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Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation
UTC+5:30 This user's time zone is UTC+5:30.
hi इस सदस्य की मातृभाषा हिन्दी है।
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
sa-2 अयं सदस्यो माध्यमिकेन संस्कृतेन लिखितुं पठितुं वदितुं च शक्नोति।
inc-pra-1 एसो सब्भो सरले पाइअभासे सहज्जं काउं सक्केइ ।

This user's native script is the Latin alphabet.

This user's native script is Devanagari.
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Hello, I'm Svārtava / स्वार्तव (IPA(key): /sʋɑːɾ.t̪əʋ/), an Indo-Aryan editor from India.