Talk:Intelligence Intensification

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Latest comment: 4 years ago by 2601:680:CB80:5E00:99A6:BCDC:CF5A:FBC5 in topic Hiatus Maximus
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September 26, 2004:

In my opinion, this book does not often venture beyond the obvious; and it seems not to be following the stated objectives. I do not want to sound overly critical of this work, but what should the reader come away from this book knowing? Some concrete strategies for learning and recalling information have been provided; but, in my opinion, the authors of this book have essentially made this assumption that its readers learn and think not so differently from themselves. If this book is to have a wider audience, this should not be the case.

Please give an example! --DanielJanzon 00:24, 1 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Not having english as my native language, I find it difficult to decide if the following sentence is well formed: "Getting the Thinking Wagons Out of the Rut". The model of thoughts as wagons on the nerve circuits is nice in this context but should I write "wagons of thought" instead? Or something else? I'm afraid there will be a lot of Swinglish (Swedish-English) in everything I write :)

dataangel: The biggest problem I see with this book is that the introduction claims to not be another one of those read-it-to-feel-better books, that it will be actual science, but studies and footnotes are completely absent in at least the first two chapters of the text (the ones I read). The "flock of birds" analogy seems contrived, pulled right out of one of those books ;)

This might help:

I don't remember that I claimed it would be science. My intention with this book was not that it should be scientific, since that would result in a very thin book. However, I wanted the book to be concise and not repeating or full of sentences like "this book will change your life" or silly testimonials. Methods that by someones, and hopefully many peoples, experience has resulted in better ability of the organism should be clearly stated in a concise not too enthusiastic way. When I have time left, I'll read the book and remove everything which isn't true to the initial claim. If someone hasn't done that already by then! --DanielJanzon 17:51, 14 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Usually "trains of thought". Trains go faster than wagons :) How about "get your trains of thought back on track"? r3m0t (cont) (talk) 20:11, 7 Apr 2004 (UTC)
The metaphor is this: Your thoughts are stuck in a certain rut (track). Creativity is now defined as the ability to make sudden changes of track. The difficulty is not getting the train back on track, but get it off track for a while, hoping it will continue somewhere else on another track. See what i mean? I'm really hoping for that picture to be drawn... :)

The top navigation can be included on any page with {{msg:IITOC}} and is at Template:IITOC. r3m0t (cont) (talk) 20:11, 7 Apr 2004 (UTC)

It's spanning two lines now - maybe you should consider renaming or merging (putting together) some sections? r3m0t (cont) (talk) 20:33, 7 Apr 2004 (UTC)

I don't understand. What spans to lines and why does it matter?
The box at the top. It looks ugly now. r3m0t (cont) (talk) 21:05, 7 Apr 2004 (UTC)
But it feels strange to merge really different subjects only in order to make a box more aesthetic :/
You can link them together in that creative way of yours ;-) it's ok now as three lines. r3m0t (cont) (talk) 22:06, 7 Apr 2004 (UTC)
The described technique was applied and the result is implemented. What do you think? --DanielJanzon 14:29, 8 Apr 2004 (UTC)

At the moment it seems like I'm the main author of the book. Without reflection, I've sometimes written "I", as authors of books often do. Now, this wikibook is not intended to have one single author and maybe it becomes strange to read the book. Should I change all formulations using "I" referring to the author? Or should I keep the "I"'s and think of the wikibook as an entity in itself?

That's up to you for now. :) r3m0t (cont) (talk) 21:05, 7 Apr 2004 (UTC)
I think you should just leave it as is and not worry about the particulars at this stage. M.Welch
Good idea. The first step to a good book is something valuable to write about. The last step is to present the information in a nice fashion. --DanielJanzon 14:29, 8 Apr 2004 (UTC)

The current organization of the book is far from perfect. What is really the difference between information sifting and information evaluation? Why is "The Concept of Change" under the headline Information Utilization instead of Information Grasping? Etc. Still, I believe there is something good about this new organization... New ideas are more than welcome.

Howdy! I'd take out "I," and re-orient to talk more about "you" and the reader's experiences. In general, I like text that talks about "you" and "I", but in a wiki book, I don't think it's a good idea. For myself, at least, it puts a barrier between me and editing the text.

Also: Can you work in somehow? It's more of a hypertext / community than it is a book. It already links to this wiki.

I don't know how Wikibooks tend to work; Can you have extraneous "pages" that are wiki, but not part of the book? Ideally, there would be a WikiNode on this wiki. See to understand what this is all about.

Hmmm, yes, the first reaction directly hits what I think should be in the book: scientific proof. Well, you're right on the fact that many self-help books mostly contain feel-better text rather than the real material. Yet I think we should devote a chapter in explaining and giving the reader more indept information. A lot of things concerning can nowadays be called primitive. We people just know to little about the brain. Yet you should not give up with just that last fact. In fact, if people feel-better, they'll accomplish more. So see it as a placebo effect. It would help, even if science cannot prove it. Anyways, is this book going about improving or just to talk about intelligence intensification. I would like to the the main author's first inspirations and goals. By the way, I was thinking. Should I add some student-skill? I mean like, how to discuss and give advise and how to solve exact issues. But I think that should belong to another wikibook. Anyways, I hope it helps giving this wikibook a more clear goal if it's not added.

Psychonautics, Metaphysics, Psychology, Ethics

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Hi there. To be frank, the information and text as currently created is more off in the direction of Intelligence dampening. This all needs a whole lot of work, and by people who actually have expert knowledge on the subject. The Table of contents is even a headache. I think it is a worthy project, and I might be willing to contribute, but I'll need some honesty around here about how much people actually know VS how much they are just winging it.

I am not sure what happened to my previous posts to this area. Apparently, they were deleted, because My contributions and user watchlist show nada.

I am an expert in the fields of Psychology, Sociology, Psychonautics, World Religions, World Religious History, Ethics, and Metaphysics.

I am interested in writing an integrative eclectic text on all of those topics simultaneously. The main point of the whole process is to create the first useful users manual for the human Brain.

To those ends, I have generated some materials. Here are some of those.


A. Table of Contents B. Foreward C. Prologue D. Introduction

1. The Nueron 2. Brain Regions 3. Internal Dialogue(s) 4. Instinct 5. Social Influences 6. Brain Chemistry 7. Brain regions and Mind 8. Ego Psychology 9. Id Psychology 10. Mammalian Psychology 11. Reptilian Psychology 12. Social Psychology 13. Paradigm Psychology 14. Emotional Psychology 15. Child Psychology 16. Adult Psychology 17. Parental Psychology 18. Pack Psychology 19. Personal Space Management 20. Behavior output Psychology 21. Reflexive Psychology 22. Muggle Psychology 23. Mage Psychology 24. Totalitarian/Fascist/Corporate/Republican Psychology 25. Herd Psychology 26. Logic, Reason,...Geek Psychology

27.Index of Brain Areas 28. Topological Index 29. Glossary

A. Table of Contents B. Foreward C. Prologue D. Introduction

1. The Tao of Self 2. The Tao of Malkut/Tiferet 3. Inwer Cosm 4. Grounding and Centering 5. Cleansing and Purifying 6. Representational Schema 7. Ritual 8. Full Stop 9. Beta States 10. Alpha States 11. Delta States 12. Somnambulistic Trance (Hypnogogia) 13 Lucid Visualization 14. Dreams 15. Tarota Labrys 16. Theta States 17. Shamanic Music 18. The Aspects of Self 19. The Psychonauts Key 20. The Tree of Life 21 Behavior and State 22. Creating State Specific Social Contracts 23. Contact Improv 24. Totemism 25. Satyrian Psychonautica 26. Dragon Psychonautica 27. Faery Psychonautica 28. Imp Psychonautica 29. The ALLY and the FORCE 30. Entheogenic Protocols 31. Meditative Breathe 32. Meditative Movement 33. Meditative Thought 34. The Force of Atttention 35. Tribalism 36. Brain region, Function, and State 37. Psychonautic Atlas A. Psychonaut Reports B. Shaman Reports C. Mage Reports D. Schematization of Experiences

Index Glossary

A. Table of Contents B. Foreward C. Prologue D.Introduction

1. The Chakras 2. The Nadis 3. The Flowpaths 4. The Aural Shells 5. The Attental Body 6. The Animative Body 7. The Circulative Body 8. Prana 9. Qi, Chi 10. Thought 11. Spirit 12. Geomancy 13. Biomagnetics 14. Nueromuscular electricity 15. Causal Forces 16. Ether 17. Consciousness 18. Will 19. Chotdals+ ThraoChotdals (Ether Tubes) 20. Karma 21. Quantum Mechanics 22 "Random Chance" 23. the Tree of Life 24. Levels of Reality 25. The TAO in and of ALL Things

26. Index of Subtle Anatomy Charts 27. Index of Hyperelative Morphogenics 28. Index 29. Glossary


A. Table of Contents B. Foreward C. Prologue D. Introduction

1. Elementary School Education 2. Middle School Education 3. High School Education 4. 4 Year College 5. 12 year College 6. Student/Teacher Contract 7. Student/Society Contract 8. Employment/ Industry 9. Recreations 10. Home and Family 11. Tribe and Culture 12. Retirement 13. Medical Issues 14. A Citizens Rights 15. A Citizens Responsibilities 16. Governments Rights 17. Governments Responsibilities 18. Criminal Justice 19. Disability+ Dependency 20. Social Equality 21. Poverty (ending) 22. Media 23. Info-Workers 24. Elderly Issues 25. Reasonable Effort 26. Sexual Equality Issues 27. Racial Equality Issues 28. Class, Caste, and Economic Equality Issues 29. Agriculture, Diet, Issues 30. Reasonable Effort

31. Index 32. Glossary

the wikipedia article, which i am one contributor of; Template:Dablink A Psychonaut (literally, a sailor of the psyche) is a person who uses trance technologies from any of the world's religions, modern psychology, and other assorted paradigms, to explore the psyche, their own consciousness, and potentially improve real performance of certain psychological tasks. The term is often associated with the use of hallucinogens or entheogens as guides, or means, to achieve inward spiritual experiences. This is quite distinct from religious use, or social and leisure use of drugs, although invariably these overlap.

According to Jonathan Ott, the word Psychonaut was originally coined by the German author Ernst Jünger.

Use of the term

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Psychonaut is a modern term, used to describe one who uses trance technologies, and sometimes, more specifically, mind-altering substances more with a view to their ability to act as entheogens, than for their inebriating (or social) effect. In effect, they are used as a means to achieve states of mind in which different perceptions unhindered by everyday mental filters and processes can arise. As such, psychonauts beleive that when used with this intent, their effects, can be life altering, and are not considered by their proponents to be mere hallucinations. An alternate description is that while some aspects of the experience may be hallucinatory, the realizations caused by those hallucinations, and the mental, emotional and long term impact of the experience, is real, usually positive, and enduring.

The term is often associated with neoshamanic practices; however, many distinguish between the mental exploration of the psychonaut and authentic, healing-oriented shamanic practice. Some prominent, self-proclaimed psychonauts such as Zoe7 are somewhat controversial figures within the psychedelic scene, often accused of cultural appropriation and a disregard for the methods and purposes of traditional shamanic uses of psychedelics and other trance technologies.

Associated concepts, technologies, and practices

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Brain function

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Psychonautics can be considered an attempt to generate a users manual for the human brain. Unlike its near cousin, psychology, which is concerned with understanding other people, psychonauts are more concerned with understanding themselves, and the process of self exploration; accordingly, they engage in direct exploration of themselves and their own thought processes.

As such, psychonauts seek to understand mental process and functioning and employ such knowledge in their activities. Key to this is auto-modification of brain wave frequenecies, which can lead to quite distinct perceptual states; a detailed examination and understanding of one's own thought processes, habits, and beliefs is also sought.

This is also ideally practically applied in bettering one's self through the knowledge of one's own thought processes; with this understanding and heightened perception of one's own internal dialogue, it is thought that one is more able to control their own ego, and detach themselves from what is seen as a herd mentality common to modern culture.

Mythical archetypes and concepts

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Psychonauts commonly place much emphasis on various mythical archetypes and concepts, believing that these are useful to coming to understand one's own thought patterns and the nature of existence. As in shamanic practice, the Axis mundi is often employed, often overlayed with chakras and other relevant concepts of bodily function. The nature of karma is often explored in trying to understand one's own situation, actions, and relation to the outside world.


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Psychonauts are often interested in metaphysics, the branch of philosophy dealing with the ultimate nature of reality or existance; it is thought that in coming to some understanding of how the universe functions and the nature of existance, one would be better able to govern themselves accordingly and integrate their life experiences.

Technologies and practices

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The technology and practice most often associated with psychonauts is the use of psychedelic drugs for mental exploration. The method of use varies widely; such usage is often (but not always) entheogenic and informed by traditional shamanic uses of psychedelic drugs and rituals surrounding such usage.

Some hallucinogens commonly used by psychonauts include:


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As dreams are considered by psychonauts to be a window into thought processes, many keep dream journals in order to better remember dreams and further their understanding of their own symbolic internal dialogue. Many attempt to not only remember their dreams, but engage in lucid dreaming, in which one learns to directly control their dreams and hopefully gain more control over their own thought process and hallucinogenic experiences.


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Ritual is often employed for purposes of grounding and centering one's self, to set one's focus and intentions, and to instill a conception of the significance and depth of psychonautical practice. Repeated use of ritual may also train the brain to associate certain activities and states of consciousness with specific situations, creating deeper experiences and allowing one to more easily enter altered states of consciousness.

Other technologies and practices employed include:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Sensory deprivation
  • Dark-room retreats
  • Brain wave entrainment (used to induce different brain wave frequencies and altered modes of perception)
  • Glossolalia (used in an attempt to get beyond verbal/analytic thought]]

Notable psychonauts

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See also

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and, the current discussion page at wikipedia for psychonaut;

Missing details

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There are a variety of details which i think would be fair to include here in some form or another. Heah did an Awesome job of cleaning up this wreck, and I am totally thankful. However, Some of the "stubs" that got deleted in that task are still very worthy, and I think, worth discussing, and probably, could stand a paragraph or so on them. I personally still think that the POV issues are complicated enough, (and that I am operating from enough of a bias) That its wiser to talk about it first and let the group edit later, than to jump in and go editing, creating possibly more stress for the group actually over the long run. Prometheuspan 04:07, 8 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

Use of the term

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Psychonaut is a modern term, used to describe one who uses Trance Technologies, and sometimes, more specifically, mind-altering substances more with a view to their ability to act as entheogens, than for their inebriating (or social) effect. In effect, they are used as a means to achieve states of mind in which different perceptions unhindered by everyday mental filters and processes, can arise.

As such, their effects, used with this intent, can be life altering, and are not considered by their proponents to be mere hallucinations. An alternate description is that while some aspects of the experience may be hallucinatory, the realizations caused by those hallucinations, and the mental, emotional and long term impact of the experience, is real, usually positive, and enduring.

Shamanic Perspective of Hallucination

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The Shamanic Perspective of Hallucination is that there is no such thing as something which is "not real." Shamans choose to see Visions, Hallucinations, and so forth as real communication from other parts of the psyche, which are normally veiled from the conscious mind by brain hemisphere filters. (Without these filters, the internal dialogue process would overwhelm the conscious mind, as is possibly the case with Autism )

Shamans generate assorted cosmologies which include the Psychic realms, and thus from their perspective, a Hallucination is a real event that happens on a different level of reality.


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The most important Paradigm to the Serious PsychoNaut is Brain Anatomy. PsychoNautics is the attempt to generate a Users manual for the human Brain. Unlike its near cousin, psychology which is concerned with understanding other people, PsychoNauts are more concerned with understanding themselves, and the process of self exploration.

Hemispheres of Brain

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There are Several different areas of the Brain, Which are Known by Science to carry out specific functions. Science knows about this mostly due to ElectroencephalographyAnd experiments where Brain waves are monitored while a subject is given different kinds of problems to solve or subjected to different kinds of stimulus. ( or, under the effect of a psychoactive substance.)

The Main Areas of the Brain are;


Process Typing Functions

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The Brain deals with different kinds of tasks by devoting small sections of itself to deal with those types of tasks.

There are thus different types of internal dialogue operating in different places in he mind. Verbal Linguistic Information is confined mostly to the Neo-Cortex and a smaller region called Wernickes area. Mathematical and Logical Types of operations seem to be carried out predominantly in the left or right hemisphere, depending on whether the person is left or right "handed". Movement is mostly handled by the Reptilian Brain and the Brain Stem. (etc)


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By using an Electroencephalograph, Scientists can measure the Electrical outputs of the Brain. There are four main different kinds of waves that they have found, and each corresponds roughly to a different state of consciousness.

Is A Qaballah or Esoteric Judaism Reality model which describes essentially a bell curve, and potentials for phase alignment. The Tree can be used as a map to place over the entire body, as a map to place over the Torso, or as a map of states of consciousness assuming state definitions for the Neo-Cortex.

PsychoNauts attempt to understand Hallucinations as communication from the psyche. To do this requires an elevated understanding of subliminal symbolism, particularly the Imagerial/Dreamspeak code of the Mammalian Brain and Occipital Lobes.

A very important tool for the Psychonaut, A dream Journal acts as the starting point for the PsychoNaut to create a personal encyclopedia of their own symbolic internal dialogue.

Some might say that Entheogens are EASY, If you want something HARD Try Lucid Dreaming. The Results are the same, but one has a very different cost.

To a Psychonaut, Lucid Dreaming is a prequel to Psycho actives, setting a stage for them to learn self/ trip control. A person who is control of their dreams can similarly learn to control their Hallucinations.

Another very important tool of the PsychoNaut, Again, Entheogens are EASY, if you want something HARD with the same results, Try staying awake for 1 week. Sleep Deprivation teaches a Psychonaut control over their own State of consciousness. When we sleep, we go through the four brainwave patterns. Delta condition is deep rest, and Theta Condition is Physiological upkeep, and healing. Most people never experience a waking condition other than a Beta state. This is unfortunate, because Alpha, Delta, And Theta States are difficult to be in while still awake, but if you can manage it, you can use the mind in remarkable ways most people can't.

A very important Tool, especially for use with low Power Entheogens. For some people, Total Darkness in a cave is more than enough to Alter their state of consciousness. Alpha condition is to some degree a physiological response to darkness.

Trance Technologies

Come from any Religion, Any Culture, Many different Sciences, and Multiple perspectives. However, in the modern era, most people can't escape the waking Beta condition except by sleep. This tells us that Trance Technologies have not been transmitted to the general population. Herd Mentality Groupthink Propaganda Politics Religion

Three areas of the brain have an interesting relationship with each other. The Reptilian Brain stores instinct, which is very similar to Maslows' Hierarchy of Needs The instinct drives us to act, which creates Memories in different regions of the Brain, but mostly in the Mammalian Brain. Symbols then form a Top Bar over that up/down line, forming a figure T. The Neo-Cortex processes most verbal Linguistic information, but the occipital Lobes process images. These aspects of self end up relating within the Psyche, and PsychoNautics primary concern is to increase the efficiency of that internal dialogue.

Motion is primarily handled by the Brain Stem and the Reptilian Brain, Communication is handled by the Neo-Cortex and the Mammalian Brain, thinking ahead is handled in several places, but mostly in the neo-cortical region and in the Temporal Lobes this again creates a set of relationships between areas of the brain.

From the PsychoNauts perspective, the greatest sin of Egotism is that over identification with the Ego mind eclipses other regions of the brain.

is the field function of Egotism; The Egoic principle projected into ones group, culture, or society. Ethnocentrism is the logical fallacy, and rationale, behind Fascism and Totalitarianism PsychoNauts are particularly interested in this because the Schema we have from any one paradigm are too weak standing alone to make PsychoNautics possible. It is only by combining many different points of view, and integrating many different perspectives that one can become a successful PsychoNaut.

Is important to PsychoNautics because Groupthink has a knee-jerk reaction against Eclectic thinking, And PsychoNauts are thus forced in many situations to defend themselves from attack.

Is important not only for defending what we do as PsychoNauts, but for creating a lucid handling of ones own personal paradigms. Think of it this way; You get what you put into the software you probably didn't realize you wrote for your brain.

PsychoNautics is very concerned with a variety of Ethical issues, because the way that the Psyche ends up working, It is difficult or impossible to obtain waking Trance States until the issues of the Shadow are resolved. In this sense, PsychoNauts build the ultimate Ethical system for themselves, and it might even be said that the defining characteristic of a Psychonaut is instead that they are solving the Shadow of the Collective unconscious internally.

AT high levels of Alpha State Performance, The mind is capable of generating better movies than Hollywood ever will, (At a fraction of the cost.) Simulation modeling and assorted Engineering feats become possible as a person learns to use the "Dreaming" Facility while awake, and with the Neo-Cortex in control, instead of the Reptilian Brain or Limbic System.

Hypnosis Self Hypnosis Delta Inductive Meta-process

  • 1. Stilling the Internal Dialogue
  • 2. Grounding and Centering
  • 3. Resolving the Mammalian Shadow
  • 4. Resolving the Reptilian Shadow
  • 1. Theta States are sustained by Musical Internal Dialogue
  • 2. Theta States are normally encountered in sleep at them moment

of transmission of dream content from the Alpha mind to the Neo-Cortex.

  • 3. Theta level mind is the "Shamanic" Or "Psychonautic" Goal,

Because in essence, the Science that supports Shamanism understands that there is no "Magic", There are simply other resources of the Human animal that are not normally accessed by the Neo-Cortex.

  • 4. Including (most usefully) perception of magnetic fields within a Five foot radius.
  • Any one of the Four Main States of Consciousness can be experienced

as a Sleeping or waking State. Normally we don't experience anything other than Waking Beta States and Sleeping other States, but this is Due to three primary factors.

  • 1. Hemispheric filtering to prevent cognitive meltdown
  • 2. Social Conditioning
  • 3. Fallacious Belief Systems

What would make a person decide to explore their own mind?

What is the interest? What would drive a person to go to such lengths?

PsychoNautics is concerned with Shadow Psychology because it is difficult if not impossible to obtain waking Trance States if the standard conflicts between areas of the mind have not been resolved.


Sometimes called a Scrying Mirror. Written and read reports of assorted Shamanic experiences were slightly misinterpreted. In order to induce an Alpha State as an accomplished Psychonaut, one looks backward with the force of attention at the Filter Cloaking mechanism itself.

From the Shamanic Perspective, One of several forces of Nature, which tends to work to apparently organize what would otherwise have been Chaos.

Neuro Muscular Electricity

  • 1. The Body generates its own Electricity for a variety of reasons

and purposes and via an assortment of chemical processes.

  • 2. Electricity is used as one part of the Electrochemical Communication system of nerves and Neurons.
  • 3. The Body also uses electricity as the driving force behind muscular flexing Muscles

A form of imaging, not technically a real photograph, in which a target is placed on a magnetically active plate, and Magnetic field activity is transformed into an image. This is important to PsychoNauts because it proves the PsychoNauts Hypothesis that there is a "Subtle Energy".

The Field of Science which studies the magnetic Fields that are created by Organic Creatures.

The minds force of attention is split into two primary directions by the Brain;

  • 1. Outward, into the physical senses of sight, sound, taste, and touch,
  • 2. Inward, into the sense perceptions of the much more complicated

Neural net, as it senses and operates by sensing itself.

A form of Theta Trance Induction, used by Y'shua Ben Yeoseph (AKA Jesus Christ) Involving the use of musical tones and rapidly evolving harmonics and melodies, and in most cases, nonsensical phonetics, to overpower the verbal linguistic mind, and communicate with and thus awaken the Musical Lobe and thus Theta Access.

Ayurveda Chinese Medicine Chakras Meridians Strange Flows Aura

From the perspective of the PsychoNaut, Civilization is trapped in the Tarot Card of the Tower and lost inside of holding on to its paradigms as if they were substantial.

Psyche Labyrinth

PsychoNauts are interested in Meta-Physics because it is another Paradigm that adds Schema relative to Obtaining Altered States of Consciousness.

PsychoNauts are interested in Quantum Mechanics because it is another Paradigm that adds Schema relative to Obtaining Altered States of Consciousness.

  • 1. Grounding and Centering
  • 2. Cleansing and Purifying
  • 3. Setting Focus, Will, and Intention
  • 4. Exclusion of Negative thought forms
  • 5. The creation or Representational MicroCosm/MacroCosm Reflectivity
  • 6. The Creation of External Stage for Psychic Actions
  • 7. Syntax and codification for Induction Meta-process
  • 8. Communicating appropriate behavior to others.

(Generating social feedback loops)

In wolves, there are three main observed pack roles. They are;

  • 1. Alpha; The Leader, The Attacker, The direct pursuer.
  • 2. The Follower, The Henchmen, the Side pursuer,
  • 3. The outcast, the Hidden Wolf, Cuts off Escape Route

This behavior manifests in Humans in a more evolved way, and is the primary issue of the Reptilian Shadow.

Pack (canine)

Herd behavior

The practice of keeping people from having PsychoNautics knowledge so that they can be easily manipulated, Controlled, and Persuaded or Coerced.

In humans, The closest Equivalent to the Omega in a Pack structure. Geek Also, the only sane role to play, if you are going to get anything done intellectually.

==Psychonaut? Enter the Matrix Enter the Matrix

PsychoNautics is a very Point of View charged field because it combines all of the most sensitive aspects of both Religion and Politics, and (in some people’s opinions) has better answers to life’s assorted questions than either or both. PsychoNautics is considered by some to be a Cult in competition with Religion. While this is true in some senses, the reverse is true in that any member of any Paradigm group can be A PsychoNaut; the term is actually inherently non-denominational. PsychoNautics is also considered by some to be Left Leftist Liberal And while this may be true of Some PsychoNauts, it is not True Of PsychoNauts or PsychoNautics, Because PsychoNautics is actually outside of the Left-Right False Dilemma / False Duality.

PsychoNautics actually delivers what most Paradigms only promise; Real self help, evolutionary process, and personal Therapy. For this reason, PsychoNautics is a field which many in the establishment would like to Silence.

Sociology is the study of Human Behavior on the larger Social Scale. PsychoNauts are interested in Sociology mostly because in order to make sense of the Psyche, one has to first make sense of ones biases, and assorted social and cultural influences.

==Ecological Ergonomics Entheogenic Chemistry

The Shamanic View of Reality

The Rituals and practices used by real World Shamans, or, those Rituals and Practices designed as Near Equivalents.

Opponents of the use of these substances tend to ignore their religious and spiritual use, and consider such claims as unsubstantiated fabrication, or mere justification of an inebriated and potentially dangerous state, and/or substance abuse.


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The frequency of use and type of use is highly individual. Some PsychoNauts are also neoshamans. Eventually, the individual often gains a sense or feeling of control over the entheogen they are taking.

Because their motive is primarily for personal growth by means of wider scope of mental perception, rather than social and leisure use, psychonauts usually resist over-use and respect the substances they take. Many psychoactive substances used as entheogens are not physically addictive (but may be psychologically addictive if over-used), and unlike crack or other drugs, there is not normally any spiral of dependency and/or harm involved. Personal reports on websites suggest psychonauts might typically use such substances between once every few weeks, to once or twice a year.

Prometheuspan 22:45, 8 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

Naming conventions

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I notice that this WikiBook has been cited as being possibly in violation of the Wikibooks Naming policy. The standard conventional Term which covers this general batch of topics, and with the same basic stated intention, is PsychoNautics. My advice is that the book be renamed as such. Prometheuspan 23:04, 8 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hiatus Maximus

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this baby hasn't been touched in 12 (holy cow) years! Is anyone still working on it or paying attention to it?

2601:680:CB80:5E00:99A6:BCDC:CF5A:FBC5 (discuss) 15:50, 13 May 2020 (UTC)Reply