Francis 174
Noble, John 174
Normanby, Viscount 192
Norris, Antony 175
Norris, Sir Edward 175
Norris, John 175
Norris, Sir Thomas 99, 175, 248
North, Francis 175, 176, 196
North, Roger 175, 176, 215
Northampton, Earl of 117, 128
Northcote, Sir John 176
Northey, Sir Edward 177
Northey, William 177
Northleigh, John 177
Northumberland, Algernon, Earl of 187
Northumberland, Henry, Earl of 187
Norton, Fletcher 177
Norton, Fletcher 177
Nye, John 178
O'Brien, Sir Lucius Henry 178
Offaly, Baron 92
Oglander, Sir John 178
O'Grady, Standish 178
O'Loghlen, Sir Colman Michael 179
O'Loghlen, Sir Michael 179
Onslow, Earl of 180
Onslow, Arthur 65, 179, 180
Onslow, George 180
O'Reilly, Myles William Patrick 180
O'Reilly, William 180
"Orlando" 89
Ormonde, Duke of (1610—1688) 28, 38, 39, 68, 84, 93, 189
Ormonde, Duke of (1665—1715) 38, 39,84
Ormsby. John 180
Ossory, Earl of 39,84
Overbury, Sir Nicholas 180, 181
Overbury, Sir Thomas 117, 166, 180, 181
Owen, William 13
Oxford, Earl of 23, 111
Pack. Richardson 181
Page, Frederick 21, 181
Paget, Charles 182
Paget, Henry 182
Paget, John 182
Paget, Thomas 182, 183
Paget, William 183
Pagitt, James 183
Pagitt, Thomas 183
Palmer, Edward Henry 183
Palmer, Sir Geoffrey 183
Paltock, Robert 184
Parry, John Humffreys (1786—1825) 184
Parry, John Humffreys (1816—1880) 184
Patteson, Sir John 184
Paulet, Sir Amias 185
Paulet, Sir Hugh 185
Paulett, Sir Anthony 185
Pawlett. See Poulett.
Peard, George 185
Peel, Sir Lawrence 186
Pegge, Samuel 186
Pennefathet, Edward 186
Pennefather, Richard 186
"Pennsylvania Farmer, A" 73
"Penny Winnington" 264
Pepys, John 187
Pepys, Sir Richard 187
Percy, Algernon 136, 187
Percy, Sir Charles 187
Percy, George 187
Percy, Henry 187
Peream. See Peryam.
Perrot, Sir James 188
Pery, Edmond Sexton 188
Peryam, Sir William 188
Petitt. See Petyt.
Petre, John 188
Pett. Sir Peter 189
Petyt, William 189
Pevensey, Viscount 56
Phelips, Sir Edward 189
Phelips, Sir Edward 189
Phelips, Sir Robert 189
Phelps, John 190
Philipps, Andrew 190
Philipps, Fabian 190
Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph 190
Phillipps, Samuel March 191
Phillips, Charles 191
Phillips, Sir Henry Lushington 191
Phipps, Sir Constantine 192, 266
Phipps, Henry 192
Piggott. See Pigott.
Pigot, David Richard 192
Pigott, Sir Arthur Leary 192
Pigott, Sir Gillery 193
Plowdes, Edmund 33, 193
Pollard, Sir John 193
Pollard, Sir Lewis 193
Pollock, Sir David 194
Pollock, Sir Jonathan Frederick 159, 194
Pope, Samuel 194
Popham, Alexander (1605—1669) 194, 195
Popham, Alexander (1729—1810) 195
Popham, Edward 195
Popham, Sir Francis 194, 195
Popham, Sir John 195
Port, Sir John 195
Porter, Sir Charles 196
Portland, Jerome, Earl of 258
Portland, Richard, Earl of 258
Portman, John 196
Portman, Sir William 196
Potter, Thomas 196
Poulet. See Paulet.
Poulett, John 197
Powell, John Joseph (1755—1801) 197
Powell, John Joseph (1816—1891) 197
Power, Sir Alfred 197
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth 9, 154, 198, 257
Prentdergast, John Patrick 198
Prentice, Samuel 198
Preston, Sir Richard 198
Preston, William 199
Prestongrange, Lord 104
Price, Daniel 199
Price, Richard 199
Probyn, Sir Edmund 199
Puckering, Sir Thomas 200
Puleston, John 200
Purbeck, Viscount 251
Puttenham, George 200
Pye, Sir Walter 200
Pye, Sir Walter 201
Pym, John 201
Quain, Sir John Richard 201
Radnor, Earl of 207
Raikes, Henry 201
Raikes, Henry Cecil 201
Raleigh, Sir Walter 127, 166, 181, 189, 195, 202
Randolph, Peyton 202
Ravenscroft, Edward 202
Rawle, William 203
Rawley. See Raleigh.
Rawlinson, Sir Christopher 203
Rawlinson, John 203
Rawlinson, Thomas 203
Reed, Joseph 203
Reeve, Henry 203
Reeve, Sir Thomas 204
Reeves, John 204
Reid, Richard Tushill 205
Reynell, Carew 205
Reynolds, Frederic 205
Reynolds, Sir John 205
Reynolds, Sir Robert 206
Rich, Richard 67, 206
Richardson, Joseph 206
Richmond, Duke of 236
Ridgeway, William 206
Rigby, Richard 207
Rigby, Richard 207
Robartes, Charles Bodvile 207
Roberts, William 207
Robertson, James Burton 208
Robinson, Henry Crabb 208
Robinson, Thomas 208
Robinson, William 209
Rochester, Earl of 130
"Rochester's Gwyn" 107
Rockingham, Baron 254
Roscoe, William Caldwell 209
Roscommon, Earl of 74
Rous, Francis 209
Rowe Sir Henry 237
Rowe, John 210
Rowe, Nicholas 210
Rowland, Daniel 210
Roxburgh, Sir Francis 210
Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin 210
Ruffhead, Owen 170, 211
Russell, Charles Arthur 211
Ruthven, Edward Southwell 212
Rutledge, Edward 212
Rutledge, John 212
Rutty, William 212
Ryder, Sir Dudley 213
St. John, John 213
"Salamander, The" 66
Salkeld, William 213
Salmon, Thomas 213
Salomons, Sir David 214
Salt, Samuel 214
Salterne, George 214
Sandwich, Earl of 52, 166
Sandys, Sir Edwin 215
Sandys, George 215
Saunders, Sir Edmund 184,215
Saunders, Sir Edward 216
Saunders, Thomas William 216
Savile, George 216
Savile, Sir Henry 217
Savile, Sir John 78, 217
Say, William 217
Scott, James 66, 86, 102, 217, 228, 242, 245, 246, 249, 250, 252
Scott, John (1739—1798) 218
Scott, John (1751—1838) 6, 17, 47, 218, 263
Scott, William 47, 218
"Scribe, The" 132
Scrope, Adrian 219
Scrope, John 219
Scudamore, Sir Clement 237
Scudamore, John 219
Scully, Denis 220
Sealy, Sir John 220
"Serjeant Labyrinth" 121
Sewell, Richard Clarke 220
Sewell, Sir Thomas 220
Seymour, Charles 221
Seymour, Francis 221
Seymour, William 2?1
Seymour, William Digby 221
Shadwell, Thomas 222
Sharpe. See Ellis, Alexander John.
Sharpham, Edward 222
Shaw, Joseph 222
Sheares, Henry 223
Shee, George Darell 223
Shelford, Leonard 223
Sheppard, William 223
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 224
Sheridan, Thomas 224
Sherlock, Thomas 224
Shippen, William 225
Short, Augustus 225
Short, Charles 225
Shower, Sir Bartholomew 225
Shrewsbury, Earl of 238
Simon, Sir John 226
Sirr, Henry Charles 226
Skene, Sir John 226
Slack, Henry James 226
Sleigh, William Campbell 227
Smirke, Sir Edward 227
Smith, George 227
Smith, John (1567—1640) 227
Smith, John (1655—1723) 228
Smith, Sir John Lucie 228
Smith, John Lucie 228
Smith, John Sidney 228
Smith, Matthew 228
Smith, Sir Montagu Edward 228
Smith, Sir Thomas 229
Snagg, Sir William 229
Snigge, Sir George 229
Solly, Thomas 230
Somers, John 154, 230, 264
Somerset, Duke of 221
Somerset, Henry 230
Somerset, William 231
Somerville, William 231
Sondes, George 231
Southcote, John 231
Southern, Henry 232
Southerne, Thomas 232
Southwell, Sir Robert 232
Spearman, Robert 232
Stafford, Edward 233
Stafford. Richard 233
Stanley, Thomas 233
Staunton, Sir George Thomas 234
Stephen, James 234
Stephen, James 234
Stephens, Alexander 234
Stephens, Robert 2.34
Stephens, William 235
Stewart, Sir Robert 235
Stokes, Henry Sewell 235
Storer, Anthony Morris 235
Stowell, Baron 47, 218
Strange, Ferdinand, Lord 34
Strange, Sir John 236
Stuart, Ludovick 236
Sullivan, Francis Stoughton 236
Surtees, Robert 237
Swainson, William 237
Swift, Theophilus 237
Swynnerton, Sir John 237
Symes, Sir Edward Spence 238
Symons, Jelinger Cookson 238
Taaffe, Nicholas 238
Talbot, George 238
Talfourd, Francis 239
Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon 71, 114, 239
Tarleton, Sir Banastree 239
Tate. Francis 239, 240
Tate, Sir William 240
Tate, Zouch 240
Tayler, William 240
Taylor, John Sydney 240, 262
Taylor, John Pitt 241
Temple, William Johnston 241
Tenterden, Baron 1, 265
"Terence of Reporters" 216
Thackeray, William Makepeace 90, 241
Thompson, Stephen 242
Thompson, Sir William 242
Thynne, Thomas 242
Tickell, Richard 242
Tindall. See Tyndale,
Tisdal, Philip 243
Titus, Silius 205, 243
"Tom Folio" 203
"Tom of Ten Thousand" 242
"Tom Restless" 247
Tone, Theobald Wolfe 39, 243
Tooke, William 244
Touchet, George 244
Tracy, Robert 244
Treby, Sir George 244
Tregonwell, Sir John 245
Trelawny, Sir Jonathan 245
Tremayle, Thomas 245
Tremayne, Sir John 246
Trenchard, Sir John 246
Trollope, Rev. Anthony 246
Trollope, Sir Thomas 246
Trollope, Thomas Anthony 246
Trotter, Edward Southwell. See Ruthven.
Trotter, John Bernard 246
Trumbull, Sir William 247
Trumbull, William 247
Tuchett, George 244
Turnor, Arthur 247
Turnor, Sir Christopher 247
Turnor, Sir Edward 247
Tyers, Thomas 247
Tyrwhitt, Thomas 248
Tyndale, Baron 217
Uxbridge, Earl of 182
Ventris, Sir Peyton 248
Verb, Sir Francis 99, 175, 248
Verney, John 249
Verney, Richard 249
Verney, Ralph 249
Vernon, Thomas 249
Vidal, Robert Studley 249
Villiers, Sir Edward 250
Villiers, George (1592—1638) 131, 250, 251, 254
Villiers, George (1628—1687) 217, 250
Villiers, John 251
Viner, Charles 251
Vivian, Sir Richard Hussey 251
Waad, Armagil 251
Wade, Nathaniel 102, 252
Wake, Sir Isaac 252
Walcot, Sir Thomas 252
Wales, Prince of 2, 109, 227
Walford, Cornelius 252
Walker, Clement 253
Wallace, Robert 253
Wallop, Richard 253
Walsh, John 254
Walsingham, Baron 70
Warmestry, Gervase 254
Watkins, Charles 254
Watson, Edward 254
Watson, Lewis 254
Watts, Sir John 254
Webb, Philip Carteret 255
Webster, Thomas 255
Weir, William 255
Weld, Charles Richard 256
Weld, Sir Humphrey 256
Weld, John 256
Wells, Sir Mordaunt Lawson 256
Welsby, William 256
Welsby, William Newland 256
Wentworth, William Charles 257
Werden, Sir John 257
Westbury, Baron 20, 229
Westby, Bartholomew 258
Westcote, Baron 152
Westmorland, Earl of 88, 258
Weston, Jerome 258
Weston, Jerome 258
Weston, Richard (d. 1572) 258
Weston, Richard (1577—1635) 258
Whately, Thomas 259
Wheeler, Thomas 259
Wheler, Sir George 259
White, John 260
Whitelock, Bulstrode 140, 204, 260
Whitelock, Sir James 260
Whitelock, Sir James 19, 85, 160, 210, 260, 261
Whitelock, William 260
"Wilkes of Ireland, The" 150
Williams, Sir David 261
Williams, Henry 261
Williams, Sir Roger 261
Williamson, Sir Joseph 262
Willoughby de Broke, Baron 249
Wills, James 261
Wilmington, Earl of 56
Wilson, Bernard 262
Wilson, Sir John 263
Winchelsea, Earl of 91, 163
Windebank, Sir Francis 263
Windeyer, Richard 263
Windsor, Edward 263
Windsor, Thomas 263
Winnington, Sir Francis 264
Winnington, Thomas 264
Winter, Robert 264
Winter, Thomas 264
Wolfe, Arthur 264
Wood, Sir George 264
Wood, Robert 69, 265
Wooddeson, Richard 265
Worcester, Earl of 231, 265
Worcester, Marquess of 230, 265
Wotton, Sir Henry 266
Woulfe, Stephen 266
Wren, Christopher 266
Wright, James 266
Wylde, Sir John 267
Wynford, Baron 20
Wynne, Edward 267
Wynne, William 267
Wythens, Sir Francis 268
Yardley, Sir William 268
Yelverton, Barry 268
Yonge, Walter 269
Yorke, Charles 269
Yorke, Philip (1690—1764) 207, 269
Yorke, Philip (1720—1790) 269
Young, Bartholomew 270
Younge. See Yonge and Young.
"Zimri" 250

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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