Talk:Research on Tibetan Languages: A Bibliography

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Citation style

[edit source]

I am trying to use citation templates to make this page more robust and consistent, but am having trouble with certain data not displaying despite being in the citation template. Tibetologist (talk) 12:09, 23 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

Sorry, I just went in and added the Tibetan Dialects Project at Berne because it will be really important if it ever gets published. It's already important for lucky people who have the "preprints." And you (or some editor of this page) already praised my not-yet-published work so I thought I could praise someone else's. BeckyLadakh (discusscontribs) 20:04, 18 September 2011 (UTC)Reply

More titles and additions

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The Tibetan alphabet and paleography: you may add Zeisler 2011a, which also discusses several paleographic features of the Old Tibetan Chronicle and other Old Tibetan texts

Classical Tibetan Grammars "BACOT, de KOROS, SCHMIDT, ROERICH (?):" here they are (why not google the bibliographies?):

Bacot, Jacques, 1946. Grammaire du tibétain littéraire. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient. ––––. 1948 Grammaire du tibétain littéraire. Index morphologique. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient.

Kőrösi Csoma, Sándor Collected works of Alexander Csoma de Kőrös / Sándor Kőrösi Csoma Vol 1 Tibetan-English dictionary / by Alexander Csoma de Kőrös Budapest : Akad. Kiadó, 1984 Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1834 Csoma Kőrös: Essay towards a dictionary, Tibetan and English Vol 2 Grammar of the Tibetan language / by Alexander Csoma de Kőrös. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1834 Budapest : Akad. Kiadó Vol 3 Sanskrit - Tibetan - English vocabulary / by Alexander Csoma de Kőrös. – Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1910 Budapest : Akad. Kiadó Vol 4 Tibetan studies / by Alexander Csoma. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1912 Budapest : Akad. Kiadó

Schmidt, Isaak Jacob. Grammatik der tibetischen Sprache / I. J. Schmidt. Hrsg. von d. Kaiserl. Akad. d. Wiss. St. Petersburg: Gräff, Leipzig: Voss, 1839 Reprint 1968: Zentral-Antiquariat d. Deutschen Demokratischen Republik

also: Tibetisch - deutsches Wörterbuch Osnabrück : Biblio Verl. 1969. reprint from the edition 1841

Roerich didn’t do anything about Old or Classical Tibetan One should mention instead: Schubert, Johannes. 1928/29. Tibetische Nationalgrammatik. Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin. Erste Abteilung. Ostasiatische Studien. I. Teil: 31 (1928): 1–59, II. Teil: 32 (1929): 1–54. ––––. 1963. Tibetische Sprachprobleme im Lichte der einheimischen Grammatik. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung, Leipzig 8: 426–434.

and Lalou, Marcelle. 1950. Manuel élémentaire du tibétain classique. (Méthode empirique). Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient, Adrien Maisonneuve.

as more recent publications, one can also add Denwood, Philip Tibetan / Philip Denwood Amsterdam [u.a.] : Benjamins, 1999

Schwieger, Peter Handbuch zur Grammatik der klassischen tibetischen Schriftsprache / Peter Schwieger Halle, Saale : IITBS, 2009 426 S. 2., korr. und erw. Aufl.

Classical Tibetan Phonology Hogan, Lee C. 1996. The moraic structure of Classical Tibetan. LTBA 19.1: 115–149.

Classical Tibetan Morphology Classical Tibetan Syntax Old Tibetan Syntax what about the study by Zeisler 2004?

Spoken Tibetan Languages Western Dialects Balti Balti Grammars

add Read, A.F.C. 1934. Balti grammar. (James G. Forlong Fund, 15.) London: The Royal Asiatic Society.

for Syntax one could add Zeisler 2004

Ladakhi Texts "A Tibetan script Ladakhi text is Francke (DATE 2000)." there are more than one! perhaps check the Francke bibliographies; the most important one, however is Francke, August Herrmann. 1905–41. Gšamyulna bšadpaḥi Kesargyi sgruṅs bžugs. A Lower Ladakhi version of the Kesar saga. (Bibliotheca Indica, work, 168.), Calcutta 1905–1909 (Fasc. 1–4), 1941 (Fasc. 5): Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. [Reprint 1981: The Epic of Gesar. Kunzang Tobgyel and Mani Dorje, Vol. 29. Thimphu, Bhutan: Druk Sherig Press].

If the diacritics don't show up: Gshamyulna bshadpa'i Kesargyi sgrungs bzhugs

Phonology you could add Zeisler 2009 on the retention of prefixes in compounds

Grammars "Grammars of Ladakhi include Francke ([1901] 1979), Koshal (1979, 1982), Norman (2001). Tournadre (1996) and Zeisler (2004) treat specific topics in Ladakhi grammar." More grammatical topics on Ladakhi are covered by Zeisler 2007 (case marking patterns) and 2011 (optional ergative marking)

Purik add Rangan, K. 1975. Balti [Purki] phonetic reader. (Central Institute of Indian Lan-guages phonetic reader series, 17.) Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages. ––––. 1979. Purki Grammar. (Central Institute of Indian Languages grammar series, 5.) Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages.

Lhasa Verbal System one could again mention Zeisler 2004

Amdo Tibetan (North East Group) Reb-goṅ add Roerich, Georges de. 1958. Le parler de l’Amdo. Étude d’un dialecte archaïque du Tibet. (Serie Orientale Roma, 18.) Rom: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.

Tibetan Computational and Corpus Linguistics you may also refer to the experimental annotation project in the former Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 11 (2002-2008) at the University Tübingen

and in the bibliography of Zeisler, Bettina you can add the following publications:

(2005a): "On the position of Ladakhi and Balti in the Tibetan language family." In: John Bray (ed.), Ladakhi histories: local and regional perspectives. Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, 9. Brill, Leiden etc.: 41-64.

(2005b): [Review essay] "A Tibetan Verb Lexicon: Verbs, Classes, and Syntactic Frames, Paul G. Hackett. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publication, 2003. xiv + 209 pages. On the utility of the Tibetan grammatical tradition." The Tibet Journal 30.2: 69-92.

(2006): "The Tibetan understanding of karman: Some problems of Tibetan case marking." In: Christopher I. Beckwith (ed.), Medieval Tibeto-Burman languages II, PIATS 2003: Tibetan studies: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003. Brills Tibetan Studies Library, 10. Brill, Leiden etc.: 57-101.

(2007a): [Review] "Dialekt und Erzählungen von Themchen. Sprachwissenschaftliche Beschreibung eines Nomadendialektes aus Nord-Amdo. By Felix Haller. (Beiträge zur tibetischen Erzählforschung, herausgegeben von Dieter Schuh 14). Bonn: VGH Wissenschaftsverlag 2004. ISBN 3-88280-065-8. 442 pages." Himalayan Linguistics Review 4. 2007. 1-10. Himalayan Linguistics Review 4. 2007. 1-10.

(2007b): "Case patterns and pattern variation in Ladakhi: a field report." In: Bielmeier, Roland and Felix Haller (eds.), Linguistics of the Himalayas and beyond. (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs, 196.) Mouton de Gruyter: 399-425.

(2007c): "On the position of Ladakhi and Balti in the Tibetan language family." In: John Bray and Nawang Tsering Shakspo (eds.) Recent research on Ladakh 2007. Leh: J & K Academy for Art, Culture & Science, International Association for Ladakh Studies: 27-33. [Abbreviated version of 2005a; containing an English summary of Róna-Tas (1985: 183-303) "On the development of the Tibetan script."]

(2008): "'Wenn du deine Mühle gemahlen hast, womit mahlst du dann dein Mehl?' – Idiomatische Wendungen im Ladakischen." In: Brigitte Huber, Marianne Volkart und Paul Widmer (Hrsg.) Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek. Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier zu seinem 65. Geburtstag, Band I: Chomolangma. Halle: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies: 359-388.

(2009b) Skaddi ḥgyurcanaŋ rdobaḥi mentogtsogsla luskanni sŋonḥjug baḥi rdzessiskorla – Language change and the fossilization of the Old Tibetan b- prefix in Ladakhi and Balti. In Monisha Ahmed and John Bray, eds., Recent Research on Ladakh 2009. Papers from the 12th colloquium of the International Association for Ladakh Studies, Kargil. Kargil & Leh: International Association of Ladakh Studies, 81-96. With an earlier online version:

(2009c) "Mainstream linguistics for minor(ity) languages? Or: What is it like to speak Ladakhi?" In: Anju Saxena & Åke Viberg (eds.) Multilingualism. Proceedings of the 23rd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics Uppsala University 1 – 3 October 2008. (Acta Universtatis Upsaliensis, Studia Linguistica Upsaliensia, 8.) Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet: 305-319.

(2010) [Review] "Huber, Brigitte. 2005. The Tibetan dialect of Lende (Kyirong)." Himalayan Linguistics Review 9.1. 2010. 124-132.

(2011a) "For love of the word: a new translation of Pt 1287, the Old Tibetan Chronicle, chapter I." In: Yoshiro Imaeda, Matthew T. Kapstein, and Tsuguhitu Takeuchi, eds., New studies of the Old Tibetan Documents: philology, history and religion. (Old Tibetan Documents Online Monograph Series, 3.) Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies: 97-213. –– discusses several paleographic features of the Old Tibetan Chronicle and other Old Tibetan texts

(2011b) "Kenhat, the dialects of Upper Ladakh and Zanskar." In: Mark Turin & Bettina Zeisler (eds.) Himalayan Languages and Linguistics. Studies in Phonology, Semantics, Morphology and Syntax. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, 5/12.) Leiden etc.: Brill: 235-301.

(2012) "Practical issues of pragmatic case marking variations in the Kenhat varieties of Ladakh." Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area: 35.1: 75-106.

and another few more

Simon, Camille. 2011. Derivation causative en tibetain (Lhasa). Mémoire en vue de l’obtention du master 2 de Sciences du Langage, Université de Provence, Aix en Provence.

Bartee, Ellen

Beckwith, Christopher I. The Dating and Interpretation of the Old Tibetan Inscriptions. Central Asiatic Journal, 54.2 (2010) pp. 290-317 (with Michael L. Walter).

Hackett, Paul G. 2003. A Tibetan verb lexicon. Verbs, classes, and syntactic frames. Ithaca, Boulder: Snow Lion. (for reviwes see Hill and Zeisler)

Haller, Felix. 2002. “Verbal categories of Shigatse Tibetan and Themchen Tibetan”. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 23.2: 175–191.

Hongladarom, Krisadawan. 2007. Grammatical particularities of two dialects of southern Kham Tibetan. In Roland Bielmeier, & Felix Haller (eds.), Linguis-tics of the Himalayas and beyond, 119-152. Berlin etc.: Mouton de Gruyter.

Kitamura, Hajime, Kalsang Namgyal, Kalsang Lhawang, and Michiyo Hoshi. 1977. Glo skad. A material of a dialect in the Nepal Himalayas. (Monumenta Serindica, 3.) Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa.

Laufer, Berthold 1916. Loan-words in Tibetan. T’ung Pao 17: 403-552. 1918. “Origin of Tibetan Writing”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 38:34-46

Poucha, Pavel. 1963. The Tibetan language. Central Asiatic Journal 8. 219-229. ––––. 1978. The Tibetan language as example of general validity of lin-guistic laws. In Eberhardt Richter and Manfred Taube (eds.), Asienwissenschaftliche Beiträge. Johannes Schubert in memoriam, 113-121. Berlin: Akademieverlag. [Almost identical reprint of the 1963 publication.]

Róna-Tas, András. 1966. Tibeto-Mongolica. The Tibetan loanwords of Monguor and the development of the archaic Tibetan dialects. The Hague etc.: Mouton. (one of the most important publications!)

Sedláček, Kamil there are many more articles!

Tournadre, Nicolas. 1991. The rhetorical use of the Tibetan ergative. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 14.1: 93–107. ––––. 1995. Tibetan ergativity and the trajectory model. Senri Et-nological Studies 41.261-275. ––––. 2010. The Classical Tibetan cases and their transcategoriality. From sacred grammar to modern linguistics. Himalayan Linguistics 9(2).87-125.

Uebach, Helga and Bettina Zeisler. 2008. "rJe-blas, pha-los and Other Compounds with Suffix -s in Old Tibetan Texts."In: Brigitte Huber, Marianne Volkart und Paul Widmer (Hrsg.) Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek. Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier zu seinem 65. Geburtstag, Band I: Chomolangma. Halle: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies: 309-334.

Wangher, Andreas and Bettina Zeisler should have been Wagner and you can add the URL:

AND: Hodge, Stephen (1990) An Introduction to Classical Tibetan. Art & Philips, Warminster. should actually NOT be listed: it is basically an unauthorised (and abbreviated) translation of Hahn with a few additions.

Dear, Your bibliographical pointers are most welcome. But please feel free to directly change the main body of the text yourself. The whole point of a wiki is that it is collaborative. The more readers such as yourself make improvements the more comprehensive the bibliography will become. But please do remember to add a short discussion in the text as well as the items in the bibliography at the bottom. ˜˜˜˜

Thanks to Becky, who said already most about my work. I would, however, like to add one more request for change. In your description of my 2004 book you say that it appears mainly based on secondary sources. First of all The whole third part on Ladakhi is entirely based on my field work and text analysis. In the second part, the chapter on Old and Classical Tibetan is almost exclusively based on my own analysis of the Tibetan documents, and in the sections of the Central and Eastern varieties, I did not base myself solely on secondary literature, but reanalysed the narrative texts presented by these researchers and thus came to somewhat differing solutions. I would thus very much appreciate, if you could change the wording accordingly. I don't think I should do this myself, as I understand the Wiki principles. Bettina Zeisler Tübingen