Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Al Kabi, Jamil Ali (2006-08-31)

Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Al Kabi, Jamil Ali (2006-08-31) (2006)

Transcribed from pages 33-36 of http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt_arb/ARB_Round_2_Factors_299-398.pdf on December 29th, 2007.

142745Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Al Kabi, Jamil Ali (2006-08-31)2006
To: Al Kabi, Jamil Ali
Subject: Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Al Kabi, Jamil Ali

An Administrative Review Board will be convened to review your case to determine if your continued detention is necessary.


The Administrative Review Board will conduct a comprehensive review of all reasonably available and relevant information regarding your case. At the conclusion of this review the Board will make a recommendation to: (1) release you to your home state or to a third state; (2) transfer you to your home state, or a third state, with conditions agreed upon by the United States and your home state, or the third state; or (3) continue your detention under United States control.


The following primary factors favor continued detention:

a. Commitment
  1. In approximately 2000, the detainee sold his taxi and decided to devote more time to the Dawa of "the call".
  2. The detainee stated that he started the Dawa in Mecca, Saudi Arabia by going out and finding young Muslims who were not following the word of Islam and trying to get them to the mosque.
  3. The detainee stated that he left Saudi Arabia to continue the Dawa. The detainee left from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and transited through Qatar to Lahore, Pakistan. The detainee received a one-year visa for Pakistan and left Saudi Arabia. An individual took the detainee to a house he called the Dawa House. The detainee stated that after six months doing the Dawa and preaching in Lahore, Pakistan, the detainee returned to Mecca, Saudi Arabia for Ramadan and to visit his family.
  4. The world headquarters of the Jamaat al Tablighi movement is located in Lahore, Pakistan.
  5. Jamaat al Tablighi is a Pakistan based Islamic missionary organization used as a cover to mask travel and activities of terrorists, including members of al Qaida.
  6. The detainee stated that after being at home in Mecca, Saudi Arabia for about fourteen days, the detainee went to Jakarta, Indonesia. After the detainee arrived in Jakarta, he stayed at a hotel for one night, after which he went to the el Tabligh Mosque.
  7. The detainee stated that he went back and forth between Jakarta, Indonesia and the island of Juhandah, Indonesia, which was located off the mainland of Indonesia. The detainee traveled back and forth to Juhandah, Indonesia by air and sea.
  8. The Preachers of Islam, or Tablighi Jamaat organization, has been supporting Islamic terrorist groups in south and southeast Asia under the cover of conducting religious activities. The group is closely aligned with other Pakistani terrorists organizations and the al Qaida Network. Tablighi Jamaat recruits from Indonesia were trained at Let's Muridke complex near Lahore, Pakistan.
  9. The detainee stated that he was in Indonesia for seven months before he decided to go to Malaysia.
  10. The detainee stated that he went to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to see the country and do the Dawa. The detainee stated that he knew there were many Arabs that went to Malaysia. When the detainee arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, he went to el Tabligh Mosque where he met Omar, who spoke Arabic and helped the detainee meet many Arabs as well as others who spoke Arabic.
  11. The detainee did most of his work in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the el Tabligh Mosque and not out in the community.
  12. Tabligh Jamaat recruits from Malaysia, and possibly Singapore, were trained at Jaish-e-Mohammad headquarters in the Binori madrassa complex of Karachi, Pakistan.
  13. The detainee stated that after approximately one month in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, he left for Karachi, Pakistan to continue the Dawa.
  14. The detainee stated that he was in Karachi, Pakistan for one week and he stayed at the el Tabligh Mosque. While the detainee was in Karachi, Pakistan, he met four individuals at the mosque. The detainee and the four individuals left for Afghanistan via bus. The bus went through Quetta, Pakistan where they all stayed for approximately five hours.
  15. The detainee stated that from Quetta, Pakistan the four individuals and he took a taxi, which carried them to a village just outside of Kandahar, Afghanistan. In this village they obtained another taxi, which took them to Kandahar, Afghanistan.
  16. After arriving in Kandahar, Afghanistan, the detainee and the four individuals went to a mosque and stayed for the night. The next morning they all traveled, via a taxi, to Kabul, Afghanistan. Upon arriving in Kabul, Afghanistan, the detainee went to the Wazir Akbar Khan Mosque. The detainee lived in a room at this mosque during the four months that he was in Kabul, Afghanistan. The detainee continued the Dawa in Kabul, Afghanistan and one of the individuals helped him translated with people who did not speak Arabic.
  17. The detainee stated that one the day before Ramadan, word began to spread that the Northern Alliance was entering Kabul, Afghanistan and that they were killing all of the Arabs. The detainee left Kabul, Afghanistan immediately, leaving behind all of his possessions, including his passport. The detainee and the four individuals traveled in a taxi, for five hours, to a village outside of Jalalabad, Afghanistan.
  18. The detainee stated that he lived in a village, outside Jalalabad, Afghanistan, for approximately one month. The detainee and the four individuals all walked for two days through the mountains to the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  19. The detainee stated that once they arrived in Pakistan, the four individuals went their separate ways by the detainee found his way to the police station. At the police station, which was just outside of Peshawar, Pakistan, the detainee was arrest and jailed for the night.
b. Other Relevant Data
  1. The detainee stated Usama bin Laden and the rest of the detainees are soldiers. The detainee stated that he does not want to answer whether or not he's a member of al Qaida.
  2. The detainee's name was on a list of al Qaida mujahidin and the contents of their trust accounts found on files recovered from various computer media seized during raids against al Qaia associated safe houses in Pakistan on 1 March 2003 and 11 September 2002.
  3. On 11 September 2002, Pakistani officers conducted a joint raid on an alleged al Qaida residence in Pakistan. Found among the material were several floppy disks. Analysis of the floppy disks associated with the raids on 10 through 12 September 2002 revealed an Arabic-language document whose title translates to "passports." The document was written on 1 February 2002.
4. The following primary factors favor release or transfer:

The detainee stated that he never served in the Saudi military and never had any training with weapons.


The detainee stated that he heard about the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York while he was in Kabul, Afghanistan. The detainee also heard that Usama bin Laden was responsible for the attack. The detainee stated that he felt that the attack was an act against God.


The detainee stated that he was never recruited to fight with the Taliban or al Qaida and has no ties with either organization.


The detainee stated that he has never heard of a fatwa issued in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else against the United States or its citizens.


The detainee stated if he was released, he would return to his home.


The detainee stated that he had previously denied any affiliation with al Qaida and the Taliban and claimed that he was in Afghanistan for the sole purpose of teaching Islam.


You will be provided with a meaningful opportunity to be heard and present information to this Board; this includes an opportunity to be physically present at the proceeding. The Assisting Military Officer (AMO) will assist you in reviewing all relevant and reasonably available unclassified information regarding your case. The AMO is not an advocate for or against continued detention, nor may the AMO form a confidential relationship with you or represent you in any other matter.