
Clint Brown, ex NZ TV presenter, investigation complete

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Friday, November 3, 2006

The investigation over whether the allegations that resulted in ex-sports presenter for 3 News, Clint Brown, being hospitalised has been completed but police are still tight-lipped over the result and if he will be charged.

Clint Brown was assaulted on September 13, 2006, and was put in hospital due to a concussion and a broken eye socket, for allegedly abusing a taxi driver while he was drunk in Taupo. Many witnesses say that Mr Brown was hit because he was swearing and verbally abusing the taxi driver from the Top Cab company. However other witnesses say that Brown was injured because he was hit by the partner of another woman he insulted, not because he was verbally abusing the taxi driver.

Inspector Kevin Taylor, Taupo area commander, said the police had completed their investigation yesterday and wouldn't comment on whether he would be charged. "No progress will be made until at least next week."

The police reviewed closed-circuit video, interviewed several witnesses to find out what happened in Taupo that night.

Mr Brown had been suspended from work after the allegations came to light. On October 13 Mr Brown resigned from TV3 due to stressful conditions.

The reason that Mr Brown had been in Taupo that night was because he was at a promotional dinner for the New Zealand A1 team. It has been said that he was drunk.

TV3's own investigation into the allegations did not clarify anything.




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This audio file was created from the text revision dated 2006-11-03 and may not reflect subsequent text edits to this report. (audio help)